Cyss und die Papalias und das Mafiagerücht

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79561 Postings, 9109 Tage KickyCyss und die Papalias und das Mafiagerücht

03.01.01 20:52
-Recherche von der Seite des Mr Majestyk,der die Papalias nicht kennt,aber etliches zusammengetragen hat.Nachdem ich von nsr oder cashmoney genuket werde ,sobld ich auf den alten Thread gehe,fange ich einen neuen an.Auf der von Mamoe entdeckten Seite findet sich ein SEC report,in dem wiederholt die Namen Antony Papalia,Robert Papalia (Zwillinge) und Kaiden auftauchen.Da die Geschichte hierzu,die ich bei yahoo fand ,so spannend ist,gebe ich Auszüge davon hier ins Bord,wobei ich betone,dass sie von der genannten Seite stammen,jedoch teilweise gut belegt sind durch andere SEC Berichte und Auszüge aus Seiten der Beteiligungen.                                                               Am interessantesten ist natürlich die Texada Island Goldmine ,die man auch auf Italienisch belegt findet,wenn man den Link bei Yahoo anklickt(Papalia Robert eingeben oben). Hier funktioniert der Link nicht.  Hier kann man die Papalias als erstes mal kennen lernen :                    
und hier der Goldschwindel:
Gold mine pyramid scheme

In 1998 and 1999 the Papalias were trying to lure Italians into sending them money for their claimed Texada Island gold mine. This promotion or investment scheme may have been running in other forms for many years. It is known that Anthony Papalia Sr. and Robert Papalia stood trial in Britain in the late 1970's for alleged fraud in connection with a claimed gold mine in Canada (they were acquitted).

Here are the Italian PYRAMID SCHEME WEB PAGES.

With some knowledge of Italian, it can be seen that the purpose of the web pages is to persuade Italians to invest in a claimed gold mine on Texada Island, B.C., Canada. Investors are to buy "units" priced at 7,000,000 lira or about US$3,500 each. Initial investors can earn a commission by bringing in later investors, making this a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes are illegal in Canada.

The Papalia web pages were accessible in 1999 from the Italy MLM public information site After it was revealed to the Papalias that their scheme had been uncovered, they tried to hide their work by making the web pages accessible only with a password system. If someone hides their activities when detected, they show they know their activities are illegal or wrongful.

There are 17 web pages, named sld001.htm to sld017.htm, plus rassegna.htm and testipacrim.htm. Some of the links no longer work.

Use the VCR arrow buttons like  to navigate the pyramid scheme web pages.

On testipacrim.htm, the Papalia name can be seen: "i fratelli Papalia"

sld005.htm identifies 3 Papalia companies as controlling the pyramid scheme: Metals Research Corporation, Pacrim Informations Systems Inc., and 555 Corporate Ventures Inc. The page also shows the 1390 Ottawa Avenue address. A TD bank account number is listed to show "investors" where to send their money.

sld017.htm shows that D.M. Investment Group is involved in this pyramid scheme. D.M. has the same address (1960 Broadway, Port Coquitlam) as A&A (otc ANAFF) which was run by Giovanni Camporese. SEC documents list a Dario Marrucchi as a director of Metals Research Group Corp.

sld009.htm says up to 1000 investor "partners" may buy in.

Note the extensive use of Canadian flags, for example on sld002.htm. Apparently the Papalias are trying to take advantage of Canada's good reputation abroad, to suck in more victims.

sld013.htm, sld014.htm, sld015.htm, and sld016.htm are diagrams that clearly illustrate the "pyramid" structure of this scheme.

It is not known if the pyramid scheme is still in active operation, or how much money was actually collected.

Natürlich haben sie auch eine Firma mit Nanotechnologie und russischen Forschungverbindungen:
Nanoworld NAPH OTCBB  Director Robert Papalia

Und hier zu Mr.Kaiden,der in dem SEC Report zu CYSS auch auftaucht:
Kaiden, SA is a European company, probably Swiss, that was listed as a major owner of PacRim stock. Is there a relationship between "Kaiden, SA" and Martin Kaiden of New York state? Martin Kaiden was fined by the SEC in 1999 for attempting a securities fraud, and is subject to a trading ban.

There are several reasons to suspect a relationship between the Papalias, Martin Kaiden and Kaiden, SA:

The name Kaiden is not common.
Recent postings on the Raging Bull NAPH thread indicate Kaiden, SA is a Papalia holding company somewhere in Europe.
Both the Papalias and Martin Kaiden have a record of securities run-ins.
Martin Kaiden may have had some connections with Switzerland, according to the SEC documents, and Kaiden, SA is probably a Swiss corporation
Martin Kaiden conducted business in New York state as "The Kaiden Company" and if he had a Swiss company it is natural that he would name it "Kaiden, SA".
To obtain money from investors, both the Papalias in their gold mine pyramid scheme, and Martin Kaiden in his attempted fraud, suggested investors use an unusual transfer document called a "Swift".
If it can be shown that the Papalias and their stocks are connected with Martin Kaiden, who has been found to have attempted a securities fraud and is subject to certain trading and association bans, it might be possible to shut down all the Papalia stocks.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Litigation Release No. 15234 / January 30, 1997

The Complaint alleges that Kaiden and the Company falsely represented to John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company ("John Hancock") that Kaiden, through the Company, could arrange for the purchase and sale of so-called "prime bank" securities. Kaiden and the Company falsely claimed that these securities could be purchased at a discount and then be sold in a secondary market, and the defendants guaranteed John Hancock an extraordinary return with virtually no risk. In fact, according to the Complaint, the defendants could not supply the instruments offered because such securities do not exist. As such, there is no secondary market for, or guaranteed return on, the instruments described by Kaiden and the Company.

Da ich das Ganze mit den Links reinkopiert habe,werden sie vermutlich nur funktionieren wenn man sie oben reinkopiert oder man geht zu Yahoo.
Viel Spass,ich hau besser wieder ab,bevor er wieder hier rumhackt.  

1285 Postings, 9113 Tage Guru BrauniHast wieder toll recherchiert Kicky! o.T.

03.01.01 20:58

79561 Postings, 9109 Tage Kickydie Papalias brauchen dringend Geld

03.01.01 21:40
Posted by Beowulfinvest $$$$ on Tuesday, 21 Nov 2000
Curretnly, selling exceeds buying in all the active Papalia stocks. TMMI trades over 200,000 shares per day. It's dropped to twelve cents, with one trade today at five cents. NAPH traded 62,600 shares yesterday and didn't move on the volume. The Twins need money. They can't find buying. They are dumping stock into whatever hype can be launched. In the case of TMMI, it's the Demo, which never appears at the website. In the case of NAPH, it's this afternoon's "Dog & Pony Show" in Toronto. The NAPH hype is "The Buying is Coming"
So you have to ask what has been the recent hype for CYSS. It's the shareholder letter and news releases. They don't say anything new. However, as one poster here states they offer a ray of hope. My guess is the "ray of hope" is being used to get CYSS shareholders to average down. The sellers are the insiders. This format has worked well at TMMI for several months.
There are two many CYSS issues to allow the company to register with the SEC. They could file an SB2 or whatever. I doubt the SEC would ever send an "Effective Letter."
You are watching the last gasps of several Papalia stocks. And as consistent with the CYSS et al history those "last gasps" are grasps for your money.

und aus einem anderen Thread:
Rumor also has it you sold a boatload of cheap stock to some guys in Europe.
Das erklärt die Aktivitäten in Europa,laut NAPH-Bord werden dringend 2,5 Millionen benötigt,um NAPH im nächsten Quartal über Wasser zu halten.Nachdem die Beteiligungen der Papalias sämtlich zu Pennywerten geworden sind,bestehen da offenbar Schwierigkeiten.Auch das Listing von CYSS am OTCBB würde mindestens eine Million kosten.(s.Berechnung im Ragingbullbord)


207 Postings, 8681 Tage Cash-moneyPapalia resingned

03.01.01 23:19
Also ich weiss nicht warum ihr beiden jetzt diese uralten news hier pasted...aber wie am 15 november 2000 mitgeteilt Papalia aus dem Vorstand von crys-tel ausgestossen worden...warum und weshalb kann ich natürlich nicht sagen...jedoch haben die papalias auch nicht mehr den Grossteil der Stimmberechtigten Aktien in ihrer Hand. Darum sehe ich es als nichtig an diese veralteten news als relevant fuer die firma zu betrachten.  

79561 Postings, 9109 Tage KickyNeuigkeiten aus Albanien zu CYSS

03.01.01 23:28

79561 Postings, 9109 Tage KickyAlbanien und das Telekomgeschäft

03.01.01 23:57
Albania for $ale: With a Little Help from Her 'Friends'

(Giving someone the benefit of the doubt simply means to let Albania be New
World's guinea pig)

by Gary Q. Kokalari

Last February, virtually lost in the media attention over the Kosova crisis,
a ceremony was held at the U.S. Department of Commerce in Washington, DC.
Commerce Secretary William Daley looked on while then Albanian Prime Minister
Pandeli Majko and Dr. Chirinjeev Kathuria, the president of a Chicago-based
company known as New World Telecom, signed an agreement to establish a joint
venture between New World and Albtelecom, Albania's state-owned
telecommunications firm. The objective of this deal was to establish an
exclusive joint venture for the development of a $300 million wireless
telecommunication system in the Republic of Albania.
The press releases were quite impressive -  "U.S. telecom company to invest
$300 million dollars in Albania."  My first reaction was, "who is New World
Telecom?"  But at that time, like most Albanians, I was preoccupied with the  
Kosova conflict, so New World faded from my radar screen.  
Fortunately, the Serb genocide machine was driven from Kosova, and at least
here in the United States life returned to some semblance of normality. In
August, after again reading on the news wires about New World Telecom in
Albania, I decided to revisit this situation to find out who New World
Telecom is and what this company is up to in Albania.
So, I started to conduct research through normal channels - Wall Street
research resources, news archives, Dun & Bradstreet, etc. What I found is
that virtually no information about New World exists in the public domain.
This seemed somewhat peculiar since this was a company that claims to have
developed telecommunication systems around the world and has represented that
it plans to invest $300 million in the development of a telecommunication
system in Albania.
After I had commenced my investigation, I discovered that several other
Albanians were also questioning New World's activities in Albania. One was
Ismet Hamiti, an Albanian from Kosova who has thirty years of experience as a
telecommunications professional. Mr. Hamiti is based in Thailand where he is
the regional representative for the International Telecom Union. For twelve
years he was head of the development and design department of Kosova PTT, and
he is presently advising Kosova PTT in its efforts to rebuild the telephone
system in Kosova. The other individual is Agron Alibali, an attorney from
Albania who is now based in Boston. Together, we assembled what to us seemed
a very disturbing picture about New World Telecom.
Because this deal  was being driven by the Commerce Department, which was the
most aggressive promoter of New World Telecom, I contacted Commerce
Department officials to discuss this matter. With the lobbying assistance of
the State Department and the American Embassy in Tirana, I learned that the
Commerce Department exerted enormous pressure on the Albanian government to
select New World Telecom  as a partner for Albtelecom. With this support, New
World pre-empted several major, highly qualified, well known international
telecom companies that were keenly interested in developing business in
Upon discussing this matter with officials at the Commerce and State
Departments, it appeared to me that the U.S. government had not completed an
adequate level of due diligence to determine the capabilities of New World
Telecom. Nor could the Commerce Department provide me with any information to
substantiate New World's ability to complete a project of the magnitude of
the one proposed for Albania.
The Commerce Department suggested that I speak with Dr. Kathuria to learn
more about New World Telecom. I called Dr. Kathuria several times at what I
was led to believe was  New World's headquarters using the telephone number
listed on their web site. Each time I called either Dr. Kathuria answered the
telephone or I reached a voice mail. Perhaps it means nothing, but I found it
odd that the president of what is purported to be a international
telecommunications company would be answering the phone on the company's main
Despite repeated requests, Dr. Kathuria has not provided me with any
information to convince me that New World has the technical or financial
ability to complete the proposed project. In quite grandiose terms he has
described projects New World telecom is "working on", and projects that his
"partners" have completed, but he has not been able to point to a single
project anywhere that was successfully completed by New World that is
comparable to the $300 million project he has proposed for Albania.  
In addition to contacting Dr. Kathuria, I wrote to President Rexhep Meidani,
Secretary Daley and the State Department asking all of them to substantiate
New World's track record. As of the time of this writing, they have not
provided the information that would indicate that New World has either the
technical capability or the financial resources to develop a $300 million
telecom system. It appears that through associating New World with major
companies, ones with which relationships may or may not exist, Dr. Kathuria
has developed a level of credibility that has enabled  him to have the U.S.
and Albanian governments do his bidding.
I have requested investigations of this matter by Senator McCain's and
Senator Helm's offices as they have oversight responsibility for the Commerce
and State Departments, respectively. As a result, Senator Helm's office
forwarded information to me about New World Telecom. These documents, which
consisted primarily of self-serving press releases, had been submitted to the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee by the Commerce Department because of my
inquiry.   After reviewing this material I wrote to Secretary Daley as

"In my opinion, there was one thing missing from this promotional material ñ
evidence that New World Telecom has ever successfully completed the turn-key
development of a telecommunication project anywhere in the world.  If my
interpretation is correct, then it appears that the Commerce Department,
knowingly or unknowingly, influenced the government of Albania to entrust the
development of its telecommunication system to, in the best case, a fledgling
Mr. Secretary, I ask you, if you should decide to build a new home, will you
hire a contractor who has never built a single house?  Should the government
of Albania be expected to entrust the development of a $300 million
telecommunication system, a crucial link to the forward progress of the
country's economy, to a company that has never done this before?"

Not surprisingly, Secretary Daley has not responded. This is the same William
Daley who is a member of the Daley family political machine of Chicago which,
by coincidence, is also the home of New World Telecom.
Yet, the Commerce Department and State Department are now placing enormous
pressure on the Albanian government to grant New World Telecom a license to
develop one of Albania's most strategic economic sectors. Quite frankly,
something smells rotten in Tirana - and Washington.
In September,  Dr. Kathuria, U.S. Ambassador Limprecht and a Motorola
"representative", presided over a press conference in Tirana for the signing
of a "letter of intent" for Motorola to supply $50 million in telecom
equipment for the Albanian government.  One should not become overly
impressed with this event because letters of intent are typically not worth
the paper on which they are written, and it was obvious that the ceremony was
staged for its public relations value rather than to commemorate a legally
binding commitment on the part of Motorola.
So I continued to press the Albanian and American government officials to
provide me with rationale for promoting New World in Albania.  To no avail, I
requested a meeting with representatives of the Commerce and State
Departments and New World Telecom to discuss this matter. I also requested
meetings with President Meidani and Prime Minister Majko during their recent
visits to the United States to discuss New World Telecom, but they were too
busy.  ...But I can appreciate their reticence to see me  - it's quite
obvious they didn't want to hear what I had to say.  
After repeatedly badgering the State Department to justify their support of
New World Telecom, in October I received this e-mail message from a State
Department official:

"The interest we have (in the promotion of New World Telecom) is helping
Albania to get a reliable supplier of telecommunications services that will
provide the largest proportion of the population service in the shortest
period of time. So here comes a company (New World Telecom) with a admittedly
weak pedigree that appears willing and able to put such a system in place.
They are backed, enthusiastically, by some impressive names in
telecommunications, which is also an endorsement. On the question of ability,
I think they ought to be given the benefit of the doubt and permitted to show
what they can do."

These comments are disturbing and highly contradictory.  On the one hand, the
U.S. is desirous of "helping Albania to get a reliable supplier of
telecommunications services." On the other hand, a reference is made to New
World as having "an admittedly weak pedigree."  By so doing, the State
Department official admits to supporting a company that does not appear to
have any track record in the development of a comparable facility.
The U.S. government official further stated that New World is "backed
enthusiastically by some impressive names in telecommunications." One of the
impressive names he refers to is Motorola, a well known and respected
company.  A recent article about New World in the Albanian newspaper 'Zeri i
Popullit' also referred to New World as having the "backing" of Motorola.
I thought this was all very interesting. So I contacted an in-house attorney
at Motorola to discuss this matter. The Motorola attorney informed me that "a
letter of intent with Motorola doesn't mean anything," and that "Motorola
does not commit to supply equipment or financing based solely on a letter of
intent."  He also informed me that he is unaware of any legal agreement
between Motorola and New World. With regard to any Motorola "backing" that
New World may claim to have, the attorney offered to have any related
document reviewed by their legal staff.
The U.S. and Albanian governments have been notified of my findings.
The U.S. government official also stated in his message, "on the question of
their ability, I think they (New World) should be given the benefit of the
doubt and permitted to show what they can do." In effect, what this
individual is saying is let Albania be New World's guinea pig. This is
particularly disturbing when one considers that major telecom companies, such
as Deutsche Telekom and Telecom Italia, expressed serious interest in this
project. As an American, as much as I would prefer for the project to be
awarded to a qualified American company, my primary interest is to see a
competent, reputable company develop Albania's telecom system
To be sure, either the Commerce or State Department could have solicited a
qualified U.S. telecom company to directly participate in the Albanian
market. Secretary Daley could have easily contacted the chairmen of any
number of American telecom companies, and I am highly confident one of them
would have cooperated with him on the project in Albania.
The action of the Commerce and State Departments in electing to instead force
New World Telecom, a company with a "weak pedigree", down the throats of the
Albanians is grossly irresponsible.  What would be even more egregious is if
Secretary Daley was in any way trying to tie Albania's WTO status to
acceptance of the New World Telecom deal. In my opinion, this would be
political extortion.
So given that New World Telecom has not been able to  provide concrete
evidence that it has completed a comparable telecom project anywhere in the
world, and given that the firm has not been able to prove that  it has the
financial ability to finance this project on its own, the glaring question
remains: Why did the Commerce and State Departments use their high offices to
promote New World Telecom in Albania?
I recently wrote to World Bank president James Wolfensohn about New World
Telecom, and received a letter in response. There appears to be a sharp
difference of opinion between the World Bank's position on the privatization
of Albania's telecom sector and that of the U.S. government. The letter

"The World Bank has followed the Albanian government's plans for privatizing
state owned enterprises in telecommunications with interest.  We have
conveyed our views to the government on various occasions over the last
couple of years that both privatization and the issuing of licenses should be
done on a competitive basis. Our experience from other transition economies
shows clearly that only transparent and competitive procedures guarantee
efficiency in the process and participation by reputable strategic investors
with adequate experience. Such outcomes invariably encourage private sector
activity and economic growth in the country concerned.
Recently, we had discussions with the Albanian delegation to the World Bank's
annual meetings and have reiterated the above views at the highest level,
including Prime Minister Pandeli Majko."

The statements from the World Bank raise several questions to which the State
and Commerce Departments should respond. Was the selection of New World a
transparent and competitive procedure?  Should we view a company with no
track record in developing a comparable telecom facility as a reputable
strategic investor with adequate experience? I believe the answer to these
questions is "no."  But one thing is clear, the World Bank has far more
experience in the development of telecom systems in "transition economies"
than the State and Commerce Departments combined.
In my opinion, the process by which New World Telecom has gained a foothold
in Albania appears to be little more than a highly sophisticated, intricately
spun web of deception with the Commerce and State Departments serving as
either accomplices or dupes.
During my investigation of the New World Telecom deal, I discovered that two
other companies are engaged in business development in Albania. Crys-Tel
Telecommunications Inc. claims to have acquired media assets in Albania and
also claims to be developing telecommunications related businesses there as
well. The Albanian government has also announced that it has granted
concessions to Metals Research Group to develop Albania's copper resources.  
Supposedly, Metals Research will invest $75 million to develop these
As it turns out, Crys-Tel and Metals Research Group have several things in
First, they are both traded on the Pinks Sheets. For those who are unfamiliar
with the stock market, many companies that trade on the Pink Sheets have
either been de-listed from major stock exchanges or are too thinly
capitalized to trade on a major exchange. Although there are legitimate
companies that trade in this manner, the Pink Sheets have been known to be
the stalking grounds of many a stock manipulator. Interestingly, X-Stream
Networks, an affiliate of New World Telecom, is also traded on the Pink
After completing additional research, I learned that Anthony Papalia Jr. is
Vice President of Crys-Tel and that Robert Papalia is President of Metals
Research Group.  Robert Papalia is also listed as CEO and Anthony Papalia
Sr., the father of Anthony Jr., is listed as President of yet another Pink
Sheet listed company known as PAC Rim Information Systems.    
Upon further investigation I learned that Anthony Papalia Sr. and Robert
Papalia are Italian born twin brothers who are well known to police in
Vancouver, Montreal and London.  
According to a January 4, 1996 edition of 'The Daily Mail' (London),, Anthony
Papalia Sr. escaped from prison while awaiting a 1980 trial on charges of
defrauding investors of a gold mining scheme in British Columbia.
According to a December 27,  1997 edition of The Vancouver Sun', the Papalia
brothers and another partner, Giovanni Camporese, have had run-ins with
securities regulators. The article stated that, "In 1977, they were arrested
by Scotland Yard in an alleged plot to defraud investors through Metals
Research, which claimed to have a gold mine in British Columbia  Despite
intense media coverage and lengthy court proceedings, they were eventually
acquitted of all charges. Meanwhile, Anthony Papalia had been charged in
Vancouver with defrauding Continental Securities of $51,000.  He was
convicted in 1982 and sentenced to two years less a day, but the appeal court
overturned the conviction and ordered a new trial."
Were the Papalia's guilty? I'll let you be the judge. But are these the type
of people we want running around Albania? And should the Albanian government
squander its precious natural resources on people like the Papalias?
It is quite disconcerting to know that, of all the companies in the world,
the Albanian government has elected to do business with Crys-Tel, Metals
Research Group and New World Telecom, when there are many companies that
could have been pursued that are far more capable, with superior reputations
and verifiable financial strength. In the best case, the Albanian government
officials are inexperienced and incompetent. In the worst case, they are only
living up to their reputation for running what has been ranked by
Transparency International as one of the most corrupt governments in the
But what's the excuse of the U.S. government for promoting companies like New
World Telecom? Particularly when one considers that there are major American
and European telecom companies that would welcome the opportunity to develop
a $300 million telecom system in Albania.
I know one Albanian American who brought the matter of New World Telecom to
the attention of President Meidani, and his position was that the American
government told him not to worry  and that there is nothing wrong with New
World Telecom. I would like to remind President Meidani that the U.S.
government officials are bureaucrats, not businessmen, and just because an
American official says it's okay, doesn't necessarily mean it's okay.
Albania's government officials have the fiduciary responsibility to do their
own research on New World Telecom, Crys-Tel, Metals Research Group, and for
that matter, any other companies that are desirous of doing business with the
government. Taking an ostrich like position by burying one's head in the sand
is unacceptable.
My speculation about New World Telecom may or may not prove correct; however,
there is one way to find out for certain - open the bidding for Albania's
telecom system to a transparent selection procedure. The World Bank has also
made this suggestion, and it is a process they have even offered to
subsidize. With this process all bidders, including New World Telecom, will
be required to submit for consideration by the Albanian government their
qualifications, verifiable track records and audited financial statements. My
recommendation to the Albanian government is that this model should be
adopted for this and all other major projects in Albania. It is far better to
be safe than sorry.
In the fall of 1996, I warned the Berisha government that if they did not
bring an end to the pyramid schemes that "it was not a question of if, but
when" they would collapse. At that time I also warned the Albanian government
that if they did not take action, and if the pyramids collapse of their own
weight, that "large scale civil unrest with ensue." In retrospect, Berisha's
failure to heed my warnings and those of others had devastating results for
the Albanian people and the Balkans when Albania exploded into anarchy in
1997.  Can Albania afford another economic debacle?
I suggest that the Albanian government ponder the words of James Hendrix,
"castles made of sand, fall into the sea  - eventually."

Gary Q. Kokalari is an Albanian American and serves as president of the
Albanian Heritage Foundation and as a director of the Kosova Relief Fund.  
Professionally, he has nineteen years of experience as a financial  advisor
to wealthy investors and corporate clients.   He holds an M.B.A. from the
Wharton School and a B.S. from Boston University.



12 Postings, 8683 Tage keynesDanke Kicky

04.01.01 00:02
Gratulation  kicky, diese  Recherchen sind  wirklich sehr  interessant...
Sie lassen  mich  vermuten  dass  du dich fuer  cyss  interessierst,du  wirst ja  zu einem  richtigen  Kenner  dieser Aktie.....Was  hatte  ich geschrieben , auch  wenn  die  performance  noch auf  sich warten lasst,an Spannung ist  die Aktie  jetzt  nicht zu ueberbieten....
Mir sind  diese  Geschichten  ueber die  familie papalia  bekannt,Papalia ist aus dem Board Of directors ausgestiegen. siehe:
Mr. Lorenzo Musa un Mr  Nixon  streben eine  Wiedereinfuehrung an die OTCBB,
das der Aktie einen  gewaltigen  Schub nach geben kann............  

1285 Postings, 9113 Tage Guru BrauniSind das deren Cousins?

04.01.01 00:07
Der eine klingt auch irgendwie italienisch (nix gegen Italiener! Sind liebe Leute) und der andere Name... Habe ich auch schon mal bei irgendeinem Skandal gehört... Aber alles nur Zufall!

Viele Grüße
und viel Spaß beim Tapezieren
Guru Brauni  

79561 Postings, 9109 Tage KickyCrys-tel,Metals Research und das Kosovo

04.01.01 13:32 seit 29.12.00 kein Handel mehr,News dazu bei seit gestern verschwunden.Auch der oben gedruckte Artikel kann nicht mehr aufgerufen werden.Dafür fand ich eine andere sehr interessante Notiz:S METAL FIRM EYES BALKANS AFTER ALBANIA COPPER DEAL  (auch hier die Papalias)
Posted 1999 EDT by
TIRANA, July 30 (Reuters) - U.S. Metals Research Group Corp. said it hoped to invest in Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro after signing a 30-year copper concession contract with Albania on Friday.

Albanian officials announcing the concession on Thursday erroneously named the company as Research Metal Group.

The company, which was given a concession on four copper mines in northern Albania, four enrichment factories, a copper smelter and a copper wires and cables factory in the city of Shkoder, plans to invest $75 million in Albania over five years.

``Our hope is that starting from Albania, we can also in the near future see what is available and what we can do in the surrounding areas such as Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro,'' said Metals Research Group president Robert Papalia.

``We will start work immediately. Our engineering and geological teams are already in the country,'' he told reporters. ``I expect that when we are in full production here we will have at least 1,000 jobs created.''

Board member Edward Nixon said investing in Albanian copper was the group's first involvement in the Balkans but it soon planned to invest in telecommunications as well.

Copper was one of the key Albanian exports under communism but after 1990 the industry virtually collapsed as a result of outdated technology and lack of investment.

Offenbar kann man hier in Albanien,Montenegro und dem Kosovo richtig gut verdienen.Metals Research ist die Firma,die nach meiner Kenntnis in den Texada Island Goldschwindel involviert ist.
und wer sich beginnt für die Papalias zu interessieren findet hier wirklich Spannendes:
Zur Geschichte der Mafia in Canadaüge betr. Family Papalia
Toronto and Hamilton, Canada
25 June 1846 Robert Burr one of the members of the Markhan Gang stood trial with Nathan Case and Hiram and James Stoutenborough who were sentenced to death but their verdicts were changed to prison terms.

In Hamilton are the most important families Papalia, Luppino, Scibetta, Bordonaro, Cippolla and Musitano. Volpe and the Luppino family in Hamilton are capos for the boss Maggadino

In 1928 Perri is imprisoned for 6 maanden months. 13 august 1930 Perri’s wife Bessie Starkman was shot to death in their garage and Perri escapes, they had visited Perri's cousin Joe Sergi. 21 August 1933 Feigenbaum gets shot to death he would testify in october against Davis. 20 March 1938 Perri escapes from a bomb attack. 23 November 1938 Perri again escapes from an attack. In 1943 Perri gets free and tries to become the boss again in Toronto but the magaddino family from Buffalo has now planted their own bosses. 23 April 1944 Rocco Perri disappears after visiting his nephew Joe Serge in Hamilton. New bosses become Giacomo Luppino, Tony Silvestro and John Papalia (the son of Perri's friend Tony Papalia). John Papalia started to collaborate with Vincent Mauro in drugdealing and became some years later representative of the Buffalo based maggaddino family in Hamilton. Also Albert Agueci joined forces with Papalia. 25 July 1946 Davis himself gets shot and killed.

In 1955 Galante gets deported back to the US by Montreal's mayor Jean Drapeaux and in his place arrives Galante's brother in law Tony Marulli. In 1955 Johnny "Pops" Papalia gets shot and wounded in Montreal when he collects money for Cotroni. In 1955 Frank Petrula disappears. In may 1955 Paolo Violi gets accused in Toronto of murder. In 1956 Galante's brother in law Tony Marulli gets deported to the uS from Montreal and Galante sends Salvatore Giglio. Giglio and "Pep" Cotroni got their heroin from Joseph Cesari.
New York

In 1958 in the US 25 persons get accused of trafficking drugs, witness is the to 5 years convicted Nelson Cantellops who was led by Frank Costello in his story. Vito Genovese and 15 others like Gigante, Joseph Di Palermo and Angelo Tuminaro (still at large and at Apalachin) got convicted, Cantellops gets killed in 1965. 17 April 1959 Genovese and DiPalermo get 15 years, Rocco Mazzie 12 years, Natale Evola 10 years, Gigante 7 years and Ormento (still at large) gets at the end of march 1959 arrested. In august 1959 stand Joseph Valachi, Vincent Mauro, Frank Caruso, Salvatore Maneri, John Papalia and the brothers Albert and Vito Agueci trial (Mauro, Caruso and Maneri are still at large) with Mauro's man Salvatore Rinaldo as a witness. In september 1959 Carfano who handles the Genovese businesses in Miami gets invited by capo Tony Bender to a restaurant, Carfano takes with him Janice Drake. When they leave the restaurant and step into Carfano's car a killer let them drive to a lonely spot and executes them and Tony Mirra is a suspect. Albert Agueci came free at bail and went to his boss Stefano Maggadino and told him that he wanted his brother free or else! 23 November they find the burned body of Albert Agueci, they had tortured him. All get convicted but Mauro, Caruso and Maneri are still at large. But genovese now mistrusts valachi. Valachi and Ralph Wagner get send to Atlanta federal Penintentiary where also Genovese is imprisoned and he rules the joint, also imprisoned there Vito Agueci, John "Johnnie Dio" Dioguardi, Mike Coppola, Charles Barcelona, Pete La Placa, Joseph "joe beck" DiPalermo and his brother Charles Di Palermo.

5 March 1963 John Papalia, Frank Caruso, Vincent Mauro and Sal Maneri pled guilty. Genovese can’t reach to Valachi so the beginning of may 1964 he lets valachi’s nephew Fiore Siano kidnap by 3 man after which siano was never seen again.


In 1970 Cotroni and Violi meet Meyer Lansky in Acapulco. In 1971 Volpe takes control over the Toronto construction unions in place of Papalia.

Italians in Canada

Beginning 1989 Saverio Barbaro and Saverio Morabito meet in Corsico the boss Vincenzo Macri and the from Siderno coming drugdealer Conobbi Roberto Pannunzi (45). They decide to go into the heroin business for their bosses the Sergi brothers. 13 Februari 1989 Vittorio Ierino phones Restagno in Toronto. 21 Februari police find 5 kgs of coke from Cincinnatro and Restagno. 27 Februari Domenico Agostino gets arrested. 10 March police photograph Saverio Morabito, his righthand man Francesco Sergi and Antonio Papalia when they meet the Sicilian Antonino Zacco in Milan. 19 May Saverio Morabito and his brother Antonio and Francesco Sergi are seen with the Corleonesi Antonino Carollo and his righthand Zacco. In may Rafael Orjuelo Rodriguez was arrested with 100 kgs of coke near the Canadian American border of the state New York, but he was set free. 10 July vincenzo Macri and Salvatore Ingrati are followed by the FBI in New York. 18 July speak Belliti and Lena with Vincenzo Macri (a familymember of the killed boss macri). Salvatore Ingrati, his nephew Cosimo Ingrati and his uncle Vincenzo Macri drive to Coleman and deliver him 1,5 kgs of heroin and was arrested. Police then arrest the others but the boss Faro Bartolotta was just at Sicily attending a marriange and was arrested there in september and extradited to the US.
Italians in Canada

In 1995 died Stevie Koaches the man in the Longshoreman's union in Hamilton for the mobsters. Beginning januari 1996 in Toronto the Commisso man Francesco Loierio was shot to death in his car, he was a Sicilian and had contacts with the Commisso family. 17 April 1996 Frank cotroni, Frank jr, Tony Volpato and Ernesto Barreto Morales get arrested for cocainesmuggle. 11 september Enio Mora (47) was found in the boot of his Cadillac at his funeral is Paul Volpe’s chauffeur Peter Scarcella. 31 May 1997 Ken Murdock kills Hamilton’s boss johnny "Pops" Papalia. His brothers are Frank and Rocco papalia and his son was Frank and Joe Papalia his nephew, his cousins were Patty and Tony Pugliese. The Papalia family still own the country's largest vending machine business. 23 July Murdock also kills papalia’s man Carmen Barillaro. Murdock tells later that he commited the 3 murders for the brothers Angelo (22) and Pasquale Musitano (31) the sons of the deceased boss Dominick Musitano. In 1997 montreal’s boss Frank Cotroni (65) gets 7 years and his son Frank jr (36 and son in law of Joe Di Maulo) 8 years for drugdealing

In den Gefängnissen sind die Italiener alle ganz begierig,an Computerkursen teilzunehmen.In Vancouver wurde letzte Woche ein Bekannter der Papalias wegen Aktienbetrugs zu 4 Jahren verdonnert,er hatte trotz Handelsverbots ohne Bezahlung für mehrere Millionen Aktien gekauft.
Etwas ähnliches muss auch bei Crys-Tel gelaufen sein:
Crys-Tel Inc. (the Company) (Pink Sheets, National Quotation Bureau: CYSS) Friday announced that the Superior Court of San Diego on July 3, 2000 dismissed with prejudice all claims against Crys-Tel and has ordered that the settlement agreement entered into on May 6, 2000 be put in force.

As stated previously, this lawsuit was brought by Robert Papalia, on the behalf of Kaiden S.A. and PacRim Information Systems Inc. Crys-Tel, upon being served by the plaintiffs, enlisted the services of legal counsel and addressed the legitimacy of the claims and allegations. Crys-Tel reached a settlement through legal counsel with Robert Papalia et al on May 6, 2000, which required that all claims be dropped against the company, its officers and directors.

Terms of the settlement agreement provide for the cancellation of 7.5 million shares of preferred stock and 9 million shares of common stock. In consideration of the cancellation, the Company has issued to Papalia 2 million shares of Section 144 common stock, thereby reducing the aforementioned share position by 90%.

This settlement is believed to be very favorable for Crys-Tel because the control of the company has been returned to the public shareholders. Moreover, the potential for an increase in value to the public shareholders' has risen by 90%.

Although Crys-Tel's legal counsel believed the company had an unusually strong case, the decision to enter into a settlement agreement has been most beneficial for the company in saving time and an additional $200,000-$250,000 in legal fees.

Demnach haben die Papalias wohl den grössten Teil der Crys-tel Aktien bekommen.


79561 Postings, 9109 Tage Kicky@Guru Brauni

04.01.01 21:53
durch den zuletzt erwähnten Vergleich  vom 3.Juli 2000 hat Robert Papalia 2 Millionen Aktien von Crys-tel erhalten.Der Vergleich wurde durch Antony Papalia,den Sekretär von Crys-tel,zustande gebracht(und Zwillingsbruder von Robert).Kannst du es riechen?Die beiden anderen genannten Firmen Pacrim und Kaiden sind bekannt und gehören den Papalias bzw.Kaiden,der keine reine Weste zu haben scheint laut Mr.Majestik.Noch interessanter ist die Verknüpfung zu Metal research,die in den Schneeballbetrug mit einer angeblichen Goldmine auf Texada Island verwickelt war und jetzt wieder bei Kupfergeschäften in Albanien und Montenegro auftaucht.Der letzte aufgefundene Zeitungsbericht bei gelöscht)berichtete von dem grossen Tefonauftrag für Crys-tel inm Kosovo,vermutlich ist die in Albanien aufgetauchte New World Telekom,die mit Albtelekom einen Vertrag unterzeichnete und die nirgends zu finden ist,in diesem Umfeld zu suchen.Hierbei handelt es sich immerhin um einen Auftrag von 300 Millionen Dollar!Ich frage mich nur,ob hier die EG und USA mitfinanzieren.Das sind eben moderne Geschäftsmethoden bestimmter Leute.
Und natürlich stecken die Papalias hinter dem Aktienangebot in Europa,nachdem die in USA auf den Pinksheets gelandet waren.Ich frage mich nur inzwischen,ob die überhaupt noch gehandelt werden,seit 29.12. nicht mehr in USA.  

1285 Postings, 9113 Tage Guru BrauniDanke Kicky. Jaja, wer diese süß noch besitzt

04.01.01 22:07
sollte sich wohl wirklich langsam die Tapezierfläche suchen. Hmmmm, wäre vielleicht doch interessant, wenn sie ein ansprechendes Design haben... Kannst Du lieber nsr alias...  vielleicht mal hier hereinstellen wie sie aussehen. Das müßte Deine Agentur ja schaffen. Wenn sie mir gefallen nehme ich sie Dir vielleicht für 0,01 Euro das Stückchen ab. Wenn nicht, dann kannst Du zumindest noch einen gewissen Heizwert herausbekommen. Man muß ja immer positiv denken ;-)

Viele Grüße
Guru Brauni  

12 Postings, 8683 Tage keynesKicky

05.01.01 11:02
Du beschuldigst (keynes,nsr...)des illegalen pushings, so koennte ich dich auch des  Rufmordes an Mr. Papalia  beschuldigen.Denn kicky, du sitzt in der
Zwickmuehle , entweder beweisen sich  deine Anschuldigungen als erfunden und erlogen(Mr  papalia koennte rechtliche Schritte gegen  dich einleiten),oder du hast demnachst die Mafia  vor der Tuer stehen...
Es gab  schon ganze Wochen wo  die  cyss  Aktie  nicht  gehandelt wurde, daas problem liegt an der geringen Liquiditaet. Bid 5000 * 0.04
                                               Ask 5000 * 0.065


79561 Postings, 9109 Tage Kickykeynes vielleicht kannst Du kein englisch?

05.01.01 14:56

es ist Dir vielleicht entgangen,dass ich hier lediglich Meldungen zusammen getrage habe,die jeder bei lesen kann,wo sie unter Papalia Robert veröffentlicht sind.Wer kann schon für deren Richtigkeit bürgen?
Immerhin:10 March 1989 police photograph Saverio Morabito, his righthand man Francesco Sergi and Antonio Papalia when they meet the Sicilian Antonino Zacco in Milan.(Drogenhandel)Darüber findet man auch woanders noch Hinweise.
Ist meine Vermutung richtig,dass Du identisch bist mit nsr und cashmoney unter anonym surfst,so dass Deine IP sowieso nicht stimmt?  

12 Postings, 8683 Tage keynesLiebe(r) Kicky!

05.01.01 15:27
Ich  glaube du faengst  allmaehlich an zu phantasieren.Weder nsr noch cash money kenne  ich , deen einzigen  deen ich kenne ist Boerse da er im  gleichen netz wie  ich  arbeitet.Neben Englisch  spreche ich noch franzoesisch und deutsch, dabei ist deutsch  mein schwachpunkt......!  

12 Postings, 8683 Tage keynescyss +33 vol 10100

05.01.01 22:04
Und es  gibt  sie  doch  die "Idioten" die  cyss kaufen.........  

79561 Postings, 9109 Tage KickyEine etwas ältere Analyse

05.01.01 23:48
Auszüge daraus:
CRYS-TEL (on its 15c2-11 Information Statement dated December 28, 1998) lists two large shareholders: Kaiden, SA and Pacrim Information Systems (PAKR) at 51% and 17% respectively. While we were unable to learn more about Kaiden, Pacrim is a listed company, which as of October 6, 1998 was 44% owned by Metals Research Group (MLRA). Both companies trade for less than $1 on the OTC BB. Pacrim was also a 20% joint venture partner in efforts to develop a mine in Guyana, South America with TriTec, an insolvent Canadian mining company. (In a press release dated February 11, 1999, Pacrim states that its equity ownership of CRYS-TEL is 25%. The Company explains the discrepancy by pointing out that Pacrim was referring to a predecessor company and further revealed that Pacrim also owns 25% of the preferred. By my calculation, Pacrim would have a 23% ownership position, assuming full conversion of the preferred.)

CRYS-TEL has made no earning announcements and is not yet a reporting company under SEC regulations. The Company provided me with an unaudited balance sheet and statement of revenue for the five months ending December 31, 1998. Taken at face value, they show a company with no cash and negative working capital. While the Company showed profitable sales of gateways to its joint venture affiliate in Italy, this profit had been absorbed by overhead expenses.

Upon closer inspection, these meager statements do not inspire confidence. Though shareholder loans are outstanding, no charge appears for interest expense. Similarly, there is no charge for depreciation. The notes for the statement and the balance sheet do not agree as to the number of common shares outstanding. No additional information is given about the joint venture affiliates, though they should be accounted for using the equity method. As these interests are CRYS-TEL'S only significant asset, this is a glaring omission.

CRYS-TEL'S capital structure is complex in that the Company has a complicated hybrid preferred stock. The preferred is convertible into 45 million shares of common based on an earnout provision. While the earnout provision would seem to protect the common from dilution, if the earnings do not materialize than the common will have no value in any case. Because the preferred carries the same voting privileges as the common but no coupon, its existence seems no more than a transparent attempt to conceal the eventual dilution that the holders of the common face.

Copyright, 1999, by IR/j: Investors Research Journal, div., IRI, Inc

Ich glaube nicht,dass die Kurse Deiner Quelle noch lange angezeigt werden,nachdem sie  gar nicht mehr an der Nasdaq gehandelt werden.  

79561 Postings, 9109 Tage Kickyund die wunderbare Fortsetzung v.August 1999

06.01.01 00:05
The following update is by PAR analyst, Richard Bliss, CFA, the CYSS analyst.  He reports:
Analyst Update Notes on Crys-Tel Communications
Richard Bliss, CFA
Recent Price (OTCBB: CYSS) $2 1/16

August 19, 1999
       Since our initial report of March 25th, Crys-Tel, Inc. ("CRYS-TEL" or "the Company") has undergone a face lift worthy of an aging Hollywood diva. Its entire body of employees (with the exception of Anthony Papalia, son of the controlling shareholder) resigned or were summarily dismissed. A series of new press releases appeared, now originating from San Diego or its environs. Earnings releases or other efforts to become a reporting company, however, remain as elusive as the summer firefly.

       We were eager to talk with the new management. But after six unreturned phone calls, three missed phone appointments, one phone call returned three hours after the appointed time and the constant excuse of having to leave immediately for "a meeting with corporate counsel," we have reached the analytical conclusion (and it required all our training and experience) that CRYS-TEL does not want to talk with us.

       There are, however, other sources of information. A spirited discussion about the Company has been ongoing on the bulletin board as well as the Raging Bull. I recommend them both even though a few unkind remarks were directed at my initial report. The new press releases also invite study.

       New management how consists of Dr. Lorenzo Musa, Chief Executive; Daniel Jentzsch, Chief Technical Officer and Randall Jones, Chief Financial Officer. Musa is apparently based in Europe and the press release claims he holds various patents but his name does not appear in the IBM Patent Database. Jentzsch's curriculum vitae highlights his previous involvement with USA TALKS (USAT) which is rather like highlighting your position as first officer on the Hindenburg, given that company's short but very checkered history.

       Jones appears to have a degree in accounting and to have worked for a Big Six accounting firm but apparently never bothered to earn his CPA. His email address is from the domain and the home page at that address highlights two firms (Magsysnet which offers corporate web page design and CDC which stand for Corporate Development Consultants) and two email addresses for RandyJ and MikeM. So that is what CRYS-TEL has devolved to: a two man shop spinning out web pages to give some appearance of substance to their gruel thin clients. (We would suggest that the two principals at Magsysnet spend some time on the CRYS-TEL web site, which has not updated its management description or press release library in months.)

       CRYS-TEL's most recent press release announces collaboration with AboveNet Communications Inc. (ABOV) a west coast provider of high speed internet backbone to ISP's and others. However, ABOV was not a party to the announcement and it does not appear in the Yahoo Finance list of press releases for AboveNet. David Rand, AboveNet's Chief Technology Officer is quoted but when I followed up with questions for him, he replied that he had no comment about CRYS-TEL and if I read his quoted comment carefully, I would see he was only speaking about the Internet telephony industry in general and not CRYS-TEL specifically. This is better tap dancing than we normally expect from a Unix propeller head but hardly a ringing endorsement of CRYS-TEL.

       What of the substance of the press releases before the palace coup: the joint ventures in Australia, Hong Kong, and India; the acquisition of Academy Network Solution (whose home page has vanished); the massive purchases from Nokia? None of these projects are now mentioned and we suspect that they are all gone, gone with the wind.

       Normally an analyst might conclude with warnings about investing in companies promoted by individual of uncertain provenance or companies without revenues, earnings or assets or companies stumbling around in areas that giants like Lucent and Cisco have staked out as their turf. But investors in CRYS-TEL have long since blown by those warning flags. So, we offer the IRI acid tests for Internet investing:

1. Avoid companies that cannot tell you how many shares they have outstanding.

2. Avoid companies that have more board members than employees.

3. Avoid companies that keep issuing their press releases from different cities, a practice altogether too reminiscent of the song lyrics "one step ahead of the shoe shine, two steps away from the county line."

We are suspending coverage of the Company until there is more of a company to cover and the Company meets its obligations with IRI.


Mr. Richard Bliss, CFA, is with BAM Asset Management. He previously worked with The Semi-Tech Group, Asian Oceanic Capital, Travelers Insurance, and Dun & Bradstreet. He holds an MA from Stanford, and is a graduate of Princeton University.  He has over ten years experience in investment analysis and financial engineering, with an emphasis on long term, fundamentals based and research driven investment philosophy. He is a member of the AIMR and the New York Society of Security Analysts.

1285 Postings, 9113 Tage Guru BrauniJaja keynes, Du hast Boerse ein paar verkauft ;-) o.T.

06.01.01 00:19

207 Postings, 8681 Tage Cash-moneyKicky what's up??

06.01.01 02:07
Also Kicky ich weiss nicht was dein Problem ist...du kommst hier mit Nachrichten die alle ueber 16 Monate alt sind...ich weiss wirklich nicht was das soll. Der Höchstand der cyss aktie wurde erreicht nachdem all diese news veröffentlicht wurden...darum verstehe ich nicht warum all dieses gecopy-paste's...
Meiner Meinung bist du auch der jenige der heute die 10000 cyss geordet hat und den cours um 33% nach oben gepushed hat. Denn ehrlich gesagt gab es noch niemanden der sich so fuer die aktie interessiert hat und stundenlang nach news sucht wies du! Vielleicht bist du der jenige der von
Insiderinformationen profitieren wird da du meiner Ansicht nach alle Boards abgegrast hast und mehr ueber cyss weisst als das management selbst!
Keine Ahnung....auf jedenfall sind deine Mittleilungen hier veraltet und irrelevant (so als würdest du Nachrichten über Daimer-Benz pasten noch bevor sie die Fusion mit Chrysler abgeschlossen haben)
Vergewissere dich Kicky...die Börse ist heutzutage ein schnellebiges Geschäft indem news von vorgestern keine Bedeutung mehr haben...egal ob negativ oder positiv!
euer cash-money  

79561 Postings, 9109 Tage KickySEC v. Robert Papalia,Zwillingsbruder von Antony

27.07.03 13:24
ja die Mühlen der Gerechtigkeit mahlen langsam,hab ich gerde zufällig gefunden-und CYSS gibt´s auch nicht mehr!
LITIGATION RELEASE NO. 18047 / March 21, 2003
The Commission today announced it has filed a civil complaint in federal court in Seattle, Washington seeking injunctions, civil penalties, and officer and director bars against Robert Papalia and David Hunter, both residents of Vancouver, British Columbia, for allegedly issuing false and misleading press releases about Nano World Projects Corporation's business dealings with the research and development arm of Fiat Group and other companies. The complaint alleges that Hunter and Papalia, who were officers and directors of Nano World a company that operated out of South Bothell, Washington, issued false press releases in 2000 and 2001 that misrepresented the company's commitments for financing to develop its business, misrepresented it was in a partnership with Fiat Group to develop nano-technology when it did not have the financial resources to meet its obligations under the agreement, and misrepresented its acquisition of another company and the terms of sale of its assets to a third-party, among other things. These false and misleading press releases, one of which was distributed to thousands of potential investors over the Internet, caused increases in the price and volume of Nano World's stock, which was traded at the time on the National Association of Securities Dealers Bulletin Board under the symbol "NAPH" but has since been delisted. The complaint also alleges that Papalia caused Nano World to file a false report with the SEC about the acquisition of another company, and that he caused Nano World to fail to file quarterly and annual reports which are required of public companies.

The Commission alleged that Papalia and Hunter violated the anti-fraud provisions of Sections 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act") and Rule 10b-5, and that Papalia also aided and abetted Nano World's violations of the corporate reporting provisions of Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act and Rules 12b-20, 13a-1, 13a-11, and 13a-13. The Commission is seeking an injunction prohibiting the defendants from making false statements in connection with the purchase or sale of securities, civil penalties for each of their violations, and an order prohibiting them from acting as officers and directors of other public companies.

A trial will be scheduled to determine whether the Commission's allegations are true and what if any sanctions should be imposed.

In a separate action, the Commission instituted administrative proceedings pursuant to Section 12(j) of the Securities Act of 1933 against Nano World to determine whether the registration of its securities should be revoked or suspended in light of the allegations that it submitted a false Form 8-K and failed to make quarterly and annual filings. See Exchange Act Release No. 47512.


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