Cream - News: Kurs über 100% höher in Canada

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Eröffnet am:19.07.07 16:05von: scioutnescioAnzahl Beiträge:10
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1115 Postings, 6760 Tage scioutnescioCream - News: Kurs über 100% höher in Canada

19.07.07 16:05
"Schuld" sind die neuen Bohrergebnisse.  

125 Postings, 6438 Tage hub1Goldinvest über Cream Minerals

11.04.08 09:50
Ingrid Heinritzi - Redaktion


Die Diamantensuche in Sierra Leone auf dem Casierra-Diamantenprojekt schreitet voran. Cream hat am Fluss Sewa zusätzlich zur Testproduktion auf der Hima-Dyke-Struktur mit den Arbeiten an der Benduma-Dyke-Struktur begonnen. Die erforderlichen Genehmigungen vom Bergbauministerium und dem Stammesfürsten Lugbu liegen vor. Die Unterstützung durch den Stammesfürsten und die dort ansässige Bevölkerung ist sehr wichtig, wie nahezu überall in Afrika und in den Emerging Markets weltweit. Nachdem Cream diverse Infrastrukturprojekte, wie Straßensanierung und Brückenreparaturen durchgeführt hat, die der Bevölkerung zugute kommen, stehen die betroffenen Gemeinden hinter Cream. Auch Arbeitsplätze für die heimische Bevölkerung wurden geschaffen.

Über 90 Prozent der Diamanten haben Schmuckqualität. In den ersten vier Tagen der Beprobung wurden 46 Diamanten mit einem Gewicht von etwa 21,5 Karat gefunden. Die Arbeiten sollen helfen die für die Liegenschaft geeignetste Abbaumethode zu finden und um ein genaueres Ausmaß der Ressourcen zu erhalten. Insgesamt belaufen sich die Schätzungen auf ein Vorkommen von 1,8 Mio. Karat an angeschwemmten und abgelagerten (alluvialen) Diamanten.

Neben dem Diamantenprojekt arbeitet Cream Minerals am Gold-Silber-Projekt Nuevo Milenio im mexikanischen Bundesstaat Nayarit. Besonders das Dos-Hornos-Gebiet brachte hervorragende Bohrergebnisse. Ein Zwei-Phasen-Bohrprogramm soll 2008 weitere Ergebnisse bringen. Bei den Bohrungen in Phase Zwei sind 8000 Bohrmeter mit 40 Bohrlöchern geplant. Etwa 1,5 Millionen US-Dollar veranschlagt das Unternehmen dafür. Auf der Nuevo-Milenio-Liegenschaft wurde vor kurzem eine topografische Untersuchung der drei Gebiete Dos Hornos, Veta Toman und Once Bocas abgeschlossen. Der neueste technische Bericht vom Januar 2008 geht von einer Verdreifachung der geschlussfolgerten Silberressourcen auf Dos Hornos und Veta Tomas aus. Die geschlussfolgerten Mineralressourcen auf Dos Hornos und Veta Thomas (Nuevo-Milenio-Liegenschaft) betragen aktuell 17.920.000 Tonnen Gestein mit 374.000 Unzen Gold und 52.212.000 Unzen Silber.

In British Columbia, Kanada, besitzt Cream Minerals die Goldsmith-Gold-Liegenschaft, das Kaslo-Silberprojekt und das Kootenay-Edelstein-Projekt. Cream will hier Gold, Silber, Blei, Zink, Aquamarine und Smaragde fördern. In Manitoba, Kanada führt die Gesellschaft das Nickel-Kupfer-Projekt Wine.

Insgesamt besitzt also das unter der Leitung von Frank Lang stehende Unternehmen ein großes Portfolio an Projekten. Die Marktkapitalisierung beträgt etwa 22,3 Millionen kanadische Dollar. Allein die auf das Dos-Hornos- und Veta-Tomas-Vorkommen bezogene Bewertung wäre somit nur 0,30 Dollar je Unze Silberressourcen. Bei etwas fortgeschrittenen Silberexplorern liegt die Bewertung bei 1,50 bis 4 Dollar je Unze. Diamanten und alle anderen Projekte bekommen Anleger zusätzlich zu der niedrigen Silberbewertung dazu  

125 Postings, 6438 Tage hub1News vom Cream...

07.05.08 16:47
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

TSX Venture Exchange: CMA
OTC Bulletin Board: CRMXF
U.S. 20-F Registration: 000-29870
Frankfurt Stock Exchange: WKN 866036

Trenching Targets Coincident Gold Geochemical And Geophysical Anomalies On Cream Mineral'S Goldsmith Property, BC

May 7, 2008, Vancouver, BC - Cream Minerals Ltd. (CMA - TSX-V) ("Cream" or the "Company") is pleased to report that it has received permit approval to resume the excavator trenching program that began in the fall 2007 on the Goldsmith Property, located in southeastern British Columbia. The Goldsmith Property contains numerous historic (circa 1903), small, high-grade workings within a 3-kilometre belt of altered volcanic and sedimentary host rocks. High-grade gold mineralization occurs in numerous quartz veins that range up to 5 metres in width.

Previously, Cream obtained extremely encouraging results from rock grab and chip samples collected from the numerous small-scale historic workings (see News Release dated October 9, 2007). In 2007, six excavator trenches were dug in the area of the historic Bullock and Goldsmith workings. Two of the trenches were put in to cross-section the geology between old adits/trenches. One trench exposed the Goldsmith V2 vein for 64 metres along its strike, and three short trenches opened up areas where prior surface sampling (from a road cut) returned high gold assay results. An additional 20 excavator trenches, planned and permitted, will be excavated in early summer 2008 as soon as snow conditions allow. These proposed trenches include excavating around several of the historic workings, plus exposing bedrock in areas of geochemical and geophysical anomalies.

Results from the trenches completed to date show high gold values from rock chip and grab samples, most notably in trenches GT-1, GT-2 and GT-5 (see Table below).

GT-1 2 - 3.5 1.5 metre chip 1.20
GT-1 3.5 - 5.5 2 metre chip 0.26
GT-1 Q-1 GT-1 @ 4.0 m 1-3 cm qtz veinlets 55.80
GT-1 Q-2 GT-1 @ 4.4 m 5 cm qtz vein 12.47
GT-1 Q-3 GT-1 @ 2.8 m 10-15 cm qtz vein 2.26
GT-1 Q-4 GT-1 @ 1.4 m 30 cm qtz vein 4.41
GT-2 0 - 1 1 metre chip 0.66
GT-2 1 - 2 1 metre chip 2.52
GT-2 2 - 4 2 metre chip 0.20
GT-2 4 - 6 2 metre chip 0.01
GT-2 6 - 8 2 metre chip 0.20
GT-2 8 - 10 2 metre chip 4.07
GT-2 10 - 12 2 metre chip 2.66
GT-2 Q-1 GT-2 dump grab aspy vein 10.40
GT-2 Q-2 GT-2 @ 1.8 m 2 cm qtz vein 1.37
GT-2 Q-3 GT-2 @ 11.2 m 30-50cm qtz-aspy vein 4.23
GT-2 Q-4 GT-2 dump grab wallrock with aspy 4.55
GT-5 @ 104 m 1 m chip with qtz stringers 5.56
GT-5 @ 105 m 20-30 cm chip qtz vein 10.26
GT-5 @ 145 m 2-8 cm chip qtz vein 0.54
GT-5 @ 170 m 1-8 cm chip qtz veinlets in shear 0.52
GT-5 @ 177 m 1.2 m chip - includes 3 qtz veins w blk sus + aspy 0.35
GT-5 @ 179 m grab - blk sus, cpy, po, py, MnO 0.86

The planned excavator trenches for 2008 are located within a strong, greater than 2 kilometre long, gold soil geochemical anomaly coincident with a series of strong aeromagnetic anomalies.

Aeroquest Limited conducted a 160-line kilometre helicopter-borne magnetic and AeroTem II Electromagnetic survey over the Goldsmith Property in 2006. Encouraging results from the airborne survey show that in general, conductors line up well with the regional lithological trends. One strong conductor is continuous through the mineralized area for a distance of nearly 2.5 kilometres. The north end of this conductor, which contains the Bullock and Goldsmith workings and coincident gold geochemical anomalies, offsets to the west.

A second strong conductor runs parallel to this first one, approximately 1.2 kilometres to the east, basically trending along the southwest side of the Lardeau River valley. This conductor trends strongly for the length of the property and contains the Lucky Jack workings.

Total field magnetics show a large magnetic high trend, averaging 800 metres in width and lying between the two conductive zones. The magnetic tilt derivative plot show this correlative relationship between magnetics and gold geochemistry even better, with a series of linear magnetic features trending between the two main conductors and a second slightly weaker series parallel to the southwest conductor and to the westerly offset of that conductor. A southwest splay trends sub-parallel to the first conductor and exactly mimics the gold soil geochemical anomaly. This area represents the main "target" for trenching in 2008.

Linda Dandy, P.Geo., is the Company's supervisor and "Qualified Person" for the purpose of National Instrument 43-101 and has verified the data in this news release.

Frank A. Lang, BA, MA, P.Eng.
President and CEO

For further information, please contact:
Robert Paul, Investor Relations
Tel: (604) 687-4622 Fax: (604) 687-4212 Email:
Caterina Cerquiera
CHF Investor Relations
Phone: (416) 868-1079, Ext. 229

Should you wish to receive Company news via email, please email and specify "Cream Minerals Ltd." in the subject line or contact the Company directly.

TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the contents of this News Release. Management has prepared this release and no regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.

Cautionary Language and Forward-Looking Statements
This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements." All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address future production, reserve potential, exploration drilling, exploitation activities and events or developments that the Company expects are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, and continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and those actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on the Company, investors should review the Company's filings that are available at or the Company's website at
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16 Postings, 6011 Tage janarendunerkannter Blue chip

17.07.08 09:03
Der aktuelle Kurs...spiegelt überhaupt nicht den Wert des Unternehmens wieder!
Ich denke wir werden bis 2010 hier Kurse zwischen 1,25 -1,50 sehen.  

1115 Postings, 6760 Tage scioutnescioNews

28.07.09 10:14
Im Stockhouse Board werden die News grundsätzlich positiv bewertet. Durch das Joint Venture mit Roca MInes besteht die Chance, das Vorkommen in die Produktion zu bringen. Wenn Roca es bis zu einer Wirtschaftlichkeitsstudie entwickelt, dann gehören ihnen 70%. Nuevo Milenio ist allerdings die "Perle" von Creams Vorkommen. Alleine hätte Cream das aber nie alleine entwickeln können.

Cream Minerals Announces Signing of Joint Venture Agreement With Roca Mines for the Nuevo Milenio ProjectCREAM MINERALS LTD CMA 7/27/2009 8:30:14 AMVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jul 27, 2009 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --
Cream Minerals Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:CMA)(OTCBB:CRMXF)(FRANKFURT:DFL)("Cream" or the "Company) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an option agreement with Roca Mines Inc. ("Roca") that will allow Roca to earn up to a 70% interest in Cream's Nuevo Milenio Project ("Nuevo Milenio") contingent upon a US$12 million exploration expenditure by the fourth year of the option agreement date and the completion of a positive feasibility study by the seventh year of the option agreement date.

Cream is very pleased that Roca, after assessing several advanced stage project opportunities, has chosen to partner with Cream on Nuevo Milenio. The Nuevo Milenio meets Roca's criteria of revenue growth through the potential near-term development of new mining operations, exposure to additional mining friendly jurisdictions and diversification of metals production that could generate a natural hedge to global economic and financial conditions.

Cream's 100% owned Nuevo Milenio silver-gold Project encompasses 2,560 Hectares (Ha) and is located in Nayarit State, Mexico. Nuevo Milenio is 27 kilometres (kms) driving distance (24 kms of which are by highway and paved roads, 3 kms are by gravel road) from Tepic, the capital of Nayarit State. Tepic is an important commercial centre with a population of over 300,000 people located 150 kms northeast of Puerto Vallarta. Access to railway, airport, power lines and water are within reasonable distance of the Nuevo Milenio providing cost effective access to infrastructure.

The property contains low sulphidation, epithermal gold-silver resources comprised of mineralization in quartz veins and stockwork zones in Miocene volcanics within a collapsed caldera structure. Exploration work by Cream has outlined four mineralized zones consisting of sub-parallel vein-stockwork systems: the Veta Tomas, Dos Hornos 1, Dos Hornos 2, ("Dos Hornos Zone") Once Bocas and Chacuaco Zones. A resource estimate includes the Veta Tomas, Dos Hornos Zone and Once Bocas Zones which represent multiple mineralized systems and includes Spanish-era workings highlighting excellent ground conditions. The workings were clearly exploratory only and had limited production.

A revised National Instrument 43-101 Inferred Mineral Resources report was prepared by Mr. Fred Holcapek, P.Eng and was filed on December 24, 2008, based on exploration and drilling programs conducted between 2000 and 2007. The report estimated an Inferred Mineral Resource of 54.6 million ounces silver equivalent contained within 5.09 million tonnes. The average grade was estimated at 1.6 g/t Gold and 251 g/t Silver. Particular attention was given to defining mineable widths of the veins and continuity of grade. It is important to note however that the estimate is based on low recoveries of core observed in the mineralized zones and is therefore likely to represent the low end of the range of actual tonnes and grade. This may be particularly true of many of the gold values in the assays as the loss of free-gold during the drilling process may have negatively impacted the assay results.

        NUEVO MILENIO REVISED NI 43-101 INFERRED MINERAL RESOURCES                            December 24, 2008--------------------------------------------------Dos Hornos (U/G)  Width       Tonnes    Au     Ag         Au            Ag                     (m)              (g/t)  (g/t)       (oz)          (oz)--------------------------------------------------Dos Hornos Segment 1         4.70 1,173,901.56 1.500 165.34  59,400.00  6,552,238.85--------------------------------------------------Dos­ Hornos Segment 2         4.06   746,528.32 1.770 201.95  42,390.25  4,847,215.70--------------------------------------------------Vet­a Tomas         5.09 1,246,162.50 1.280 351.19  51,344.17 14,070,467.48--------------------------------------------------On­ce Bocas         2.42 1,921,162.50 1.920 252.59 118,347.79 15,602,012.74--------------------------------------------------To­tal                   5,087,754.88 1.660 251.09 271,482.21 41,071,934.77--------------------------------------------------To­nnes: 5,088,000 Au: 1.660 g/t, Ag 251.09 g/t Au: 271,500 oz, Ag: 41,072,000 oz

Silver Equivalent (Gold -- Silver price Ratio equals 50:1): 54,647,000 oz

Roca intends to follow-up and expand on Cream's excellent work to date by aggressively pursuing several clear opportunities at Nuevo Milenio including the following;

1. More accurately assess the gold and silver grade of the three principal zones identified by Cream to date through new drilling and underground bulk sampling;

2. Expand the known zones laterally and vertically through new drilling;

3. Follow-up on many other geologically anomalous zones (including a 19.3 g/t gold zone in core unrelated to known structures; and several untested zones on the property);

4. Upgrade and expand the resource from inferred through new drilling; and,

5. Advance mine development plans for potential near-term operations.

In order to acquire a 50% legal and beneficial interest in Nuevo Milenio, Roca must spend a cumulative US$12,000,000 in exploration work on the property by July 24, 2013, in accordance with the following schedule:

- US$1,000,000 by July 24 2010

- US$3,500,000 by July 24 2011

- US$7,000,000 by July 24 2012 and,

- US$12,000,000 by July 24 2013

If Roca meets these requirements within four years, Roca will vest at 50% and will have a further option to earn a further 20% interest in the property, for a total interest of 70%, by completing at its own expense, a positive feasibility study within three years by a mutually acceptable qualified third party. Once Roca vests at 50% or 70% as applicable: Cream and Roca will form a joint venture for further exploration and/or mine development work to be carried out on the property, with all further costs to be shared on a pro rata basis.  

1 Posting, 5120 Tage FortunaglückDiamantensuche in Sierra Leone

25.09.10 22:38

Die Diamantensuche in Sierra Leone auf dem Casierra-Diamantenprojekt schreitet voran?

Hat jemand neue Infos über das Projekt?


1115 Postings, 6760 Tage scioutnescioAktuell

07.10.10 17:45
ist hier mehr der Versuch einer feindlichen Übernahme durch Endeavour Silver von Interesse.  

Clubmitglied, 38350 Postings, 6092 Tage TerasVerändertes "Angebot" für CRMXF:

11.11.10 03:10
09:41 10.11.10

Cream Minerals Ltd. / Schlagwort(e): Übernahmeangebot

Cream Minerals Ltd. nimmt Endeavour Silvers Ankündigung eines abgeänderten
Angebots zur Kenntnis und gibt Veränderung im Board of Directors des
Unternehmens bekannt

10.11.2010 09:39

"Vancouver, British Columbia, Kanada. 9. November 2010. Cream Minerals Ltd.
(WKN: 866036, TSX-V: CMA, OTC: CRMXF) hat die heute von Endeavour Silver
Corp. ('Endeavour') veröffentlichte Mitteilung durchgesehen. Endeavour
beabsichtigt ihr vorgelegtes Angebot zur Akquisition aller ausgegebenen und
ausstehenden Aktien von Cream zu verlängern und abzuändern. Das Unternehmen
wird auf Endeavours abgeändertes Angebot, sobald es vorliegt, mittels eines
Rundschreibens der Geschäftsleitung antworten, das gemäß der geltenden
Wertpapiergesetze veröffentlicht wird.

Das Unternehmen berichtet ebenfalls, dass die Herren Art Troup und Douglas
Lang von ihren Ämtern als Directors der Cream Minerals zurückgetreten sind.
Cream möchte Herrn Toup und Herrn Lang für ihre Leistungen im Unternehmen
und für seine Aktionäre danken"...

SOURCE / LINK / QUELLE dieses Ausschnitts:

1724 Postings, 5354 Tage Arriba1Cream Minerals CMA

04.11.11 01:40
hat übrigens die Verbindung zu Roca aufgelöst, die für Anfang 2012 vorgesehene BFS entfällt erstmal.

habe hier mal eine Übersicht erstellt.

wer interesse hat meldet sich bitte per BM ,

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