CONDOR Petroleum
Dann sollen sie sich halt 150 mio holen und Marsel verkaufen. Damit kann man dann Zharkamys auf 20.000 barrel/day bringen.
Das würde dann reichen um ne Marketcap von mindestens 800.000 Mios zu erreichen.
In November, the Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding with an international oil and gas group related to the sale of the Company‟s 66% participation interest in the Marsel territory in Kazakhstan. Due diligence is in process and expected to be completed in early 2013. The sale of the participation interests would be subject to consent and certain approvals from the government of Kazakhstan.
The next exploration well planned is on the Bugudzilskaya structure, which is a faulted three way structural closure containing multiple targets within the Lower Carboniferous and Devonian clastics. The primary reservoir target is Upper Devonian sandstones and interpreted to contain high quality reservoir potential based on analog wells and seismic data interpretation. Drilling is planned to commence in November 2012 and is expected to take sixty days.
An independent resource audit on the Marsel prospect inventory is ongoing and is expected to be completed in conjunction with the annual 2012 reserves report in the first quarter of 2013.
ein Management versauen kann ist das ein Paradebeispiel: 2007 teilte das Management mit: 350 bopd
bis 6/2007 Verdoppelung der Fördermenge auf 700 bopd.
Innerhalb zwei Jahren Produktionsmenge 4000 bis 5000 barrel/Tag
Das wäre 2009 der Preis gewesen!!!!
Jetzt haben wir in etwa das für 6/ 2007 vorhergesagte.
Dazwischen liegen 4 Jahre in Saus und Braus für das Management und den größten Shareholder.
Nur noch allerbeste Hotels-seltene Besuche in Kazakhstan durch den CEO(man kann auch mal 5 Tage dort verbringen ohne ein Ölfeld zu sehen)
Keiner trägt Verantwortung und alle schauen sich ungläubig an , wie man solch gute Felder nicht voranbringen kann obwohl man alle Gelder der Erde zur Verfügung hatte.
Ich denke, daß man mit Sicherheit dort auch Gelder veruntreut ,ansonsten ist diese Burnrate nicht darstellbar!
Vielleicht wird es doch mal jemand zu bunt und es wird tabula rasa gemacht!
Eines steht fest: Der Founder wollte schon 2009 alle bei Condor und Eurasia rausschmeißen!
Dann sähe es heute mit Sicherheit besser aus.
Marsel kriegen sie auch nur einen Betrag der ein Zehntel des eigentlichen Wertes ist!
Es weiß doch jeder , daß die nicht in die Pötte kommen und wartet bis die die letzten 20 Mios noch verblasen haben!
Eurasia ist mit Condor personell zu sehr verzahnt.Und wenn man immer in die besten Hotels eingeladen wird und nur Puderzucker in den Allerwertesten geblasen kriegt wird man halt unkritisch den Handelnden gegenüber!
Nachteilig wirkt sich ebenfalls aus, daß Jeder der Beteiligten durch Osisko schon so gesundet ist, daß man auch mal solch ein katastrophales Management in Kauf nimmt!
um Rücktritt von seinem Posten. Leider noch keine Antwort?
Die involvierten, verzahnten Eurasia Hauptaktionäre im Advisery Board haben auch
keine Zähne mehr. Die wurden ebenfalls mit teuersten Hotels und Reisen stumpf gemacht.Obwohl gerade die sich mit Zähnen auskennen sollten!
Wenn die sich also 2 Tage im z.B. Hotel du Lac Zürich (man kleckert ja nicht)über ihre Superarbeit unterhalten ist der Ausstoss von einem Monat in Essen und Trinken angelegt!
Die Besuche in Asien mit großer Truppe werden GottseiDank weniger.Naja , wenn man es einmal gesehen hat ist so eine Geisha auch nix besonderes mehr.
This team is a catastrophe and I wonder what all this Directors are doing in a 400 barrel/day company?????
Sean Roosen, Director and Chairman
Mr. Roosen is President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Osisko Mining Corporation (TSX: OSK, Frankfurt: EWX). A graduate of the Haileybury School of Mines, Mr. Roosen has over 25 years of experience in mining and development on the national and international scale. Mr. Roosen is a founding member and Chairman of Eurasia Holding AG, and currently holds a position on the Board of Directors of Astur Gold Corp., Dalradian Resources Inc., Condor Petroleum Inc., and Bowmore Exploration Ltd. In 2010, Mr. Roosen occupied second place in the Financial Post Canada’s Top CEOs ranking; and in 2011, he was inducted into the Quebec Employers Council’s Club des entrepreneurs and was the Québec Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award winner.
Alongside the Osisko team, Mr. Roosen has been recognized for contributions within the industry, having received several awards including the 2006 Prospector of the Year Award, 2008 e3 Award, 2009 Entrepreneur of the Year Award and 2011 Developer of the Year Award (all four from AEMQ, Association de l’exploration minière du Québec), the 2007 Bill Denis Award and 2011 Viola R. MacMillan Award (both from PDAC, Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada), the 2011 « Construire Chantier d'importance » award from the Quebec Construction Association, the 2010 CIM Syncrude Award for Excellence in Sustainable Development, the 2009 Mining Men of the Year (Northern Miner) and, from 2008 to 2012, several awards from the Chambers of Commerce of Rouyn-Noranda, Val d’Or and Malartic to recognize Osisko’s contribution to the regional economic development in the Abitibi.
Dennis Balderston, Director
Mr. Balderston is a Chartered Accountant and independent businessman with over 38 years of public accounting experience specializing in public and private energy sector companies. Mr. Balderston was a partner with Ernst & Young LLP from 1990 to 2005. Since 2005 Mr. Balderston has been a director of a number of public companies and is currently a director of Suroco Energy Inc. and AvenEx Energy Corp.
Dr. Edward W. Bogle, Director
Dr. Bogle is President and CEO of Holocene Equity a private investment company and has more than 32 years of experience in the oil and natural gas industry in Canada and Internationally. Dr. Bogle was appointed President and CEO of Compton Petroleum in 2011 where he successfully managed the financial re-structuring and sale of the Corporation. Prior to joining Compton he held the role of Executive in Residence with the Alberta Department of Energy. Dr. Bogle served as Chief Strategic Officer of Nexen International from 2004 to 2010 and as Executive Vice-President of Exploration at Talisman Energy from 1992 to 2003. Dr. Bogle currently serves as a director of Skope Energy Inc. and a number of private companies. Dr. Bogle holds an ICD.D (Certified Director) from the Institute of Corporate Directors, a Western Executive Program Diploma from the University of Western Ontario, and a Ph.D. in Geological Sciences from Queen's University.
John Burzynski, Director
Mr. Burzynski holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in geology from Mount Allison University and a Master’s of Science in exploration and mineral economics from Queen’s University. He is a registered P.Geo. in the province of Québec, and has over 25 years experience as a professional geologist on international mining and development projects.
He currently holds a position on the Board of Directors of Condor Petroleum Inc. and Braeval Mining Corporation.
Mr. Burzynski has worked as project and country manager in Canada, the United States and in west, central and east Africa on a variety of gold, base metal and diamond projects with groups including International Gold Resources Corporation, Echo Bay Mines Ltd., Pangea Goldfields Inc. and Barrick Gold Corporation. He is the Vice-President Corporate Development for Osisko Mining Corporation, a TSX-listed gold mining company, and is also a founding member of EurAsia Holding AG and EurAsia RH. He was a co-winner of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada’s “Prospector of the Year Award” for 2007, and was named, together with Sean Roosen and Robert Wares as “Mining Men of the Year” for 2009 by the Northern Miner.
Walter Dawson, Director
Mr. Dawson is the Executive Chairman, and founder of Tuscany International Drilling Inc., a public oilfield services company. He was the Chairman and founder of Saxon Energy Services Inc., a publicly-traded international oilfield services company from 2001 until its sale in 2008. Prior thereto, Mr. Dawson served for 19 years as the President, Chief Executive Officer and a director of Computalog Ltd., which is now an operating division of Weatherford International. He is a past director of Gran Tierra Energy Inc., an international oil and gas exploration and production company operating in South America.
Stefan Kaltenbach, Director
Mr. Kaltenbach is currently the vice chairman of the supervisory board of EurAsia Holding AG and EurAsia RH and a member of the board of directors of RV Resource. Each of these companies forms part of the EurAsia group, an international, privately-held investment fund in the natural resources industry. Mr. Kaltenbach is also a member of the supervisory boards of several companies in Germany, Switzerland and the United States, primarily companies in the medical technology, dental and software industries, and he is the chairman of the German software company Ametras Informatik AG and the vice chairman of the supervisory board of Valtronic Technologies S.A. Previously, Mr. Kaltenbach was CEO and a member of the advisory board of KaVo Dental GmbH & Co. KG in Germany. Mr. Kaltenbach has a degree in economics from Ludwig Maximilians Universität in Munich.
Don Streu, Director, President and Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Streu has 25 years experience in the oil and natural gas industry, including 22 years with Chevron Canada Resources working in Angola, Indonesia, Nigeria, Canada and the United States. Mr. Streu was the asset manager of Angola’s first deepwater production: a 100,000 barrel of oil per day operation that went from discovery to first oil in only 30 months. As Chevron Indonesia’s Planning Manager, Mr. Streu was responsible for developing strategic and tactical plans for an organization producing in excess of 350,000 barrels of oil per day. Mr. Streu was also the Asset Manager for Chevron Nigeria Limited, managing the entire offshore production of 250,000 barrels of oil per day. Mr. Streu has been the President and Chief Executive Officer of Condor since September 2008.
Donald Wright, Director
Mr. Wright is the President and Chief Executive Officer of The Winnington Capital Group Inc.. Mr. Wright’s career has spanned over 30 years in the investment industry. He has held a number of leadership positions, including President of Merrill Lynch Canada, Executive Vice-President, director and member of the executive committee of Burns Fry Ltd., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of TD Securities Inc. and Deputy Chairman of TD Bank Financial Group.
Mr. Wright currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of GMP Capital Inc., Cinaport Capital Inc., Equity Financial Holdings Inc. and Richards Packaging Inc., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Richards Packaging Income Fund and Lead Director of Tuscany International Drilling Inc. Mr. Wright also serves as a Director of American Cancer Center Limited., Bank of China, Clear Energy Systems, and Public Mobile Inc.
He actively supports numerous charitable organizations and is a member of the Board of Directors for MaRS Innovation, the Royal Ontario Museum Governors’ Finance Committee, Trustee of MI Ventures, and a member of the Campaign Cabinet of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Foundation and Honorary Chair Pine River Institute Campaign Cabinet.
He is also a past member of the Board of Trustees of The Hospital for Sick Children, and Past Chairman of the Board of Directors of VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Dr. Werner Zoellner, Director
Dr. Zoellner has spent 15 years in the private equity domain, during which time he held positions as an Investment Principal and Partner with Wellington Finanz GmbH, an Investment Partner with the Landes-Bank of the State of Baden-Württemberg and, since 2009, as a Partner with Patrimonium Advisors in Switzerland. Dr. Zoellner has also served on the boards of directors of several companies in Germany, Switzerland and the United States. Previously, Dr. Zoellner spent 10 years in senior management positions with various technology companies, including 3M ESPE.
Hier liegt die Hoffnung: In November, the Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding with an international oil and gas group related to the sale of the Company’s 66% participation interest in the Marsel territory in Kazakhstan. Due diligence is in process and expected to be completed in early 2013. The sale of the participation interests would be subject to consent and certain approvals from the government of Kazakhstan.
Die Verzahnungen des Großaktionärs mit der gelisteten Condor Petroleum sind einfach zu groß.
So findet keinerlei Kontrolle oder Kritik an der Arbeit statt!
Anfang/Mitte 2014 dürfte dann die Exportlizenz ausgestellt werden und es wird Geld verdient. Nach meinen Infos gibt es schon ein MOU mit einer internationalen E&P company
über den Marsel Verkauf. Die sollen schon DD auf dem Feld machen.
Das Zharkamys Feld schätze ich zu heutigen Preisen auf einen 100 Mio Tender!
man bestimmt quasi die Menge - in diesem Falle sollen die 5 Wells 48 Mio barrel sichern!