Commerce Resources: Faktenthread + TA + News
Rockstone Research
Please realize that the Blue River project product is tantalum pentoxide and not concentrate.
Tantalum pentoxide or Ta2o5 is a product that requires an additional chemical process that costs about $80.00 USD per pound, on top of whatever you pay for the tantalum concentrate.
So, to use his value of tantalum concentrate of $80.00 USD per pound, add another $80.00 USD and you would come to the value of $160.00 USD per pound, or as the PEA is calculated as it is in kilos, multiply $160.00 USD by 2.2 and you would come to a value of $352.00 USD, over the value that the PEA was based upon which was $317.00 USD per kilo of Ta2o5.
And if they have actually red the PEA, they will know that the “best price” quoted here – being “$381.00 USD” - was not the “base price” that was used in the PEA.
The one quote that is typically historically accurate is the following: “In a market with still so many lies, spotmarket prices are at least 50% less than conflictfree, reliable contractprices.”
The spot market for tantalum coming from Central Africa would be in the $85.00 - $90.00 USD range right now, and contract tantalum would be, as it always is, at a higher value because you know who the producer is.
As such, it would be a valuable exercise to then calculate what the economics look like by using a contract price that is double that of the current spot market value for tantalum concentrate.
PEA’s for both projects were released long ago.
Chris Grove, President and Director, Commerce Resources
Chris Grove zum aktuellen Wert des Ashram Selten Erden Projects
For the Ashram project, the values of the REE’s used in the PEA were higher than they are today, but that is the only ‘negative’ to the economics, whereas the following are the positives we have achieved and released publically since May 2012:
1). We have more than quadrupled the grade of the REE concentrates being produced,
2). we have lowered the amount of consumables used to achieve these higher grades,
3). we have increased our recovery rate, and
4). we have realized that we have the fluorspar by product for free, which has then
5). brought in the Binding MOU with Norfaclo Sales (Glencore) who have agreed to give us a steep discount to market for all of the acid we would use in the process flow sheet, for a future consideration on our flourspar by product.
So, the clearest answer is such that it is not likely that the economics or the NPV are negative, but everyone will have to wait until the PFS is completed to ascertain this definitively.
Chris Grove, President and Director, Commerce Resources
Interview von Björn Junker mit Chris Grove
Nov. 2017 In München, auf englisch
Chris Groves Videovortrag auf der Edelmetallmesse München, Nov 2017, in englisch
Chris Grove zu Eldor: I would say, there is a world class Niobium deposit there. 1:52
Chris Grove zu Rohstoff Preisen: Rising Prices of REE and Tantal and Niobium 2:05
Chris Grove: Government of Quebec looking for exercising warrants for $1,5m which are in the money 2:36
Glencore suggested, they might consider an investment or some kind of partnership with Commerce 8:22
2000m drill core, those assets will be coming out in the next 6 weeks 10:47
Two global engineering firms potentially financing us through the completion of the PFS and BFS 11:12
DeepL übersetzt
Chris Grove zu Eldor: Ich würde sagen, es gibt dort eine Nioblagerstätte von Weltklasse. 1:52
Chris Grove zu Rohstoff Preisen: Preisanstieg bei REE und Tantal sowie Niob 2:05
Chris Grove: Regierung von Quebec wird möglicherweise Optionsscheine für $1,5 Mio. ausüben, die im Geld sind 2:36
Glencore schlug vor, sie könnten eine Investition oder eine Partnerschaft mit Commerce erwägen 8:22
2000m Bohrkern, diese Werte werden in den nächsten 6 Wochen veröffentlicht 10:47
Zwei globale Engineering-Unternehmen finanzieren uns potenziell durch die Fertigstellung der PFS und BFS 11:12
Ryan Castilloux: “Made in China 2025 from foreign sources of Rare Earth supply“
Commerce Resources, wird erwähnt auf Min 13:17, has a potential to earn a healthy pretax profit margin...hat das Potenzial, eine gesunde Vorsteuergewinnmarge zu erwirtschaften....wie man in der Vergrößerung sieht, fasst 40%
Commerce hat umfassende Forschungs- und Testarbeiten durchgeführt, die zur Herstellung eines hochwertigen und hochgradigen Mineralkonzentrats geführt hat, das mittels kostengünstiger Verfahren zu unserem idealen Ausgangsmaterial verarbeitet werden könnte und deshalb ein sehr aussichtsreicher Kandidat für die Verarbeitung in einem MRT-Trennkreislaufs sein dürfte.
Die Lagerstätte Ashram umfasst ein Seltenerdmetallvorkommen mit einer hohen Tonnage und gutem Erzgehalt, das eine ausgeglichene SEE-Verteilung und eine Anreicherung an den für die Magnetherstellung wichtigen SEE aufweist. Von größter Bedeutung ist vielleicht sogar, dass die Lagerstätte gut zugänglich ist. In Verbindung mit dem SMC könnte Ashram sich als ein wichtiges Bindeglied in einer rein nordamerikanischen SEE-Lieferkette herausstellen.
Mark MacDonald, Vice President of Ucore: "We've always had a lot of respect for the work that Commerce was doing, Ashram is recognized as one of the top potential resources in the world..."
Stephan Bogner
January 11, 2018
Commerce Resources Corp. (TSXv: CCE, FSE: D7H) (the “Company” or “Commerce”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an exploration earn-in agreement with Saville Resources Inc. on the Eldor Niobium claims wholly owned by Commerce in Quebec.
Under the exploration earn-in agreement, Saville has agreed to perform $5M CAD of work on the Eldor Niobium claims over a five year period to earn a 75% interest in the claims. Commerce Resources will receive a cash payment of $25,000 upon signing, a cash payment of $225,000 following Exchange approval, and will receive a 2% Net Smelter Royalty (NSR) on production from some of the claims, with a 1% NSR buyback for $1M CAD, and a 1% NSR on the claims that are already subject to royalties.
Prior sampling programs conducted by Commerce on these claims, which are located to the North West and South East of the Ashram Rare Earth Deposit, and including the Miranna, have returned grades as high as 5.9% Nb2O5. Of the 64 prospecting rock samples collected from the Miranna Area during the 2015 program, a total of 40 samples returned Nb2O5 grades in excess of 0.5%, with 16 in excess of 1% to a peak of 5.9% Nb2O5.
Prior mineralogical work on samples from the Southeast Area infers the niobium mineralization may be present in the well-known mineral pyrochlore, which has been commercially processed elsewhere in the world including at the Niobec Mine, which is also in Quebec.
The mineralogy of the Miranna Area samples is highly favourable. Previous mineralogical work on the carbonatite complex indicates that the niobium and tantalum mineralization present is hosted by the mineral pyrochlore, which is the dominant mineral source of niobium globally. Further, much of the pyrochlore is visible to the naked eye, thus indicating a relatively course grain size which is advantageous to metallurgical recovery.
Company President Chris Grove states “I am excited by this opportunity to see new work being done on these claims where we have formerly returned excellent grades of niobium. The global niobium market is seeing significant increased demand and I wish Saville the best in proving up what we have already started. We see joint utility in having Saville working with such proximity to the Ashram REE deposit in all regards, and especially with future plans for infrastructure. Saville’s President, Mike Hodge, is very well known and well regarded by Commerce, as he has been involved in both of our projects, beginning with the hand staking of our Blue River claims in 1999 and the first program on the Eldor in 2007. Commerce’s primary focus will remain on advancing and marketing both the Ashram REE deposit and the Blue River Tantalum and Niobium project, as it becomes more apparent that new sources of such critical commodities are urgently needed and wanted by industry and governments”.
Win-Win-Situation für die Entwicklung eines der attraktivsten Niob-Vorkommen in Nord-Amerika | - Vollständiger Artikel unter:
Yep, genau meine Meinung,-)