Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
Mal schauen wie gut das Meeting war. Wenn es sehr gut war, könnte ich mir sogar vorstellen, dass BOC gar nicht mehr auf das BCA-review wartet, sondern gleich Gas gibt und den offziellen Startschuss für die große Machbarkeitsstudie gibt. Wer weiss....
Und ja, das hört sich wirklich sehr vielversprechend an. Und es bestätigt erstmalig zumindest inoffiziell, das Momis, Taylor und viele Landeigentümer für "Mining mit BCL" sind und hier gemeinsam an einem Strang ziehen.
Leider bestätigt der inoffizielle und private Kommentar aber auch, das einige Landeigentümer das alles ganz anders sehen und die Mine eben nicht wollen. Daher kommt wahrscheinlich auch die Zurückhaltung beim Aktienkurs. Erst wenn alle Landeigentümer sich auf den einen Willen "Mining mit BCL" geeinigt haben und das mit einem gewählten Sprecher offiziell verkünden, dann erst wird es was mit höheren Aktienkursen. Es könnte sein, das wir kurz vor diesem Ereignis stehen; aber es könnte auch sein, dass das noch sehr viele Monate dauert. So konkret zum Greifen nah war das Ziel seit 20 Jahren nicht, spannende Situation!
Auf jeden Fall, die Landeigentümer sind am Ball!
Die wenigen Landeigentümer, die gegen Mining sind, tragen eine große Verantwortung für die gesamte Insel Bougainville, für das gesamte Inselvolk dort.
Sie alleine scheinen aktuell die Entwicklung für ein "Mining mit BCL" zu blockieren. Sie alleine blockieren damit auch, dass diese Insel die vielen Vorzüge einer wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung erhalten. Die Geschichte der Insel Bougainville liegt im Moment in den Händen dieser Blockadeure. Hoffentlich wissen diese Menschen, dass sie alleine es sind, die den Bau von Krankenhäusern, Brücken, Schulen und vielem mehr verhindern.
Aber schaun wir 'mal : morgen ( Mittwoch ) werden erstmal die 14 Minister bekannt gegeben...
In Südafrika wurde eine neue Übertage-Abbau-Methode entwickelt, die zudem auf fast jegliche Energiezufuhr verzichtet. Allerdings waren die am anderen Ende der Kupferleitung sitzenden nicht so begeistert.
.....der Abbau des Gesteines ist primär nicht das Problem.Durch Spreng.= lösen des Gesteines -zerkleinerte Gesteinsbrocken aufladen auf Transportmitte (in der regel LKW ca. 200T o. mehr Fassungsvermögen) Transport zur weiteren Verarbeitung- mechanisch weiter zerkleinern,aufbereiten und danach das Herauslösen des Metallgehaltes aus dem Gestein mittels chemischer Verfahren.<->Und das ist primär der Punkt um den es geht.!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aber dieses ist mit neuen Anlagen auch sehr Umweltschonend zu bewerkstelligen.Nach dem herauslösen aus dem Gestein geht es weiter mit --schmelzen (erfordert hohen Energieeinsatz) ---giessen -----Transport zum Kunden ( ab auf das Schiff nach China)--Rechnung schreiben und kassieren. ;D))))))))))). Im großen und ganzen.
Also ich sehe da keine Probleme.
THE Papua New Guinea Ombudsman Commission has carried out an induction for the newly elected members of the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
Yesterday all MPs were present at the ABG House of Representatives at Kubu for the familiarisation program undertaken by the commission in Buka.
Officials yesterday advised it was just an introduction while they waited for several other MPs that were out of Bougainville. President John Momis arrives from Port Moresby today after his first official trip to see the Prime Minister.
A full training for the MPs will be carried out today.
Included in the program will be:
* AUTHORITY and structure of the ABG,
* COMPOSITION of the legislature.
* LEGISLATIVE structure,
* FUNCTIONS of the Speaker,
* CLERK of Parliament,
* ROLES and responsibilities of the Clerk,
* PROCEDURES of the House,
* SERGEANT-at-arms,
* PROCEDURES of making laws,
* ROLES, powers, functions and responsibilities of the House,
* PARLIAMENTARY committees,
* PUBLIC Accounts Committee,
* BILLS and.
Mining firms fail to pay govt taxes
PAPUA New Guinea would do better in delivering services to its citizens if effective mechanisms are ready to ensure that all mining companies paid their corporate taxes.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Mining, Lands and Physical Planning Sir Puka Temu said at the 30th anniversary of the Australia–Papua New Guinea Business Council dinner in Brisbane that “until such tax collections can be made the Government remains constrained in its ability to expand the provision of goods and services, including education and health, to the wider populace”.
Sir Puka said Bougainville Copper Limited played a special role as a world scale mine that began paying corporate taxes at a very early stage of its operation.
“This was unlike the case with most major capital intensive mining activities. For example, Ok Tedi first paid company tax in 1995, 11 years after it commenced production, while Lihir Gold has yet to pay company tax 13 years after first producing and exporting gold,” Sir Puka said.
“Until such tax collections can be made the Government remains constrained in its ability to expand the provision of goods and services, including education and health, to the wider populace.” He said for almost the first 15 years of PNG’s existence as an independent nation it had to rely on export revenues and corporate taxes generated by a single mine – the Bougainville copper mine. Sir Puka said the Somare Government had learned there “were no magic formulas” to follow in Government and attempts to take short cuts to faster development only ended in more difficulty, as happened during the “lost decade” when projects such as Porgera, Kutubu and Lihir started up.
He said when the Somare Government took office halfway through 2002 the country was heading for recession.
Re: Momis to meet Rio Tinto managing director
All, A good time to buy a few BCL shares as they are low at the moment.. Cheers BB To: From: ldaveona@... Date: Tue, 22
Posted - Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:12 am
Frankfurt 0,501 € -3,46%
§0,519 € 0 0 0,501 - 0,501 09:16:43
Fällt keiner mehr auf eurer Dumm-Gepushe rein???????????
Neue LEMMINGE gesucht?
Zeitpunkt: 24.06.10 11:49
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Namensverunglimpfung - Bitte sachlich bleiben.
Zeitpunkt: 24.06.10 11:49
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Namensverunglimpfung - Bitte sachlich bleiben.
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG President JOHN MOMIS this afternoon announced thirteen member
ministries for the Autonomous Bougainville government.
Since his election he remained tight lipped until this afternoon.
The ministers were distributed based on Regional basis of Central, North
and South Bougainville.
In the allocations, five ministries went to North Bougainville, four to
Central Bougainville and three went to South Bougainville.
The ministries are as follows, second term member, WILFRED KOMBA the
member for Konnou in Buin was appointed the minister for Trade and
Industry and Tourism.
Albert Punghau the new member for Motuna Huyono in Siwai was appointed the
minister for Finance, Planning and Treasury.
Newton Kauva the new member for MAKIS in Buin was appointed the minister
for Peace, Reconciliation and Weapons Disposal.
Nicholas Darku the new member for North Nasioi in Central Bougainville was
appointed the minister for Primary Industry and Marine Resources.
The Central Excombatants representative, DAVID SISITO was appointed the
minister for Veterans affairs.
The new member for IORO, which covers the Panguna area, MICHAEL ONI was
appointed the minister for Natural Resources.
Member for Tinputz Taunita took the Works, Transport and Communications.
Joseph Nopei the member for TEUA became the minister for Local Level
Government and Traditional Authority.
The former Regional member for Bougainville, LEO HANNET was appointed the
Minister for public service, Law and Justice which covers both CIS and Police.
The Vice President PATRICK NISIRA takes on the Health Ministry.
The member for MAHARI, JOHN TABINAMAN became the minister for Education.
The member for Rao and former communications minister in the PNG
Government, JOSEPH EGILIO became the minister for Culture and Tourism
And one woman member was also appointed a minister.
ROSE PIHEI the women member for South Bougainville was appointed the
minister for Community, Women's and Youth.
The President will look after Inter Government Affairs and Autonomy Implementation.
The President however did not announce the fourteenth member.
The ministers were sworn in this afternoon.
When asked he said he would announce the last minister at a later date.
On the inclusion of the former President JAMES TANIS in the Bougainville
administration, MR. MOMIS said that it was up to the former President to
approach them.
He said many companies have already enquired to engage him.
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