Ambac Rocky Balboa oder chapter 11
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Eröffnet am: | 14.05.09 22:36 | von: pacorubio | Anzahl Beiträge: | 8.707 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 25.04.21 01:14 | von: Petraqnvka | Leser gesamt: | 1.386.730 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 729 | |
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Ihr müsst aber auf das Total stockholders' deficit -1,354,228 achten.
Am 31.12.09
Total stockholders' deficit (1,633,645 )
Book value per share ($7.95 )
Damit möchte ich MEINEN FEHLER IN #5120 KORRIGIEREN!!!
AM 31.12.10
Total stockholders' deficit (1,354,228 )
Book value per share ($4,48)
AMBAC hat in einem Jahr 279,417 Millionen unter dem Strich verdient, was $ 0,92 pro Aktie bedeutet. Dabei wurde die Sanierung noch nicht mit eingerechnet.
Wie ich gestern Abend hier noch beschrieben habe, wäre das Ergebnis mit einer unumkehrbaren abgeschlossenen Sanierung mit einberechnet ein TouchDown. So aber nicht. Das Minus liegt in dem vierten Quartal bei 81,4 Millionen.
Bedeutung für die Aktien:
Würden man jetzt ein DIP also mit den Schulden von der Holding mit $1,695.231 AMBAC kaufen, würde das bei einem Aktionärs Defizit von 1,354,228 bedeuten das auf die Aktien 341,003 Millionen verteilt werden, also $ 1,12 pro Aktie erhalten.
Der relative Aktienwert liegt bei $ 1,12 pro Aktie. Darunter ist die Aktie unterbewertet.
Wert der Firma liegt nun bei einem Kaufpreis der nur die Holdingschulden deckt bei $ 1,12 pro Aktie. Die Begründung mit Quellenangabe befindet sich in #5127
Die Firma hat aber einen Firmenwert von über 18 Milliarden. Die Firma würde also in CH11 verkauft werden, oder die Gläubiger übernehmen über ein Schuldengebot die Firma, dann erhält aber der Aktionär ca. $ 1,12 pro Aktie. Ist auch in #5127 erklärt.
Es gibt also nun folge Möglichkeiten:
1. Ein Investor steigt bei ABK mit 1,354 Milliarden ein. Firma wäre damit gerettet. Aktien wären noch mal verwässert.
2. Schuldenangebot der Gläubiger.
3. Firma wird vom Insolvenzverwalter am Markt verkauft. Dann spielt der Firmenwert die übergeordnete Rolle von 18 Mrd. Im Idealfall wäre das $ 60 pro Aktie. Bei 1/3 wären dies $ 20 pro Aktie. Die Aktionäre würde darauf pochen.
4. Die Sanierung wird umgesetzt, da die Klagen alle abgewiesen wurden. ABK wäre saniert.
Die Masse sieht aber erstmal nur das Quartalsminus von -81,4 Millionen. Da steht ja nirgendswo das Jahresergebnis. Dafür muss man dann mal sein Grips benutzen und nachrechnen.
...hatte das schon verstanden, aber ist ja nicht so, dass nicht alle Anleger deinen Rechnungen nicht folgen könnten. Deine Rechnung ist ja nachvollziehbar...aber...wenn doch im Grunde alles so einfach wäre, dann müsste die Aktie doch längst steigen...
Ich bin hier auch investiert und gegen 1,12$ hätte ich beim besten Willen nichts einzuwenden...und gegen 20$ erst Recht nicht! :)
Mit einem Short auf Nikkei225 verdient man gerade mehr.
Ja die 3 wichtigsten Steps:
Sieg oder Kompromiss gegen IRS
Sieg gegen Banken
Sieg im Verkauf von Takefuj
siehst du aus dem Bericht heraus, weshalb Ambac minus machte ?
Der Kurs ist eigentlcih stabil nach dem negativen Q4 10 Ergebnis.
momentan gibt es wenig Shorties und Basher bei ambac. Short squezze ist jetzt 1,659,300
Der Kurs beginnt erst nach der postiven Nachrict nach oben zu klettern
- Wenn die Einsprüche von Banks und Hedfge fonds bei dem Reh. Prozess abgelehnt werden. wie beim court dane county
- und irgendeine Art Kompromisse mit IRS zu schliessen
(RTTNews) - Ambac Financial Group, Inc. (ABKFQ.PK: News ) reported a net loss for the fourth quarter of $81.6 million or $0.27 per share, compared to net income of $558.1 million or $1.93 per share for the year-ago quarter.
The net loss for the latest quarter results reflects a reduction in net premiums earned, net investment income, net change in the fair value of credit derivatives, realized investment gains and higher VIE losses.
Net premiums earned for the fourth quarter fell 40% to $110.7 million from $184.4 million a year ago, while net investment income for the quarter slipped 43% to $67.6 million from $118.7 million last year.
The net change in fair value of credit derivatives, which comprises realized and unrealized gains/losses and other settlements on credit derivatives, was a gain of $15.7 million for the fourth quarter of 2010, compared to a gain of $133.2 million for the fourth quarter of 2009.
Total revenue before reorganization items for the fourth quarter was $190.94 million from $563.75 million in the fourth quarter of last year.
Reorganization items in the fourth quarter of 2010 amounted to $32.0 million net, and represent valuation adjustments to carrying amounts of our long-term debt amounting to $26.4 million, and reorganization expenses incurred since Ambac filed the Chapter 11 petition on November 8, 2010, amounting to $5.5 million.
WASHINGTON, March 16 (Reuters) - The leading U.S. securities industry trade organization expressed strong reservations about a settlement proposal that state attorneys general have presented to five banks over allegations of widespread wrongdoing in servicing mortgages. The draft proposal could lead to "unintended consequences" for the housing market and potentially harm investors in mortgage backed securities, the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association said on Wednesday. Randy Snook, a SIFMA executive vice president, said in a statement that it would put into effect new servicing standards for the mortgage industry without adequate advance evaluation. In recent weeks the state attorneys general have circulated a 27-page proposal intended to be the basis of settlement talks with the five biggest U.S.
loan servicers. The institutions are Bank of America Corp, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup and Ally Financial. The alleged wrongdoing includes producing fraudulent mortgage documents for use in court and failing to negotiate in good faith with homeowners over loan modifications. Although the proposal did not contain a dollar figure, regulators and industry officials have said they expect the state regulators to ask for penalties of at least $20 billion from the five banks. The proposal omits many details, but calls for an increase in loan modifications based on reductions in principal, the basic amounts owed by homeowners. It also calls for new rules of conduct for servicers when dealing with homeowners. Snook said it would be "premature" for SIFMA to reject the proposal outright. But he said that it contains provisions that could harm both the housing market and mortgage investors because it would greatly extend the amount of time homeowners who modify their loans would have to pay off their mortgages. The proposal "is unprecedented in its scope and prescriptiveness and requires a careful legal and market impact analysis, particularly for unintended consequences," Snook said. The proposal already has been heavily criticized by consumer groups as well as by banks and some federal regulators. Legal aid lawyers and others who represent large numbers of homeowners in foreclosure proceedings have complained that it doesn't go far enough to punish the banks for alleged illegal activity, and doesn't provide adequate assurances of fair treatment of homeowners. The banks have expressed concern about the possibility of having to jointly pay $20 billion or more, and the costs of making large numbers of loan modifications by reducing principal. Tom Miller, the Iowa attorney general who has led the multistate inquiry, recently predicted that a settlement would be reached with the banks in about two months. Federal regulators and industry officials have said, however, that a settlement may take longer, and that there may be separate settlements with individual banks rather than a single "global" settlement. John Walsh, acting head of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, said on Tuesday that federal and state authorities are still trying to coordinate their actions and reach a global settlement, but said "whether this is possible remains to be seen
Hier gibt es noch kein TouchDown weil die Sanierung nicht endgültig durch ist.
Das Problem liegt bei der Holding, der das Geld ausgeht, aber die Tochterfirma vermehrt gerade ihren Wert mehr und mehr. Eine automatische Übergabe an die Gläubiger wird es nicht geben. Im schlimmsten Fall wird die Firma verkauft werden und dann muss man mal gucken wer was bietet, aber so weit sind wir noch nicht. Das kann noch lange dauern und wer weiß ob nicht vorher eine Bank ihrer Zahlung mal nachkommt.
durch die derzeitige situation in japan darf man sich von takefuj mit sicherheit
nicht mehr viel erwarten. so wie es aussieht, sehen wir jetzt erstmal wieder kurse
zwischen 8 und 10 cent da sich die ganze sache ja noch längere zeit hinzieht.
- ambac vermutet in 2012 $900.2 million und in 2013, $1,619.6 million RMBS recovery.
seite 77.
Our ability to recover the RMBS subrogation recoveries is subject to significant uncertainty, including risks inherent in litigation, collectability of such
amounts from counterparties (and/or their respective parents and affiliates), timing of receipt of any such recoveries, regulatory intervention which could
impede our ability to take actions required to realize such recoveries and uncertainty inherent in the assumptions used in estimating such recoveries. Our
current estimate considers that we will receive subrogation recoveries of $900.2 million and $1,619.6 million in 2012 and 2013, respectively. The amount of
these subrogation recoveries is significant and if we're unable to recover any amounts our future available liquidity to pay claims would be reduced.
über das Reorg. Plan und die möglichen Szenarien;
seite 122
A plan of reorganization will be deemed accepted by holders of claims against and equity interests in Ambac if (1) at least one-half in number and twothirds
in dollar amount of claims actually voting in each impaired class of claims have voted to accept the plan, and (2) at least two-thirds in amount of equity
interests actually voting in each impaired class of equity interests has voted to accept the plan. Under certain circumstances set forth in Section 1129(b) of the
Bankruptcy Code, however, the Bankruptcy Court may confirm a plan even if such plan has not been accepted by all impaired classes of claims and equity
interests. A class of claims or equity interests that does not receive or retain any property under the plan on account of such claims or interests is deemed to
have voted to reject the plan. The precise requirements and evidentiary showing for confirming a plan, notwithstanding its rejection by one or more impaired
classes of claims or equity interests, depends upon a number of factors, including, without limitation, the status and seniority of the claims or equity interests
in the rejecting class (i.e. secured claims or unsecured claims, subordinate or senior claims, preferred or common stock). Generally, with respect to common
stock interests, a plan may be "crammed down" even if the stockholders receive no recovery if the proponent of the plan demonstrates that (1) no class junior
to the common stock is receiving or retaining property under the plan and (2) no class of claims or interests senior to the common stock is being paid more
than in full.
A significant consideration for any restructuring or reorganization is the impact, if any, on Ambac's estimated $7,002,069 net operating loss tax carry
forward. Ambac considers the NOLs to be a valuable asset. However, Ambac's ability to use the NOLs could be substantially limited if there were an
"ownership change" as defined under Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. In general, an ownership change would occur if
shareholders owning 5% or more of Ambac's stock increased their percentage ownership (by value) in Ambac to 50% or more, as measured over a rolling
three year period beginning with the last ownership change. These provisions can be triggered by new issuances of stock, merger and acquisition activity or
normal market trading. On February 2, 2010, Ambac entered into a Tax Benefit Preservation Plan to reduce the risk of an ownership change resulting from the
trading of Ambac's stock.
warum wird der Kurs so runter gedrückt oder das Volumen so niedrig ist,
,weil der Käufer nicht so einfach mehr als 13,500,000 Aktien ein block kaufen oder verkaufen zu dürfen, ohne die Genehmigung vom insolvenz Gericht zu erhalten.
In connection with the Bankruptcy Filing, the Bankruptcy Court issued an interim order (the "Interim Order") restricting certain transfers of equity
interests in and claims against Ambac. The purpose of the Interim Order is to preserve Ambac's NOLs. Under section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended (the "Tax Code"), transfers by persons or entities holding 5 percent or more of Ambac's outstanding equity interests could impair or
permanently eliminate Ambac's NOLs. Moreover, transfers of claims against Ambac by persons or entities who may receive 5 percent or more of the
reorganized Company's stock pursuant to a bankruptcy plan of reorganization may impair or permanently eliminate Ambac's NOLs. Accordingly, the Interim
Order implements notice and hearing procedures for transfers by a person or entity that beneficially owns, or would beneficially own, more than 13,500,000
shares of Ambac's stock. Transfers of stock in violation of this Interim Order will be void ab initio. In addition, the Interim Order requires persons or entities
that beneficially own claims against Ambac totaling more than an amount which could permit such claimholder to acquire 4.5 percent or more of the
reorganized debtor agree to "sell down" a portion of its claims against Ambac prior to a bankruptcy reorganization, such that the claimholder would receive
less than 4.5 percent of the reorganized
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