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133 Postings, 7789 Tage browiGE sieht für Kernenergie steigende Nachfrage

04.09.06 10:08
04.09.2006 - 08:57
GE sieht für Kernenergie steigende Nachfrage      

Laut dem „Handelsblatt“ geht der US-Michkonzernriese General Electric (GE) von einer Wiederauferstehung der Kernenergie aus. „Die Kernenergie kommt zurück. Es sei unmöglich mit alternativen Energien den künftigen Bedarf zu decken. Der Vorrat an fossilen Brennstoffen ist begrenzt und alternative Energieträger seien nur in der Lage die Spitzen abzufangen. Daher wird vor allem die industrielle Energienachfrage mit sauberen Kohlekraft-und Atomkraftwerken gedeckt werden müssen. General Electric stelle sich auf eine weltweit steigende Nachfrage ein, die der Konzern mit einer neuen Generation von Leichtwasserreaktoren befriedigen will. Vor allem im amerikanische Heimatmarkt sei Bedarf zu sehen, zumal in den USA seit 25 Jahren kein neues Kraftwerk mehr gebaut worden ist“, so GE-Manager Fernando Beccalli-Falco gegenüber der Zeitung.


1847 Postings, 7417 Tage MeierCAMECO langfristig sehr interessant

15.11.06 16:35
Die CAMECO Aktie markierte nach langfristiger Aufwärtsbewegung im Mai 2006 das AllTimeHigh bei 45,34 $ und startete eine moderate Abwärtskorrektur. Diese hat den Charakter einer bullischen Flagge als Fortsetzungsformation im Aufwärtstrend. Anfang Oktober erreichte die Aktie die Kreuzunterstützung bei 32,00 $, wo sie nach oben hin abprallt. Eine nachhaltige Trendwende nach oben wurde aber noch nicht vollzogen und bleibt zunächst abzuwarten. Das kurz- und mittelfristige Chartbild ist jetzt neutral zu werten, so lange die Aktie innerhalb der Flagge notiert. Das langfristige Chartbild ist weiterhin klar bullisch zu werten.

Charttechnischer Ausblick: Prinzipiell sollte sich die Aktie nun oberhalb von 32,00 $ stabilisieren und wieder nach oben drehen. Steigt die Aktie jetzt per Tages- und Wochenschluss wieder über dem EMA50 bei 35,43 $ an, sollte eine Aufwärtsbewegung zur Oberkante der Flagge sowie dem Horizontalwiderstand bei 41,43 $ erfolgen. Steigt die Aktie auf Tages- und Wochenschlussbasis über 41,43 $ an, wird ein Kaufsignal mit Ziel am AllTimeHigh bei 45,34 $ generiert. Darüber liegt das nächste Ziel bei ca. 60,00 $. Fällt die Aktie hingegen auf Tages- und Wochenschlussbasis unter den Unterstützungsbereich bei 30,80 - 32,00 $ zurück, wird ein Verkaufsignal mit Ziel bei 22,76 - 24,75 $ ausgelöst. Spätestens dort ist dann mit einer deutlichen Gegenbewegung nach oben hin zu rechnen.

280 Postings, 6801 Tage MoneywasherCameco wieder im Aufwärtstrend...

28.12.06 10:56
Der von Meier beschriebene charttechnische Ausblick hat sich mit dem Tief bei ca. 31 US-$ (24,50 EUR) als ein optimaler Einstiegszeitpunkt erwiesen. Nach der Flutung der Cigar Lake im Oktober profitiert Cameco von den deutlich gestiegenen U308-Preisen auf zuletzt 72 US-$/lb. Weiter deutliche steigende Uranpreise sind aufgrund ständig steigender Nachfrage mehr als wahrscheinlich.

Inzwischen wurden die Kursziele von diversen Analysten wieder angehoben - zudem werden höhere Dividendenzahlungen für 2007 in Aussicht gestellt. Wer bis morgen - 29.12. - als Aktionär dabei ist, kann davon bereits kurzfristig profitieren:

Cameco Stock Rating Upgraded, Board Approves Higher Dividend
Cameco Corp. has been upgraded to “top pick” by RBC Dominion Securities Inc. because it should benefit from higher uranium prices as well as its 53 percent share in Centerra Gold Inc.

Cameco shares closed today at C$45.70 (US$39.46) and RBC has raised its 12-month share price target to $67.00 (US$57.85) from $64.00 (US$55.26). RBC believes that the negative effects of the Cigar Lake flood in October should be more than offset by rising uranium prices.

In addition, Cameco’s board of directors this week approved an increase in the annual cash dividend from C$0.16 (US$0.14) per share to $0.20 (US$0.17) beginning in 2007, which represents a 25 percent increase in the company’s cash dividend. The board of directors also declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.04 (US$0.03) per common share, payable on January 15, 2007, to shareholders of record on December 29, 2006.

Langristig gesehen ist Cameco sowieso ein Kauf!  

3233 Postings, 7120 Tage DahinterschauerDer Aufwärtstrend vollzieht sich gebremst.

31.12.06 15:15
Cameco verdient am mittlierweile auf 75 $ gestiegenen Uranpreis nur unterproportional, weil 1. die Urangewinnung nur ein kleiner Teil des Geschäftes ist. Das Hauptgeschäft ist der Betrieb von Meilern. Aus dem Uranverkauf an Dritte erlangt man Altpreise mit einem Preisformelanteil, der den aktuellen Weltmarktpreis nur zum kleinen Teil berücksichtigt.
Als ich bei Cameco nach Überflutung der im Bau befindlichen Mine ausgestiegen bin, hatte ich ca. 15 % gutgemacht. In der gleichen Zeit haben mir Paladin 100% und SXR 125 % gebracht. Der Grund liegt darin, daß die beiden Junior-Minen voll vom gestiegenen Uranpreis profitieren.  

4308 Postings, 8571 Tage NukemChart

02.01.07 16:17
Der Cameco Chart macht sich klasse! :)  

280 Postings, 6801 Tage MoneywasherAufwärtstrend gebremst?

03.01.07 10:29
Das ist wohl eine Frage der Sichtweise. Ich habe den Einstiegszeitpunkt Mitte November optimal erwischt und seitdem nicht realisierte 35 % Kursgewinn im Depot. Zudem wurde bereits eine Dividende gutgeschrieben.

Gestern hat sich Cameco in Kanada fast richtig ATH bewegt, nur der sehr schwache CAD verhindert eine noch bessere Performance hier in DE.

Die von Dahinterschauer noch einmal erwähnte Preisbindung aufgrund vorhandener Lieferverträge ist zwar richtig. Allerdings ist darüber jeder Investierte mit Sicherheit informiert und die Tatsache ist den Kursen eingepreist.

Aus diesem Grund ist Cameco auch eine Langfristspekulation, wobei bekannterweise an der Börse langfristige Entwicklungen und Perspektiven bereits mittelfristig Auswirkungen auf den Kurs haben. Warum kauft man sonst Aktien von Explorern?

Wer ohne höheres Risiko an der generell guten Perspektive bei Uranproduzenten teilhaben will, dem empfehle ich das Mitte Nov. 06 aufgelegte Merrill Lynch-Basket:



UEX CORP. 10,00%
AREVA CI SA CDI B EO 38 10,00%
RIO TINTO 10,00%
USEC 10,00%
ENERGY RES. A 10,00%

Neben Cameco sind auch UrAsia, ERA und Paladin vertreten - wie ich meine, eine gelungene Zusammenstellung mit guter Aussicht auf Erfolg!  

1847 Postings, 7417 Tage MeierSo langsam könnte es doch nochmal hochgehen

07.02.07 09:23
Wie ist die aktuelle Meinung zur Aktie?

KGV 23,49
Gewinnwachstum 113,08 %
PEG 0,44
KUV 11  

280 Postings, 6801 Tage Moneywasher50 % Gewinnrückgang Q4.06 vs. Q4.05

07.02.07 09:54
Cameco Reports Record Revenue, Earnings and Cash Flows for 2006Print PagePrint Page

Cameco Reports Record Revenue, Earnings and Cash Flows for 2006

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, February 07, 2007

Fourth Quarter Results / PDF Version (223 KB)

Cameco Corporation today reported its unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2006. All numbers in this release are in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise stated. For a more detailed discussion of our financial results, management's discussion and analysis (MD&A) following this news release.

"The company recorded record revenue, earnings and cash flow for 2006, despite lower earnings in the fourth quarter compared to the previous year," said Jerry Grandey, president and chief executive officer of Cameco. "As we have indicated, quarterly results are not a good indicator of Cameco's annual results and the fourth quarter certainly demonstrates this."

Financial Highlights
($ millions except per share amounts)
Three months ended
Dec 31
% ChangeYear ended
Dec 31
% Change
Earnings from operations3659(39)335

Cash provided by operations (b)1391(86)41827850
Net earnings4083(52)

Earnings per share (EPS) – basic ($)0.110.24(54)1.070.6273
EPS – diluted ($)0.110.23(52)1.02

EPS – adjusted and diluted ($)0.110.21(48)0.750.58


Adjusted net earnings (c)4076(47)27420832

(a) In 2006, revenue from Bruce Power Limited Partnership (BPLP) was proportionately consolidated. In 2005, consolidated revenue included Cameco's proportionate share of BPLP revenue following the restructuring of the partnership as of October 31, 2005. Prior to that date, we accounted for BPLP using the equity accounting method.

(b) After working capital changes.

(c) Net earnings for 2006 have been adjusted to exclude a $73 million ($0.19 per share diluted) recovery of future income taxes related to reductions in federal and provincial income tax rates and adjusted to exclude a $29 million gain ($0.08 per share diluted) on sale of our interest in the Fort à la Corne joint venture. Net earnings for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2005 have been adjusted to exclude $69 million ($0.19 per share diluted) in net earnings related to the gain on sale of Energy Resources of Australia Ltd shares as well as $62 million ($0.17 per share diluted) in net loss related to the restructuring of the Bruce Power Limited Partnership. Adjusted net earnings is a non-GAAP measure used to provide a representative comparison of the financial results.

Fourth Quarter

For the three months ended December 31, 2006, our net earnings were $40 million ($0.11 per share diluted), $43 million lower than the net earnings of $83 million ($0.23 per share diluted) recorded in 2005. The decrease is due to lower earnings in the electricity and gold businesses, and a $20 million (pre-tax) charge at Cigar Lake. The write down results in a $15 million (pre-tax) charge in the fourth quarter of 2006. In addition, we expensed $5 million (pre-tax) in costs related to remediation activities at the project.

Cash from operations in the fourth quarter of 2006 was $13 million compared to $91 million in 2005. The decrease of $78 million was related to lower cash flows from the gold and electricity businesses.

In our uranium business, earnings before taxes declined to $49 million from $71 million in the fourth quarter of last year, primarily as a result of a lower reported sales volume in the quarter. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, revenue from our uranium business declined by $76 million to $242 million as a 36% increase in the realized selling price (in US dollars) was more than offset by a 42% decline in reported sales volumes.

The sales volumes were down due to timing of sales deliveries, which are at the discretion of our customers. For the past several years, the deliveries have been heavily weighted in the fourth quarter. In 2006, the timing of deliveries through the year was unusual, with a heavier weighting in the first quarter and lighter weighting in the fourth quarter.

In addition, during the fourth quarter, we deferred revenue on a portion of our sales volume as the result of our standby product loans. As previously reported, Cameco has entered into standby product loan agreements with two of our customers. As of December 31, 2006, Cameco had not borrowed any material under the standby loan agreements. However, regardless of whether any material is borrowed, we defer revenue recognition from sales to the counterparties of the standby product loan agreements, up to the limit of the loans (5.6 million pounds). This is in accordance with accounting standards. Accordingly, in the fourth quarter of 2006, Cameco has deferred revenue of $22 million and the associated costs on sales of 1.2 million pounds of U3O8. The gross profit on the deferred sales was $3 million.

The average realized price in Canadian dollars increased by 30%, with the stronger Canadian dollar relative to the US dollar having a dampening effect given that most of our sales are denominated in US dollars. The increase in the average realized price was the result of higher prices under fixed-price contracts and a higher uranium spot price, which averaged $65.21 (US) per pound in the fourth quarter of 2006 compared to $34.79 (US) in the same quarter of 2005.

On October 23, 2006 Cameco reported that a water inflow at Cigar Lake had flooded the underground development.

Cameco engineers and consultants have developed a phased plan to restore the underground workings at Cigar Lake. The first phase of the remediation plan involves drilling holes down to the source of the inflow and to a nearby tunnel where reinforcement may be needed, pumping concrete through the drill holes, sealing off the inflow with grout and drilling dewatering holes. Subsequent phases include dewatering the mine, ground freezing in the area of the inflow, restoring underground areas and resuming mine development. Regulatory approval is required for each phase of the remediation plan.

We have completed eight of the 14 drill holes planned for reinforcing and sealing off the water inflow area. There are two drill rigs on site working around the clock. Concrete will be poured in two locations - one near the rock fall to seal off the inflow area and another in a nearby tunnel to provide reinforcement. About 300 cubic metres of concrete have been poured in the reinforcement area.

Cameco had previously planned to provide preliminary capital cost estimates and timelines for the remediation in February 2007. Cameco is preparing a technical report for Cigar Lake to meet requirements under National Instrument 43-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators, which regulates public company exploration and mining disclosure. We expect to complete and publicly release the technical report in late March 2007. A technical report is required to support the disclosure of Cigar Lake remediation.

We plan to issue our next update on the status of Cigar Lake on March 1, 2007.

For fuel services, earnings before taxes increased to $11 million in the fourth quarter of 2006 from $5 million for the same period of 2005.

Cameco's pre-tax earnings from BPLP amounted to $13 million during the fourth quarter compared to $30 million during the same period in 2005. This decrease in 2006 is due to a lower realized price, partially offset by lower operating costs. During the quarter, the average realized electricity price was $46 per MWh, compared to $57 per MWh in the fourth quarter of 2005. On a per MWh basis, the operating cost in the fourth quarter of 2006 was $38, compared to $42 in the fourth quarter of 2005.

Full Year 2006

For 2006, our net earnings were $376 million ($1.02 per share diluted). Our adjusted net earnings were $274 million ($0.75 per share adjusted and diluted), $66 million higher than the adjusted net earnings of $208 million ($0.58 per share adjusted and diluted) recorded in 2005 due to improved results in the uranium and gold businesses. Our earnings were negatively impacted by lower earnings from BPLP, charges related to the Cigar Lake water inflow and higher administration expenses.

In 2006, Cameco generated cash from operations of $418 million compared to $278 million in 2005. The increase of $140 million reflects higher revenue compared to 2005 and the proportionate consolidation of BPLP results in 2006.

At December 31, 2006, our consolidated net debt to capitalization ratio was 12%, up from 9% at the end of 2005. In 2006, we used cash on hand to redeem a total of $150 million in debentures.

"Our company is financially strong," Grandey said. "We have the resources, expertise, and vision to reinvest in our core assets, expand our global exploration program and seek growth opportunities."

Outlook for First Quarter 2007

We expect consolidated revenue for the first quarter of 2007 to be about 20% lower than that of the fourth quarter of 2006. This is due to anticipated lower sales volumes for uranium and conversion as well as lower projected gold production. The decrease is partially offset by an expected 5% increase in revenue in the electricity business as a result of higher anticipated realized prices.

Projections for the first quarter assume no major changes in Cameco's business units' ability to supply product and services and no significant changes in our current estimates for price and volume.

Outlook for the Year 2007

In 2007, Cameco expects consolidated revenue to grow by about 25% over 2006 due to higher revenue from uranium and fuel services. In the uranium business, we expect revenue to increase by approximately 45% due to stronger average realized prices under our contracts relative to 2006. This projection for the uranium business does not include all the expected adjustments for the Cigar Lake water inflow incident as they are being finalized and assumes that the product loan arrangements in place remain unchanged. We may consider terminating a portion or all of the product loans. Excluding the impact of any deferrals related to the product loans, we anticipate uranium revenue to increase by about 50% in 2007 primarily due to higher realized prices.

We also anticipate that revenue from the fuel services business will be about 20% higher than in 2006 due to an anticipated 10% increase in deliveries and an increase in the average realized selling price.

For 2007, we anticipate BPLP revenue to be 18% higher than in 2006, almost entirely due to higher expected realized prices. This outlook for BPLP assumes the B units will achieve a targeted capacity factor in the low 90% range.

In 2007, we expect gold production (100% basis) to be in the range of 700,000 to 720,000 ounces, up from 587,000 ounces in 2006. Gold revenue is expected to increase by about 20% in 2007 over 2006.

The financial outlook noted above for the company is based on the following key assumptions:

  • no significant changes in our estimates for sales volumes, purchases and prices,
  • no disruption of supply from our facilities or third-party sources, and
  • a US/Canadian spot exchange rate of $1.16.

For 2007, the effective tax rate is expected to be in the range of 15% to 20%. Our expected tax rate varies from the Canadian statutory tax rate primarily due to differences between Canadian tax rates and rates applicable to subsidiaries in other countries. This range is based on the projected distribution of income among the various tax jurisdictions being weighted less heavily toward foreign subsidiaries compared to 2006.

In 2007, we expect total capital expenditures, including the gold business, to increase by 12% to $517 million. This amount does not include any expenditures for Cigar Lake. Updated capital expenditures for Cigar Lake are anticipated to be available in late March 2007.

Statements contained in this news release, which are not historical facts, are forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. For more detail on these factors, see the section titled "Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Information" in the MD&A that follows this news release.

Quarterly Dividend Notice

Cameco announced today that the company's board of directors approved a quarterly dividend of $0.05 per share on the outstanding common shares of the corporation that is payable on April 13, 2007, to shareholders of record at the close of business on March 30, 2007.

Conference Call

Cameco invites you to join its fourth quarter conference call on Wednesday, February 7, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time (9:00 a.m. Saskatoon time).

The call will be open to all investors and the media. Members of the media will be invited to ask questions at the end of the call. To join the conference on Wednesday, February 7, please dial (416) 695-6120or (888) 789-0150 (Canada and US). An audio feed of the call will be available on this website. See the link on the home page on the day of the call.

A recorded version of the proceedings will be available:

  • on our website, shortly after the call, and
  • on post view until midnight, Eastern time, Wednesday, February 21, 2007 by calling (416) 695-5275 or (888) 509-0081 (passcode - 638429).

Additional Information

Additional information on Cameco, including its annual information form, is available on SEDAR at and the company's website at


Cameco, with its head office in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, is the world's largest uranium producer, a significant supplier of conversion services and one of two Candu fuel manufacturers in Canada. The company's competitive position is based on its controlling ownership of the world's largest high-grade reserves and low-cost operations. Cameco's uranium products are used to generate clean electricity in nuclear power plants around the world, including Ontario where the company is a limited partner in North America's largest nuclear electricity generating facility. The company also explores for uranium in North America and Australia, and holds a majority interest in a mid-tier gold company. Cameco's shares trade on the Toronto and New York stock exchanges.

- End

For further information:

Investor & media inquiries: Alice Wong (306) 956-6337

Investor inquiries: Bob Lillie (306) 956-6639

Media inquiries: Lyle Krahn (306) 956-6316




5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksCameco ++

01.05.07 12:06
Cameco Says Profit Falls, Uranium Sales Will Rise (Update5)

By Christopher Donville

April 30 (Bloomberg) -- Cameco Corp., the world's largest uranium producer, said first-quarter profit fell 47 percent from a year earlier, when utilities stocked up on the metal. Cameco forecast higher sales in the second quarter.

Net income fell to C$59 million ($53 million), or 16 cents a share, from C$112 million, or 30 cents, a year earlier, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan-based Cameco said today in a statement. Sales fell 25 percent to C$409 million.

``It's essentially a timing issue, with utilities a year ago choosing to take advantage of legacy contracts for early delivery of uranium,'' Brian Mok, an analyst at Research Capital in Toronto, said today in an interview. Cameco said sales will be about 50 percent higher in the second quarter than in the first.

Cameco sold 7.2 million pounds of uranium in the first quarter, down from 12 million a year earlier. The average price was $24 a pound, up from $19.61 a year earlier. The price was below the spot-market average of $85 because of sales under long- term contracts.

Cameco is moving to boost production from uranium mines in Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere as global demand for nuclear power expands. The price of uranium more than doubled on average from a year earlier as an underground flood in October inundated Cameco's unfinished Cigar Lake mine, the world's largest undeveloped high-grade deposit, spurring supply concerns.

Sales Increase

Cameco's forecast for a 50 percent increase in sales in the second quarter includes C$47 million in revenue that previously was deferred because of uranium-product loan agreements.

The company expects its average realized price to rise 75 percent to about $36 this year, from $20.62 in 2006, on increases in uranium spot prices and adjustments to deliveries to customers under long-term contracts.

Excluding certain items, Cameco earned 11 cents a share in the first quarter, Greg Barnes, an analyst at TD Newcrest Inc. in Toronto, said today in a note to clients. On that basis, Barnes had forecast 7 cents. Nine analysts surveyed by Bloomberg News expected 19 cents, on average.

Shares of Cameco were unchanged at C$51.70 at 3:59 p.m. on the Toronto Stock Exchange. They have risen 9.5 percent this year.

Cameco's first-quarter results included C$11 million of expenses related to efforts to resume construction at the Cigar Lake mine, the company said. Cameco said it expects to drain the mine in the third quarter, depending on regulator approval, and continue progress on plugging the flow of water.

Flood Report

The company plans to release a report in early May on the causes of the flood, Chief Executive Officer Jerry Grandey said today on a conference call with investors and analysts.

First-quarter profit from Cameco's share of the Bruce nuclear power complex in Ontario fell to C$10 million from C$47 million a year earlier because of higher operating costs from planned reactor maintenance, the company said.

Cameco, with investments in uranium and gold mining, uranium conversion services, nuclear fuel manufacturing and nuclear power generation, has the financial ability to pursue ``disciplined growth,'' Grandey said.

``If the right opportunities arise, at the right value, we are poised and ready to build on our assets,'' he said. ``And if the right opportunities are slow in coming, we will return cash to our shareholders.''  

60 Postings, 6612 Tage ber65kazachtan

17.06.07 18:46
wollte mit Kazachatomprom ein Werk in Kazachstan bauen bis 2010 15000 t.

9547 Postings, 6500 Tage TykoHab kleine Position

04.09.07 07:39
aufgenommen, anhand des Charts könnte es mal langsam wieder ansteigen.  

5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksCameco Info

17.10.07 08:09
Cameco Advances Strategic Alliance in Paraguay
All dollar values are Canadian unless specified

Cameco Corporation (TSX: CCO) (NYSE: CCJ) announced today that it has beneficially acquired an additional 5.7% of Cue Capital Corp. (Cue), bringing to 15.4% its ownership in the Vancouver, B.C.-based junior exploration company. The acquisition further advances a strategic alliance with Cue to facilitate uranium exploration and development in Paraguay.

Cameco paid $2.5 million for an additional 1,572,327 units of Cue after the company demonstrated that it has secured required exploration and development work permits for the Yuty project held by Transandes Paraguay S.A.

The unit acquisition was the second stage of a three-stage equity private placement by which Cameco also gains the right to own up to 60% of a joint venture to develop uranium discoveries on the Yuty project in the southeast of Paraguay.

On September 13, 2007, Cameco paid $4.5 million (US) for 10.4% of Cue in the first stage. The proceeds were used by Cue to acquire 30% of Transandes. Cue holds the right to earn the remaining 70% of Transandes.

For further information, see "Cue Transaction Details" below.

Cameco, with its head office in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, is the world's largest uranium producer. The company's uranium products are used to generate electricity in nuclear energy plants around the world, providing one of the cleanest sources of energy available today. Cameco's shares trade on the Toronto and New York stock exchanges.

Statements contained in this news release, which are not historical facts, are forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause such differences, without limiting the generality of the following, include: the impact of the sales volume of fuel fabrication services, uranium, conversion services, electricity generated and gold; volatility and sensitivity to market prices for uranium, conversion services, electricity in Ontario and gold; competition; the impact of change in foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates; imprecision in decommissioning, reclamation, reserve and tax estimates; environmental and safety risks including increased regulatory burdens and long-term waste disposal; unexpected geological or hydrological conditions; adverse mining conditions; political risks arising from operating in certain developing countries; terrorism; sabotage; a possible deterioration in political support for nuclear energy; changes in government regulations and policies, including tax and trade laws and policies; demand for nuclear power; replacement of production; failure to obtain or maintain necessary permits and approvals from government authorities; legislative and regulatory initiatives regarding deregulation, regulation or restructuring of the electric utility industry in Ontario; Ontario electricity rate regulations; natural phenomena including inclement weather conditions, fire, flood, underground floods, earthquakes, pit wall failure and cave-ins; ability to maintain and further improve positive labour relations; strikes or lockouts; operating performance, disruption in the operation of, and life of the company's and customers' facilities; decrease in electrical production due to planned outages extending beyond their scheduled periods or unplanned outages; success of planned development projects; and other development and operating risks.

Although Cameco believes that the assumptions inherent in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements, which only apply as of the date of this report. Cameco disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Cue Transaction Details

All dollar values are Canadian unless specified

Cameco's wholly-owned subsidiary, Cameco Global Exploration Ltd. (Cameco Global), has acquired 1,572,327 units of Cue Capital Corp. from treasury at a price of $1.59 per unit for $2.5 million. Each unit is comprised of one common share and one-half of one share purchase warrant of Cue. Each whole warrant entitles Cameco Global to purchase one common share of Cue at an exercise price of $2.14 per share for a period of two years.

As a result of the acquisition, Cameco Global now beneficially owns a total of 4,219,385 common shares of Cue, which represents 15.4% of Cue's issued and outstanding common shares as at October 16, 2007, and 2,109,692 warrants. If all of Cameco Global's warrants were exercised, Cameco Global's security holdings would represent 21.4% of Cue's issued and outstanding common shares on a partially diluted basis (assuming exercise in full of all warrants of Cue held by Cameco Global).

The units were acquired as the second stage of a three-stage private placement pursuant to a subscription agreement dated September 6, 2007 between Cameco Global and Cue. The proceeds from this second stage private placement will be used by Cue to fund continued exploration on the Yuty Concessions in Paraguay.

Under the subscription agreement, Cameco Global has agreed to subscribe by private placement for additional units of Cue in a third stage private placement having an aggregate purchase price of $12.5 million, subject to, among other things: (a) Transandes acquiring a contract for exploration and exploitation in respect of a portion of the Yuty Concessions, (b) Cue receiving shareholders' approval of the third stage private placement, and (c) Cameco Global and Cue executing a comprehensive strategic alliance agreement.

The purchase price for the units comprising the third stage private placements will be equal to the 20-day volume weighted average market price of the common shares on the TSX Venture Exchange prior to the date of the closing of each tranche. The gross proceeds from the second and third tranches will be used by Cue solely for the continued uranium exploration and development of the Yuty Concessions.

Pursuant to a letter agreement between Cameco Global and Cue dated August 31, 2007, a strategic alliance between Cameco Global and Cue has become effective to facilitate the exploration and development of the Yuty Concessions on terms whereby Cameco Global will have the right to acquire a 60% interest in any uranium deposits discovered on the Yuty Concessions as long as Cameco Global and its affiliates hold securities of Cue at least equal to 90% of the number of units subscribed for by, and issued to, Cameco Global in the private placements. The terms of this strategic alliance were announced by Cue in a news release dated September 6, 2007.

Pursuant to the letter agreement, Cameco Global has: the preemptive right to participate in any future financings so as to maintain its pro-rata percentage interest in Cue; the right to a top-up private placement each calendar year-end to prevent dilution of Cameco Global's interest in Cue which may result from the exercise of options and warrants throughout the prior calendar year; and the right at any time a takeover bid is made for common shares of Cue to maintain its pro-rata shareholdings in Cue through a top-up private placement to prevent dilution resulting from the exercise of options and warrants since the beginning of the then current calendar year.

Cameco Global acquired the units for investment purposes only and will acquire additional units pursuant to its subscription agreement with Cue, if the outstanding closing conditions are met. Cameco Global may also, depending on market and other conditions, increase or decrease its beneficial ownership, control or direction over common shares or other securities of Cue through market transactions, private agreements, the exercise of warrants or Cameco Global's other current rights to acquire additional common shares of Cue pursuant to the letter agreement, or otherwise.  
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14542 Postings, 6657 Tage gogolfrankreich

17.10.07 08:15
ich halte den französichen markt für interessanter, da hier der staat noch seine dicken finger drinne hat und es nur eine frage der zeit ist bis die eu darauf dringen wird den staatsanteil herrunter zufahren und strompreise anzuheben ( nur meine meinung)

auf unserem Planeten gibt es nur Propheten  

5570 Postings, 6610 Tage skunk.worksML = Cameco BUY

01.04.08 12:09
According to the market’s leading journal, The Uranium Market Outlook, the amount of available above-ground uranium is at an all-time low. The journal attributes the sudden dearth to 30 years of underinvestment, increasingly stringent regulations and an overall lack of exploration of uranium deposits. It takes eight years for a mine to be brought up to standards and to start producing uranium of a high-enough grade for use in nuclear reactors.

Cameco Corp. (CCJ) has been called the "Saudi Arabia of Uranium" because it is the world’s largest producer, accounting for 20% of global supply. It’s also straight downstream from a glut of cash contained in a new energy bill that offers $18.5 billion in loans to cover the construction costs of new nuclear plants.

The stock has been beaten down by uranium’s price drop - and a sagging global economy - but was raised to "Buy" from "Neutral" by Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. (MER) Canada analyst Alka Singh, who wrote in a note that the stock "looks attractive" and may be poised for a rebound.  

1068 Postings, 6370 Tage Modigliani MillerCameco auf Einkaufstour ?

13.03.09 01:11
TORONTO (Reuters) - A uranium supply crunch could be around the corner due to industry-wide cuts to development projects, rising demand, and uncertainty about Russia's plans for its decommissioned nuclear arsenal, the CEO of top uranium producer Cameco Corp  said on Wednesday.

Speaking at the Reuters Global Mining and Steel Summit in New York, Cameco Chief Executive Jerry Grandey also said the company planned to take advantage of low valuations among uranium miners to make acquisitions, and said deals worth more than $2 billion were a possibility.

"We know that if we're going to do a big deal in the M&A sphere we will have to go back and market it to our shareholders, we're perfectly happy to do that," he said, adding that by "big deal" he meant something worth $1 billion to $2 billion or a little more.

Such a deal would position the company to take advantage of what Grandey expects to be a situation where uranium will be in high demand because of cuts among miners left underfunded due to tight credit conditions.  

77 Postings, 6161 Tage faulerpilotcameco was drin?

13.07.09 16:11

Oberhalb von 27 Dollar per Tagesschlusskurs signalisiert die Aktie erneutes Aufwärtspotenzial bis zunächst zu dem Verlaufshoch vom 2. Juni bei 29,60 Dollar (Zwischenstation) sowie dem eigentlichen Kursziel - der primären Abwärtstrendlinie - im Bereich von 33 bis 34 Dollar.

Kurse über 34 Dollar, gerade per Wochenschlusskurs, würde die seit Mitte 2007 laufende Korrekturbewegung beenden. Hingegen bei Kursen unterhalb von 23,10 Dollar das positiv erscheinende Setup kippt und folglich Kursabschläge bis 20,80 Dollar sowie dem folgend bis 18,70 Dollar (ehemaliger Widerstandsbereich und Buy-Trigger) möglich werden.

Zudem verläuft in letzterer Kursregion der positiv eindrehende 200-Tage-Durchschnitt bei aktuell 18,95 Dollar, welcher im Zuge kräftigerer Abschläge durchaus Halt bieten könnte.


Geht hier was?


1575 Postings, 7787 Tage ÖlmausCameco sammelt 500 Mio. Dollar ein!

27.08.09 11:39

7197 Postings, 5594 Tage AND1Cameco Corp. - geradezu mustergültiger Verlauf

16.09.09 22:31

7197 Postings, 5594 Tage AND1Hop oder Top

21.10.09 21:30

Ich glaub, es riecht nach Ausbruch...


Autor: André Rain, Technischer Analyst |                 20.10. 16:41 | Copyright BörseGo AG 2000-2009


Cameco - Kürzel: CCJ - ISIN: CA13321L1085

Börse: NYSE in USD / Kursstand: 31,74 $

Rückblick: Die Cameco Aktie vollendete im August 2008 mit dem Rückfall unter 30,90 $ eine riesige, mittel- bis langfristige Topformation (bärische SKS) und rutschte anschließend bis auf 12,00 $ rutschte die Aktie ab. Ein Fehlausbruch unter dieses Zwischentief im November leitete schließlich eine Kurserholung ein.

Diese Erholung führte die Aktie zurück an das Ausbruchslevel bei 30,90 - 32,00 $. Unterhalb dieses Bereichs konsolidierte sie in den letzten Monaten, heute kommt deutlicher Kaufdruck auf. Die Aktie dringt in den Widerstandsbereich bei 30,90 - 32,00 $ ein.

Charttechnischer Ausblick: Die Cameco Aktie befindet sich jetzt am Scheideweg, hier bei 30,90 - 32,00 $ wird sich die weitere, mittelfristige Marschrichtung entscheiden. Gelingt eine nachhaltige Rückkehr über 32,00 $, wird ein mittelfristiges Kaufsignal aktiv. Dann werden Kursgewinne bis ca. 44,00 und darüber ans AllTimeHigh bei 56,00 $ möglich.

Kippt die Aktie hingegen hier bei 30,90 - 32,00 $ nach unten hin ab und rutscht anschließend unter 25,00 $ zurück, wird eine Abwärtskorrektur bis 20,97 und ggf. 18,70 $ möglich.


7197 Postings, 5594 Tage AND1charttechnisch sieht's gut aus...

04.01.10 18:35

...fundamental scheint sich die Veräußerung der kompletten Beteiligung an Centerra Gold (und Fokussierung auf das eigentliche Kerngeschäft) zum Ende vorigen Jahres auch nicht negativ auf den Aktienkurs ausgewirkt zu haben. Immerhin hat man jetzt rund 1,5 Mrd. $ cash, um auf Einkaufstour zu gehen! ;-)



27100 Postings, 6122 Tage brunnetaWeiterhin Kaufempfehlung und 12-Monats-Kursziel

27.01.10 06:28
von 42,50 CAD

Das Unternehmen möchte schon im April 2010, nach der Entwässerung, die Entwicklung der Cigar Lake Mine wieder aufnehmen. Die Sanierung von Schacht 1 sei etwa zu 75% abgeschlossen und der Wasserstand befinde sich nun auf der 475-480 m Ebene. Die Mine war 2006 durch eindringendes Wasser überflutet worden. Die Entwässerungsarbeiten wurden unterbrochen als 2008 noch in einen weiteren Teil der Mine Wasser drang.

Die Analysten von Desjardins gehen weiterhin nicht von einer Aufnahme des Minenbetrieb vor dem Jahr 2015 aus. Danach wird jedoch mit einer Produktion von 18 Mio. Pfund Uran pro Jahr gerechnet. Die Kaufempfehlung mit durchschnittlichem Risiko und das 12-Monats-Kursziel von 42,50 CAD werden beibehalten.

7197 Postings, 5594 Tage AND1!! USA setzen auf Atomstrom !!

13.02.10 16:23

Erster Neubau eines Kernkraftwerks seit fast 30 Jahren...


7197 Postings, 5594 Tage AND1Obama: Acht Milliarden Dollar für Atomkraftwerk

16.02.10 22:48
Obama: Acht Milliarden Dollar für Atomkraftwerk
                    von Christian Hoyer            
        Dienstag 16.02.2010, 18:19 Uhr    

                       Washington ( – US-Präsident Barack Obama kündigt an, dass das Weiße Haus etwas acht Milliarden Dollar an Kreditbürgschaften bereitstellen wird, um bei der Errichtung des ersten US-Atomkraftwerkes in fast drei Jahrzehnten eine Hilfestellung zu geben. „Dieses Atomkraftwerk wird in den nächsten Jahren im Konstruktionsbereich tausende von Arbeitsplätzen schaffen, wobei einige 800 Arbeitsplätze in den Folgejahren dauerhaft sein werden, so Obama.

Nach seinen Worten verdreifacht sein Haushalt die Kreditbürgschaften, die dazu beitragen sollen, sichere und saubere Atomanlagen zu errichten. Außerdem werde er weiterhin Finanzhilfe für saubere Energieprojekte in Maryland und den Rest Amerikas zur Verfügung stellen.


209 Postings, 7281 Tage motiUranknappheit?

09.11.10 14:57

Es ist interessant, dass es in der letzten Zeit ruhig um diesen Titel war. Die Aussichten scheinen gut zu sein. Falls das Uran wirklich knapp wird, was beim aktuell Bevoelkerungswachstum und dem dadurch entstehenden zusaetzlichen Bedarf an Energie bestimmt keine Spinnerei ist, dann sind die letzten Anstiege definitiv begruendet.

Wird die Geschichte noch von anderen verfolgt?  

132 Postings, 5555 Tage HariboHunterCameco: Spitze in Wolken.

06.01.11 07:33

Cigar Lake -

War eine bloede Sache, bin kurz vorher rein und von einem Raketenstart der Aktie ausgegangen. Leider gab es ein Gewaesser in der Wanderroute. Denke wir haben den See nun durchschwommen und sehe uns nun vor einer Steilwand die es zu erklimmen gilt und dessen Gipfel in den Wolken liegt. Wuensche allen Investierten eine anspruchsvolle Kletterpartie 2011 - denkt daran Sauerstoff mitzunehmen.


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