Bear Lake Gold LTD NEW : Aus 2 mach 1!
§11:27:28 V 0.57 -0.02 36,000 69 Jordan 1 Anonymous K
§11:25:04 V 0.57 -0.02 3,000 69 Jordan 7 TD Sec K
§11:15:09 V 0.57 -0.02 20,000 69 Jordan 79 CIBC K
§10:46:09 V 0.57 -0.02 6,000 69 Jordan 7 TD Sec K
§10:35:30 V 0.57 -0.02 10,000 69 Jordan 7 TD Sec K
§15:53:25 V 0.57 -0.02 8,000 80 National Bank 27 Dundee K
§15:53:25 V 0.57 -0.02 31,000 69 Jordan 27 Dundee K
§15:53:25 V 0.58 -0.01 14,000 79 CIBC 27 Dundee
GFMS: Goldpreis vor neuem Rekordhoch noch 2009
Stuttgart ( Nach einem wahrscheinlichen, wahrscheinlich aber auch kurzfristigen Rücksetzer unter die Marke von 900 US-Dollar je Unze wird der Goldreis in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2009 ein neues Rekordhoch erreichen. Davon gehen die Experten von GFMS aus, deren Ansicht nach vor allem ein drohender Anstieg der Inflation zu einer neuen Welle von Goldinvestments führen wird.??Zudem rechnet GFMS damit, dass das Angebot im laufenden Jahr steigen werde.
Geringeren Verkäufen im institutionellen Bereich stünde eine leichte Steigerung der Minenproduktion gegenüber. Im Gegensatz dazu werde die Nachfrage aus dem verarbeitenden Sektor, insbesondere im Schmuckbereich, 2009 klar fallen. Grund seien hohe und volatile Goldpreise sowie die schwierige Lage der Weltwirtschaft.??Als Ergebnis werde der Markt sich 2009 zu einem deutlichen Überschuss entwickeln.
Doch würde dieses Ungleichgewicht zum großen Teil durch die Investmentnachfrage wieder ausgeglichen. GFMS ist der Ansicht, dass anhaltende Sorgen über den Zustand der Wirtschaft und die Stabilität der Finanzsystem Gold als sicheren Hafen auch weiterhin attraktiv erscheinen lassen werden.??
Zudem würden viele Anleger dann auch auf eine neue Bedrohung reagieren, und zwar auf die Inflation, die als langfristigen Konsequenz aus der „ultra lockeren“ Finanzpolitik der Regierungen und Notenbanken resultieren werde. GFMS wies allerdings darauf hin, dass der Goldpreis nun wahrscheinlich keine Einbahnstraßenrallye hinlegen werde. Vielmehr könnten die „Sommerpause“ und die erst noch anstehenden Anzeichen für eine sich entwickelnde Inflationssteigerung dazu führen, dass kurzfristig zunächst Goldpreise unter 900 Dollar je Unze zu erwarten seien.
?Der Goldpreis habe zwar von den Hochs im Februar etwas verloren, doch dass sei größtenteils die Reaktion des Marktes auf den Einbruch der Schmucknachfrage und des Anstiegs recycelten Goldes gewesen. Man sei der Ansicht, dass Investoren noch gute Chancen hätten. Der Goldpreis könne in den kommenden Monaten schnell wieder die Marke von 1,000 Dollar je Unze erreichen und werde wahrscheinlich noch vor Jahresende ein neues Rekordhoch erzielen.
0.0000 0.00%
Candlestick Analysis
Today’s Candlestick Patterns:
White Spinning Top
Bullish Meeting Lines
Candlestick Pattern
Today a White Spinning Top was formed. This represents complete indecision between the bulls and the bears.
For more about this candlestick click here.
The last two candlesticks formed a Bullish Meeting Lines Pattern . This is a bullish reversal pattern that marks a potential change in trend. However, its reliability is not very high and it requires confirmation.
Orders Volume Price Range
7 124,000 0.510-0.580
Price Range Volume Orders
0.650-0.740 31,000 5
§09:30:01 V 0.62 +0.02 18,000 79 CIBC 62 Haywood
§09:30:01 V 0.62 +0.02 2,000 79 CIBC 80 National Bank
§09:30:01 V 0.62 +0.02 3,000 7 TD Sec 80 National Bank
Jul 14, 2009 09:37 ET
Bear Lake Gold Reports New High-Grade Gold Intercepts From its Bear Lake Gold Zone in Larder Lake, Ontario
Hole #67 intersected 7.5 meters grading 10.4 g/t gold, hole #67W cut 7.9 meters grading 22.5 g/t, hole #69 intersected 7.0 meters grading 16.3 g/t gold, hole #70 cut 4.5 meters assaying 11.0 g/t gold
LONGUEUIL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - July 14, 2009) - Bear Lake Gold Ltd. ("Bear Lake Gold") (TSX VENTURE:BLG) is pleased to report additional results from the infill core drilling program on the Bear Lake gold zone of its 100% owned Larder Lake Project, located in north eastern Ontario.
- Hole #67 intersected, at a vertical depth of 700 meters, a 7.5 meter section of carbonate-type mineralization grading 10.4 g/t gold, including 2.7 meters at a grade of 17.9 g/t gold.
- A wedge placed in hole #67 (hole 67W) re-tested the carbonate-type zone (less than a meter away) and cut a 7.9 meter section which assayed 22.5 g/t gold, including 4.3 meters grading 37.5 g/t gold.
- Hole #69 intersected, at a vertical depth of 460 meters, a 7.0 meter section of carbonate-type mineralization grading 16.3 g/t gold and, at a depth of 540m vertical, 1.5 meters of altered ultramafic assaying 20.6 g/t gold.
- Hole #69 also intersected, at a vertical depth of 675 meters, 2.2 meters of flow-type mineralization yielding 11.7 g/t gold.
- Hole #70 cut, at a vertical depth of 380 meters, 4.5 meters of carbonate-type mineralization assaying 11.0 g/t gold.
These holes were all part of the infill program designed to reduce hole spacing and increase the confidence level in one of the higher-grade gold lenses within the heart of the Bear Lake zone. This infill drilling program at Bear Lake continues to successfully define the high-grade portion of the deposit and results obtained to date confirm our interpretation that both high-grade and lower-grade mineralized zones occur within a wide alteration envelope.
Highlights of new Larder Lake Assay Results - Bear Lake Area
Core True
Hole no. From To Length Width Au Mineralization
(m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) Type
BLG09-67 719.7 727.2 7.5 6.5 10.4 Carbonate-type
including 724.5 727.2 2.7 2.3 17.9
BLG09-67W(i) 717.5 725.4 7.9 6.8 22.5 Carbonate-type
including 718.7 723.0 4.3 3.7 37.5
BLG09-69 586.0 593.0 7.0 6.8 16.3 Carbonate-type
and 672.5 674.0 1.5 1.4 20.6 Altered
750.7 752.9 2.2 2.1 11.7 Flow-type
BLG09-70 475.5 480.0 4.5 4.4 11.0 Carbonate-type
666.3 673.3 7.0 6.8 0.7 Flow-type
(i) Assays pending in other parts of the hole
Re-sampling Program
After receiving unexpectedly low assay results from several intercepts that were suspected to contain gold tellurides, the presence of which can sometimes result in underestimation of gold values unless precautions are taken, samples suspected to contain tellurides were re-assayed. Despite that most of the results show no significant difference, there were 5 assays results from holes 49W2, 56A, 58, 59 and 59W that did show some significant increase in gold content, which should have a positive impact on the upcoming resource estimates. These results were confirmed by an independent assay laboratory. The most significant results from this re-sampling program are shown in the table below.
Most Significant Assay results - Re-sampling Program
Length Original
Hole no. From To (True width) values Re-assays Mineralization
(m) (m) (m) Au (g/t) Au (g/t) Type
NFX08-58 1067.4 1075.9 6.0 1.1 6.5 Carbonate-type
BLG08-59 1133.0 1136.5 2.1 1.7 10.5 Carbonate-type
BLG08-59W 1466.8 1469.6 1.7 2.3 6.7 Flow-type
NFX08-56A 1221.5 1222.6 0.6 4.8 23.4 Flow-type
NFX08-49W2 1033.5 1040.2 6.5 1.4 9.9 Flow-type
Gold tellurides were frequently observed at the Kerr-Addison mine, located 5 km to the east and are found in several gold deposits located along the Larder Lake-Cadillac Break. To ensure that the most accurate gold values are obtained, minor modifications were made to further improve our assay protocol and all assays reporting above 2 g/t gold are now re-assayed three times.
Link to flow-type mineralization diagram:
Link to carb-type mineralization diagram:
The gold mineralized system identified at Bear Lake includes both high-grade and low-grade mineralized shoots, similar to the ore zone setting at the former Kerr Addison mine, and tighter drilling is necessary to establish the size and extent of the high-grade zones within this large gold mineralized envelope.
Link to complete assay results to date from the Bear Lake Area as at July 14, 2009: