Bauxite Resource, WKN: A0M6J3, 50Mt Bauxit
Australian resources company Bauxite Resources Ltd (ASX: BAU) (“the Company”) announces the appointment of Scott Donaldson as Chief Executive and Executive Director of the Company. The appointments will take effect from 31 January, 2011.
Mr Donaldson is a qualified mining engineer with a graduate diploma in business. He brings more than 20 years experience in the mining industry in Australia and New Zealand with a variety of minerals including gold, nickel, copper, zinc and lead sulphides, copper oxides, coal and chromite. Some of his achievements include:
• Playing a key role in the successful transformation of 3 companies from explorers into producing mining companies;
• Successful management and development from pre-feasibility to construction, commissioning and production of five mines over the last 12 years; including
• Developing, commissioning & managing the Jaguar copper/zinc/silver project in WA with Jabiru Metals;
• Designing, developing and managing stage one of Western Metals’ Pillara Lead-Zinc Mine in the Kimberley;
• Developing, commissioning & managing Tectonic Resources’ Rav8 Nickel mine at Ravensthorpe, WA;
• Commissioning & managing the Coobina chromite mine in the Pilbara with Consolidated Minerals.
Bauxite Resources’ Chairman and Acting Chief Executive, Barry Carbon, said that the Company was delighted to appoint Mr Donaldson. “We have conducted a very thorough executive search process, and we have been flattered by the excellence of the candidates who expressed interest in our company,” he added.
“We have selected Mr Donaldson as the candidate with the best match of skills and experience to deliver on the next phase of development for Bauxite Resources Ltd,” he added.
Mr Donaldson said that he was looking forward to his new leadership position with Bauxite Resources. “I am excited to be joining this West Australian company and I look forward to contributing to its long term growth,” he added.
Bauxite Resources has recently announced its agreement with Yankuang Resources to design and build a modern alumina refinery in the south west of Western Australia, subject to a feasibility study.
Mr Donaldson joins BRL from Jabiru Metals Ltd, where for the past 3 years he has held the position of Chief Operations Officer responsible for Jabiru’s operations and technical development. He was previously responsible for managing the feasibility, optimisation and successful development, construction, commissioning and production of Jabiru’s Jaguar Copper/Zinc sulphide mine in WA.
Mr Donaldson has previously held senior management positions with Consolidated Minerals, Tectonic Resources, Western Metals, Dominion Mining Ltd and Thiess Contractors.
Mr Donaldson has a Mining Engineering Degree, Graduate Diploma in Business and holds a First Class Mine Manager’s Certificate of Competency. He is also a member of the Board of Examiners for WA First Class Mine Manager’s Certificates.
11 Nov 2010 0.305 19.61% 0.315 0.265 4,213,642
* Volume of shares shown represents only those shares traded on ASX.
Was geht in den Köpfen der Australier vor, das würde mich doch mal interessieren.
Solche Volumen sind doch in Verbindung mit der Kursentwicklung ein klares Zeichen für gute news. Außer der Ankündigung für den neuen CEO und Vorstandsvorsitzenden habe ich nichts gefunden. Aber vielleicht muß man um die Ecke denken und sich sagen, so ein Mann kommt doch nicht in ein Unternehmen um Däumchen zu drehen...! Also wird sich etwas in naher Zukunft bewegen, sonst wäre hier nicht so viel los!
wird schon....
Auf der Homepage (
sind nun 2 Dateien zum General Meeting zu finden.
mit Yuankuang und die Erstellung der Aluminium Raffinerie ab.
War ja auch abzuwarten :)
Beste Grüße
Nun, dann freuen wir uns mal auf nöhe Höchstkurse, die derzeitige MK ist m.E. mehr, als ein Witz!
Danke avalanche fuer die schnelle Nachricht!
Ich setz noch den Link zu der News rein !
GUT SO !!!
Ich denke die Beamten haben sich schon lange fürs Projekt entschieden.... warum auch nicht !!!!
ich denke jetzt wirds richtig up gehen...die News kam glaube ich nach Börsenschluss im Aussieland:))
Hier die Langform der Ministerialen Entscheidung gegen das längerfristige ERMP Verfahren, zugunsten des PER-Verfahrens das in Nord Bindoon schon seit einigen Wochen läuft. Das ERMP sollte den Klägern zufolge langfristige Auswirkungen für die DSO mit 2Mt/pa also kommulierte 10Mt/5Y Produktion aufdecken, dabei wurden verschiedene Beeinträchtigungen wie Staub, Lärm, Auswirkungen auf die Flora und Fauna, sowie die Wasserhaltung genannt.
Das Ministerium sah aber besonders in der Art des Abbaues in schmalen Streifen von wenigen Hektar und geringer Tiefe, wie auch den Transport über Strassen zum Hafen nach Kwinana keinen Grund für ein ERMP-Verfahren und beließ es bei dem schon laufenden PER Verfahren, bei dem die Bewohner der Ländereien und Ortschaften die von der Minenarbeit direkt betroffen sind ein Urteil pro oder contra abgeben können.
In diesem Ministerialen Beschluß wird auch der Zeitraum für das PER-Verfahren genannt, es wird mit 8 Wochen datiert.
Es dürfte demnach nicht mehr allzu lange bis zu einem Ergebnis der PER aus Nord Bindoon dauern? Die Chancen stehen nach dem Beschluß des Ministeriums für BRL gut, auch von den Betroffenen einen positiven Bescheid zu erhalten und es dürfte bald soweit sein!
Australien Australien Security Exchange ASX 02:00-08:05
Auf Australien warten schaffe ich nicht!
Morgen wissen wir mehr...
hoffe, der link flunzt
1 mail: David McSweeney resigns as Director of Bauxite Resources
2. mail: Helen Trlin would like to recall the message, "David McSweeney resigns as Director of Bauxite Resources".
Na was denn nu? Der Kurs reagierte nur auf mail No. 1 :-(
es könnte mal langsam wieder losgehen oder?
jeden Tag kleckern wir ein Stück nach unten !
werden auf jedenfall immer lauter:
exporter. Friday, December 31, 2010 One will not fail to notice the convergence of thoughts of our mines minister B K Handique and Klaus Kleinfeld, CEO of the world’s largest producer of the white metal, Alcoa, on the long-term demand and price outlook for aluminium. Both believe the use of aluminium, favoured for its light weight, malleability and recycling qualities, will continue to grow strongly through 2020. This will ensure the shifting of balance of supply and demand in favour of aluminium makers. lg Bio
Guinea developed a broad export market with main counterparties being India, Spain, Russia, Germany, the US, Ireland and the Ukraine. Guinea's 10 million people live in a country of over 245,000 sq km, about the area of the UK, Equador, or US state of Oregon.
The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade was projecting economic growth in Guinea to reach 3.9% in 2011. However, Conde's election might facilitate a more rapid expansion as he unveils his reform programme. All this amid an atmosphere of "re-integration", through the offering of ministerial posts to opposition politicians to ease ethnic tensions, according to Mining Journal.
One of their top export markets has been India!
Lack of bauxite resources to hinder aluminium projects Kunal Bose / December 14, 2010, 0:37 IST
reanimiert 3 Raffinerien:
as Aluminum Advances Jan 9, 2011 9:01 PM PT
Alcoa Inc., the largest U.S. aluminum producer, may post its highest earnings in nine quarters after the commodity’s price neared levels last seen before the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in 2008.
The company will report fourth-quarter net income of 19 cents a share after trading today, compared with a 28-cent loss a year earlier, according to the average of 15 analysts’ estimates in a Bloomberg survey. That would be the New York- based company’s biggest profit since the third quarter of 2008, when commodity prices began to tumble.
Aluminum Makers Ride Price IncreasesMarket Updraft Is Likely to Continue as Demand Climbs in Housing, Transportation Sectors; China Cuts Back on Production
Alcoa to restart three smelters
New Year Statement and Request for Shareholder Support from Chairman
On 26 November 2010, Bauxite Resources Limited ("BRL" or "the Company") released an ASX announcement confirming overwhelming shareholder support for a strategy towards building an alumina refinery in the south-west of Western Australia.
In January 2011, BRL and Yankuang Corporation ("Yankuang") will sign contract agreements that detail the previous binding Heads of Agreement (HOA) approved by shareholders.
On 10 November 2010, BRL announced the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer ("CEO"), Mr Scott Donaldson, who will be commencing on 31 January 2011. The Board believes that Mr Donaldson has the right experience and qualifications to lead the Company and ensure implementation of the long-term strategy. Therefore, the Board has proposed Mr Donaldson a remuneration package which includes 3 million share options over 3 years at 40 cents per share, which is approximately a 60% premium to the current share price.
On 22 December 2010, BRL announced the appointment of a new Non-Executive Director, John Sibly, to the Board. Mr Sibly is very well qualified and has significant industry experience to provide guidance to the Company. John has extensive experience in the bauxite and alumina refinery sectors, including more than 15 years in senior positions with Alcoa (ASX:AAI) (NYSE:AA). The Board has proposed Mr Sibly a remuneration package which includes 2 million share options at an exercise price of 40 cents per share, which is approximately a 60% premium to the current share price.
On behalf of the BRL Board, I ask for shareholder support on the share options proposals for Mr Donaldson and Mr Sibly to ensure that we attract, secure and incentivise the best executives available to fulfil our long-term strategy. The Board views the pricing and volume of these share options to be modest and commensurate with the experience of the intended recipients.
The Company Secretary has been asked to provide notice and call an Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") on 22 February 2011 to consider shareholder votes to support these share options proposals. As Chairman, and on behalf of the Board of Directors, I strongly encourage your support of these proposals.
For the complete Bauxite Resources Limited announcement including attachment, please refer to the following link:
meiner Meinung nach gut gewählt, denn es tut sich was in Richtung DSO und Communityarbeit.
indoon Bauxite Mining Proposal - Community Workshops for environmental studies 21 Jan 2011
Environmental and Regulatory approvals process
Bauxite Resources Ltd (BRL) is seeking environmental and regulatory approvals to mine two million tonnes per annum of bauxite on private properties in Bindoon, submitting a five year plan. This proposal is called the Bindoon Bauxite Mining Proposal. The level of assessment for the proposal has been set by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) at a Public Environmental Review (PER).
Community Consultation
As part of the environmental assessment process, BRL is preparing to submit an environmental scoping document to the EPA in 2011. This document will describe the environmental factors relevant to the Bindoon Bauxite Mining Proposal and the intended environmental studies that will be undertaken.
BRL currently proposes to undertake 12 environmental studies including flora, fauna, dieback, acid sulphate soils, greenhouse gas, traffic, water, cultural heritage, noise, dust, visual amenity, and social and economic impacts.
Before submission of the environmental scoping document BRL is seeking comment and involvement. Local residents and other interest groups are invited to participate in this consultation process by attending one of the public workshops or filling in the feedback form in the information packs distributed to all Shire of Chittering landowners in early February.
Public information workshops will be held on the following dates;
at the Bindoon Bakehaus, Great Northern Highway, Bindoon.
at Bauxite Resources Ltd, Level 2, Building E, 355 Scarborough Beach Rd, Osborne Park.
at the Bindoon Bakehaus, Great Northern Highway, Bindoon.
You are invited to attend any of the above dates, please register attendance before 7 February 2011 by:
T: 1800 088 042 or Email: or contacing Bauxite Resources Ltd head office.