Aston Martin (WKN A2QJD4)
Selbst BMW denkt über Supersportwagen nach.
Mal sehen was Valkyrie und Valhalla uns bringen werden.
Further, please watch this space for the launch of our second DBX derivative, the 707, on the 1st February 2022 ( The 707 will be the new benchmark for ultra-luxury performance SUVs.
Kommende Wochen wird es scheppern mit Neuigkeiten und ich hoffe alle dienen der Kurs in positiven Sinne
Ich warte jetzt erst einmal ab.
Mal sehen wie der neue DBX aussieht und was die kommenden Zahlen sagen.
Nachkaufen ist erst mal kein Thema.
Die Handelsmengen liegen Stand 11:40 kumuliert unter 5.000 Stk.
Die Aktionäre wollen offensichtlich ihre Aktien nicht verscherbeln.
Journalists are wankers.....
Hi Rob,
Sorry for my slow response – bit of a busy week.
I am sure that you understand that any company can’t formally comment on every article of rumour and speculation there is printed about it. We did give the below on the record comment to this journalist when approached: “Aston Martin Lagonda has no requirement or plans to raise additional funds.” We maintain regular dialogue with journalists and have an active engagement plan to ensure that they understand the strategic progress that we are making as a business.
In terms of MBAG technology, AML has flexibility on when to take the technology which in turn feeds into when Consideration Shares would be issued until early 2023. The price for Consideration Shares will then be calculated by reference to the average share price for the previous 30 trading days to issue.
I also have a few upcoming dates next month to flag to you:
1 Feb the launch of the next DBX derivative:
10 Feb the Aston Martin Cognizant F1 team 2022 car reveal
24 Feb FY Results
Kind regards
Cowley , Director of Investor Relations