Die besten Gold-/Silberminen auf der Welt
Aber das betrifft eigentlich alle Bereiche und ist zeitlich quasi unendlich in die Vergangenheit zurück zu verfolgen. Wir können froh sein dass wir dank Inet zumindest teilweise Infos bekommen die nicht durch unsere Staatsmedien verbreitet und manipuliert werden. Aber auch da sind sie ja schon fleißig am einschränken, nur zu unserer Sicherheit versteht sich!
Für mich persönlich war's einfach nur ein Zock auf die Wiedereröffnung der Mine.
Problem sehe ich im Produktionsland, welches kein vernachlässigbares Risiko darstellt und damit wahrscheinlich auch jetzt mit eingepreist ist.
Interessanter sehe ich zukünftigen unbedarfte kleinen Produzenten ohne großartige Chart-Vergangenheit, wo sie mal hingehen werden. Risiko wahrscheinlich höher?
Okay, but if Mr. Market has flipped from greed to fear, why did gold sell off?
Well first, gold was up so much in over the last three months, it too was due for a correction.
My takeaway here is that Im not in the least worried about gold or silver.
Seriously. I dont see how anyone can imagine that a majority of market participants all around the worldincluding the Chinese, Indians, and Arabssuddenly decided in a moment of panic that gold is a risk asset. As soon as the immediate need for liquidity passes, I expect the global easy-money regime to reassert itself and start driving prices higher.
Until the liquidity crunch passes, gold and silver could be pushed lower.
And with fear in the air, gold and silver stocks could get truly crushed before the rebound.
If were in for a 2018-style event, that rebound could be in days or weeks.
If were in for a 2008-style crash, it could be months.
Either way, Ive no doubt it will come and thats pretty exciting
So, Is It Time to Buy?
Let me repeat that
Whether its broader market darlings, gold and silver stocks, or the metals themselves, I think its too soon to rush in and buy.
Remember what experienced investors say about trying to catch a falling safe. My thoughtsince the painful lessons of 2008has been that its better to step aside and let a falling safe smash. Then we step in and pick up whatever valuable pieces are available for pennies on the dollar.
What if prices seem to recover Monday? Dont be fooled; it could just be a temporary dead cat bounce.
Several readers have written in to say that they see gold and silver as oversold, and gold and silver stocks as way oversold. Im not sure I agree about the metals. Gold closed the week at $1,585.50 or $1,587.30, depending on which stat you use. Thats well above official correction levels.
Im not saying it will, but I could see gold retesting $1,500 before heading higher again.
I do, however, feel the allure of the stocks, which have just shown how brutal the leverage they offer us on the upside can be on the downside.
I remember feeling the same way in September of 2008
and in October
and November.
Reaching further back, the charts tell us that there was a large dead-cat bounce after the first big drop in the infamous crash of 1987before the real carnage. The same thing was true in 1929. The 1987 event was faster, but the 1929 crash was about three months from peak to trough, much like 2008.
For me, the implications are clear:
As oversold as some things look today, there is no law of nature to prevent them from getting even cheaper and cheaper and cheaper.
If were in for another 2018, the selling may last three more weeks.
If were in for another 2008, the selling may last three more months.
Valuation is irrelevant in a market panic. Profitable production, exploration success, stupid cheap ounces or pounds in the groundnone of these things matter in a panic.
The risk here is asymmetricalin a bad way. If we dont buy the current dip, we miss some great bargains but can still participate in the coming rally. But if we buy this dip and it turns out to be just the first in a series of many waterfalls, we could be forced to realize larger losses and wed miss far greater bargains.
Bottom line: I do NOT think were going into a gold and silver bear, but we are likely facing a short, sharp shock.
The extent remains TBD.
On the Bright Side...
We all know what happened in 2008. But back then, nothing like it had been seen in a generation. This time, we all know. Even mainstream investors who normally couldnt care less about gold know that gold shone like never before after the crash of 2008. People remember 2008but they also remember 20092011.
This tells me that the recoveryin gold first, then the stockscould be much quicker and rise much higher than last time.
Adding zest to this scenario is that this retreat is being tacked on to a relatively low starting point.
Consider the relative performance of gold vs gold stocks over the last five years.
Ich finde, der Analyst hat es gut getroffen...
Im Übrigen hat Silber die 200-Tagelinie in einem Rutsch nach unten durchlöchert.
Na ja, ich hab ja auch geblutet. Wenn es jetzt immer nur bergauf geht, soll es mir auch recht sei, bin ja nicht ausgestiegen. Man soll aber nix unversucht lassen, Versuch macht kluch.
Die Fondsmanager jedenfalls wollen nicht den Fahrstuhl für die Wirtschaft.
Was die Wirtschaft angeht habe ich inzwischen eine etwas andere Sicht. Das Wachstum hat sich längst vom Unternehmenswert abgekoppelt und ich halte es für sehr wahrscheinlich dass nur die Höhe der Geldspritze darüber entscheidet ob es rauf oder runter geht. Auch habe ich die Meinung abgelegt dass Verschuldung ein Ende nehmen muss und der Geldstrom bald versiegt. Das muss gar nicht sein, ja ist sogar eher unwahrscheinlich in einer mittelfristigen Betrachtungsweise!
Das ist meine derzeitige Sicht auf unser System.
Der Herr Zipfel gehört auch in die Gruppe der Realisten.
Äußerst "bearish" würde ich es sehen, wenn in der kommenden Woche eine US-Aktienbörse an einem Tag mit 3% oder mehr gegenüber dem Vortagsende nach oben schiessen würde. Für mich wäre danach eine Forsetzung nach unten wahrscheinlich.