Ballard Power Systems lebt noch (Wieder)
kann ich eigentlich gar nicht klar kommen.
ganz genau so mache ich es auch. Die kleinen saisonalen Rücksetzer interessieren mich nicht und wir sprechen uns in 2-3 Jahren wieder, wenn die Brennstoffzellenindustrie richtig brummt. Ich hätte mir zwar gestern in der Obama Rede etwas konkretere Dinge erhofft aber die werden im Rahmen der Umsetzung seiner doch sehr mutmachenden Ideen kommen. Letztlich können diese Ziele nur mit absolut moderner Technologie erreicht werden und im Gegensatz zu Deutschland wird sich die USA nicht zu 20% aus Solar- und Windenergie nähren können. Da müssen schon andere Geschütze her. Ebenso sind die Entfernung in den USA so groß, dass Elektroautos mittelfristig nur mit Brennstoffzellen marktfähig sind.
Kurzum - allen hier Investierten einen ruhigen Sommer auf einem stetig wachsenden Aktienruhekissen...;-))
26 JUN 2013
The winners of the 2012-2013 Hydrogen Student Design Contest were announced this week at a session of the Alternative Clean Energy Expo 2013 in Washington D.C. The challenge set for this year’s teams was to develop plans for a hydrogen fuelling infrastructure in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States between 2013 and 2025.
24 teams from the United States, Japan, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Taiwan, India, and Italy participated in this year's competition and the team from Kyushu University was revealed as the Grand Prize Winner. Representatives from Mercedes-Benz and Toyota also gave an honourable mention award to the team from the University of Birmingham, Centre for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research.
"The design from Kyushu University proposes infrastructure development in key urban areas using modular and portable stations, allowing the build-out of stations and adding sites with growing demand" said Jeff Serfass, President of the Hydrogen Education Foundation. "This cluster approach is used in hydrogen infrastructure development plans in California and abroad and shows much promise for the Northeast as well," Serfass added.
The annual Contest, which this year was supported by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Department of Energy, Toyota and Mercedes-Benz, demonstrates the talents of the student teams in the fields of engineering, architecture, marketing, and entrepreneurship. As part of their award, the team from Kyushu University received an expenses-paid trip to the ACT Expo 2013 in Washington, D.C. to present their design in front of industry representatives. For a complete list of the submissions, and to see the winning designs, visit the website.
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nämlich die Busse, die im Rhein-Erft-Kreis unterwegs sind. Davon darf es gerne bald mehr geben...;-))
26 JUN 2013
A new task force is being set up in Japan aiming to ensure the country’s future dominance in the market for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV), according to a report on the Nikkei website. The task force includes members from the automotive and hydrogen refuelling industries along with representatives of government agencies.
The task force is being led by the former Environment Minister Yuriko Koike, with other participants including Toyota Motor Corp., Nissan Motor Co., Honda Motor Co., JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corp., Iwatani Corp. and Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., as well as members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and Trade Ministry officials.
Vehicle cost reduction is vital to the success of the FCEV market. Toyota is aiming to sell the cars for around 5 million yen, while the task force wants a price closer to 3 million yen. The task force plans to work out measures, such as purchase subsidies and tax breaks, and call on the government to include them in a tax reform blueprint to be drafted by the end of the year, and to allocate the necessary funding.
On the topic of hydrogen refuelling, the task force will discuss relaxing regulations on the construction of refuelling stations ahead of the expected commercialisation of FCEV from 2015.
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sie können ja auch den Tegran-Motor verwenden...
Wenn ja, dann müsste eine steigende Ballard von Plug profitieren und eine steigende Plug von Ballard. Die beiden Unternehmen könnten eigentlich fusionieren, oder? :-)
“Ballard and Plug Power’s technology has been integrated, tested and improved over the lifetime of the GenDrive product to become the world’s most reliable fuel cell power solution for the material handling industry."
Plug Power Commits to Purchase Fuel Cell Stacks from Ballard
Was ist aus Ballard Power geworden und wie geht es weiter?
das Rennen macht. Schließlich gibt es die Kooperation mit Ballard und BMW konzentriert sich zu sehr auf den i3 als Elektroauto mit Batterie. Vermutlich werden wir dazu noch etwas in diesem Jahr hören - auch wenn es noch keine echten Verkaufszahlen gibt. Aber VW muss jetzt mit den Säbeln rasseln, damit sie nicht imagemässig abgekoppelt werden. Uns kann diese Konkurrenz nur recht sein, da sie den Markt belebt, das Thema im Gespräch hält und insgesamt die Zahlen von Brennstoffzellenautos in DEU erhöhen wird und damit die Akzeptanz und Wasserstoffversorgung beleben wird. Alles eine Frage von Zeit und ob wir jetzt 1 oder 5 Jahre darauf warten ist eigentlich egal - unsere Aktien werden explodieren, dass ist schon mal völlig klar.
27 JUN 2013
The US DOE has extended the application deadline for its "Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Medium Duty Trucks, Roof-top Backup Power, and Advanced Hydrogen Refueling Components" funding opportunity announcement. Applications are now due by 5:00 p.m. EDT on July 25, 2013. Letters of intent are due on July 12, 2013.
In support of the Obama Administration's all-of-the-above energy strategy, on June 11 the Energy Department announced up to $9 million in new funding to accelerate the development of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies for use in vehicles, backup power systems, and hydrogen refuelling components. These investments aim to strengthen US leadership in cost-effective hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and help industry bring these technologies into the marketplace at lower cost.
For details, see the funding opportunity announcement DE-FOA-0000828 or read the EERE Progress Alert.
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