Die besten Gold-/Silberminen auf der Welt
Damit kann aber auch das weitere vorgehen auf Boungou gemeint sein. Wird erst die Mühle in Betrieb genommen und dann irgendwann später die Mine und Flughafenbau etc. Zeitplan !
News bezüglich der Inbetriebnahme (auf welche weise auch immer) von Boungou erwarte ich früher.
Bohrergebnisse sind jedenfalls gut. (und 100 % plus von gestern auf heute noch besser , leider ohne mich )
Bridgewater Co-CIO Prince: Americas Boom-Bust Economic Cycle Is Over
W kicks off mining at second tungsten operation
By: Mariaan Webb 5th February 2020 Aim-listed W Resources on Wednesday announced the start of operations at its second tungsten mine – Régua, in northern Portugal – following the release of an updated resource estimate. The Joint Ore Reserve Committee-compliant estimate confirmed that the Régua project has 4.47-million tonnes at... →
Sie bekommen erstmal genügend Finanzmittel
Grad bissel bei Semafo eingelesen. War wohl hier kürzlich eines der meistgenanntesten Unternehmen. Ein sicher seit vielen Jahren solide wirtschaftendes U. + Management + gute ProduktionsZahlen + gutes Kosten-Income-Verhältnis + gute gesicherte Ressourcen + sehr gute anzunehmende Erweiterungschancen + Top Investoren-Basis, nur wenig private Hände.
Bei so einem Unternehmen sollte man doch eigentlich Zeitpunkte der - gerade auch stimmungsmäßigen - Unsicherheiten und Tiefpunkte, auch und gerade wenn sie anhalten, nutzen, oder ? .... mal schaun, ob das tolle K92 mir da ein Umswitchen von weiteren Gewinnen möglich macht. Wird trotzdem mein biggest Invest bleiben, die Chancen stehen ja weiter gut ....
Bisher habe ich mich aus Afrika noch eher ferngehalten, wegen der bekannten Zuverlässigkeits- und Sicherheits- Vorbehalte halt. Aber wenn man sich auch an Kosten orientiert kommt man langfristig einfach doch nicht drumrum um das Land.
immerhin sind auf der Seite 10 Stellenangebote ausgeschrieben. Ich finde aber kein Datum dazu. Außerdem finde ich das es nur sehr wenige Informationen auf der Seite gibt. Steht auch nichts über die Produktion vor Ort. Ärgerlich.
Das einzig positive was ich entnehmen kann ist, dass die Gold produzieren und mit 4000 tpd arbeiten. Da können schon ein paar Unzen zusammen kommen und es werden Arbeitskräfte gesucht.
Stellenangebote mit Datum
über die einzelnen Claims
Bergbau & Metallverarbeitung
201-500 Mitarbeiter
Elko, Nevada
Gold Mining
TORONTO, Dec. 17, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Stratabound Minerals Corp. (TSXV: SB) (“Stratabound” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that it has closed the non-brokered private placement announced on December 9, 2019. Furthermore, the Company is also extremely pleased to announce that Jerritt Canyon Canada Ltd. has subscribed for the private placement, that two new appointments have been made to the Company’s Board of Directors and that the second anniversary payment terms have been completed on the Golden Culvert and Little Hyland amended option agreements. The Company has issued 4,000,000 units (“Units”) at a price of $0.05 per Unit for gross proceeds of $200,000. Each Unit consists of one common share and one-half of one common share purchase warrant (each whole warrant, a "Warrant"). Each Warrant will be exercisable for one common share at $0.09 for 24 months from the date of issue. The proceeds of the Private Placement will be used for general corporate purposes. No fees were paid in the Private Placement. All securities issued pursuant to the Private Placement are subject to a statutory hold period of four months plus a day from the date of issuance in accordance with applicable securities legislation. Participation by Jerritt Canyon Canada Ltd. The Company is extremely pleased to announce that all 4,000,000 Units in the Private Placement were subscribed by Jerritt Canyon Canada Ltd. Jerritt Canyon Canada Ltd. is the parent company of Jerritt Canyon Gold LLC, a private, growing mid-tier North American gold producer with its primary operating asset, the Jerritt Canyon Mine located 50 miles north of Elko, Nevada. New Appointments to the Board of Directors The Company is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Rodney Lamond, P.Eng. and Mr. Hashim Ahmed, CA to the Board of Directors of Stratabound. Mr. Lamond is a Professional Mining Engineer with over 30 years of mining experience. Mr. Lamond is currently President and Chief Executive Officer of Jerritt Canyon Gold LLC and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Jaguar Mining Inc. Previously Mr. Lamond was President and CEO of Jaguar Mining from December 2015 to August 2018. Mr. Lamond was also the President and CEO of Crocodile Gold, a gold producer with assets in Australia, prior to the 2015 business combination with Newmarket Gold (now Kirkland Lake Gold). Mr. Lamond holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mining Engineering from Laurentian University and is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario. Mr. Ahmed has been Chief Financial Officer of Jaguar Mining Inc. since 2015 and brings over 20 years of experience with the past 12 years focused in the mining industry, and expertise in financial management, strategy, corporate turnaround, and capital markets. He obtained his CA designation with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and later worked with Ernst & Young LLP in their mining advisory practice. Prior to Jaguar, Mr. Ahmed worked with Barrick Gold for over seven years, where he held progressively senior positions in finance functions in Canada, and with site finance teams in South America. Mr. Ahmed is also a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) USA and a Board member of Financial Executives International (FEI) Canada. Completion of Golden Culvert and Little Hyland Second Anniversary Option Payments The second anniversary option payments to continue the Company’s objective of 100% acquisition of both of the Golden Culvert and Little Hyland Properties were successfully completed as previously agreed to under the amended option agreement terms announced on December 5, 2019. The payments totalled $105,000 comprised of $60,000 in cash and $45,000 by way of share issuances totalling 873,786 shares at a 30-day value weighted average price of $0.0515 per share. Board and Management Retirements The Company also announces regretfully that Margaret “Peggy” Kent, Chairperson has retired from the Stratabound Board. Mr. Richard Meschke, CFO, has also retired from the Company. R. Kim Tyler, President and CEO of Stratabound stated, “We are extremely pleased to have Jerritt Canyon Canada participate in our Private Placement and take a significant ownership position in Stratabound Minerals Corp. It is also a tremendous bonus to welcome Rodney and Hashim to the Board of Directors whose deep experience and high-calibre credentials will bring great depth, profile and investor confidence to our Company as we advance our projects and the Company. With the private placement, new board appointments and Yukon property payments completed we are set to move forward with our plans into 2020.” “We wish Ms. Kent and Mr. Meschke the very best in their retirement and express our sincere thanks for their guidance and support over the last four years. Through their dedication and leadership, the Company has been maintained as a going concern despite the very difficult market conditions that have plagued the junior mining sector. Ms. Kent and Mr. Meschke have fulfilled their commitment to sustaining Stratabound’s shareholders by acquiring the financing for the Golden Culvert option and initial exploration program and by transferring the management of the Company into strong hands as Stratabound transitions to an exploration focus as opposed to the prior emphasis on seeking acquisition opportunities capable of near-term production." The Company has a new CFO candidate in consideration and expects to make an announcement shortly. About Stratabound Stratabound Minerals Corp. is a Canadian exploration and development company focused on gold exploration at its flagship Golden Culvert Project, Yukon Territory and its McIntyre Brook Project, New Brunswick, Canada. The Company also holds a significant land position in New Brunswick that hosts three base metals deposits in the Bathurst base metals camp featuring the Captain Copper-Cobalt Deposit that hosts an NI 43-101 Measured and Indicated Resource. For further information, please see the Golden Culvert presentation and the NI 43-101 technical report on the Stratabound web site, www.stratabound.com. For further information contact:
Zeitpunkt: 12.02.20 12:27
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Bleiben Sie bitte sachlich
Zeitpunkt: 12.02.20 12:27
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Bleiben Sie bitte sachlich
"Da wohl auch andere Institute dies praktizieren, dürfte in der gesamten Eurozone ein sehr hoher Milliardenbetrag dauerhaft dem Bargeldkreislauf entzogen werden. Um Engpässen vorzubeugen, müssen die Notenbanken Ersatz drucken, was wiederum Kosten erzeugt. Allein in Österreich ist in den vergangenen zwei Jahren der Bestand an ausgegebenen Banknoten um mehr als 15 Prozent auf 30,7 Milliarden Euro gestiegen.
Diese Begebenheiten zeigen, dass die Eurozone durch die EZB-Politik geradezu in Geld erstickt. Banken wollen es nicht mehr, da überschüssige Liquidität Kosten verursacht, wenn man es sicher anlegen oder verwahren will. Ob EZB, Geldmarkt oder sichere Bundesanleihen – überall müssen Negativzinsen berappt werden. An den Bürgern der Eurozone ist die Geldflut ohnedies weitgehend vorübergegangen, sonst wäre durch den Konsum die Inflation wohl höher. Statt im Einzelhandel hat die Liquidität die Preise für Immobilien, Anleihen und Aktien in ungeahnte Höhen getrieben. (Alexander Hahn, 6.2.2020)"
Zeitpunkt: 06.02.20 14:32
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: Unterstellung
Zeitpunkt: 06.02.20 14:32
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: Unterstellung
South African PGM
Rustenburg Produktion 2018 778,346 oz AISC 804 US Dollar / oz
Bis 2022 payment equal to 35 % of the distributable free cash flow to a minimum of 221 US Millionen
Mimosa Produktion 2018 124,576 oz AISC 685 US Dollar / oz
50 % Joint venture mit Impala
Platinum Mile 91% interest
2018 recovered 17.578 4E PGM oz at all sustaining cost of 655 US Dollar / oz
Platinum Mile is a tailings retreatment facility located on the Rustenburg lease area adjacent to our Kroondal operations. The facility recovers PGMs from our Rustenburg operations.
We hold a 91% interest in the facility acquired on 12 April 2016 on the closing of our R4.3 billion (US$ 292 million) all-cash offer for Aquarius Platinum.
In 2018, we recovered at Platinum Mile 17,578 4E PGM oz at an all-in sustaining cost of R9,849/oz or US$655/oz.
Kroondal Produktion 2018 4E PGM 255,172, oz AISC 744 US Dollar / oz
50 / 50 Basis
Marikana Produktion 1.03 Millionen oz 4E PGM ended 30. September 2018 / Keine AISC Angabe
US PGM Betriebe
Stillwater & East Boulder Produktion 2018 592,608 oz 2E PGM AISC 2E PGM 677 US Dollar
Colombus Metallurgical Complex
We own and operate a smelting facility and base metal refinery located in Columbus, Montana, between our Stillwater mine and the city of Billings, Montana. The Columbus Metallurgical Complex is one of the world’s largest producers of PGMs from recycled automotive catalytic converters.
The Columbus Metallurgical Complex produces a 2E PGM-rich filter cake (in addition to other by-product metals) which is further refined to palladium and platinum metal by a third-party precious metal refiner.
In 2018, the Columbus Metallurgical Complex processed a total of 619,683 2E PGM oz of mined PGM’s and 686,592 3E PGMs oz (platinum, palladium and rhodium) from recycled catalytic converters.ed
South Africa Gold Division
Beatrix Produktion 2018 274,5 Gold oz AISC 1.226,00 US Dollar oz
Driefontein Produktion 2018 307,8 oz AISC 1.661,00 US Dollar
Kloof Produktion 2018 490,4 oz AISC 1.118,00 US Dollar
Cooke Produktion 2018 44,8 oz AISC 1.118,00 US Dollar
Rand Refinery 44 % interest largest in South Africa with gold bars with a purityat least 99,5 % in accordance with the London Bullion Market.
DRD Gold 51 % Beteiligung
DRDGOLD Limited (DRDGOLD) carries on large scale, long life surface tailings gold recovery operations. Effective on 22 January 2020, we increased our holding from 38.05% to 50.1% equity interest in DRDGOLD – by securing the majority holding in DRDGOLD, a leading surface mining and processing company, we continue to create value for all stakeholders in line with our vision. DRDGOLD will continue to be listed on the JSE (Ticker code: DRD) with a secondary listing on the NYSE in the form of American depository receipts (Ticker code: DRD).
DRDGOLD is a listed South African gold producer and specialist in the recovery of metal from the retreatment of surface tailings. It has a proven track record of optimizing innovative technology-driven processing and demonstrated expertise in surface processing infrastructure development.
The acquisition is key to our surface operations strategy in South Africa, which involves leveraging existing surface operations and infrastructure and developing a strong, long life surface business by exploiting the low risk and relatively high margin characteristics of West Rand surface resources.
Vor allem bn ich auf den durchschnittlichen Basketprice gespannt.
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