Alcatel-Lucent - klassischer Rebound- Kandidat?
China Telecom's Cloud Arm Chooses Nuage Networks' SDN technology to Enable Public Cloud Services in China
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Feb. 4, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Nuage Networks, the Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) start-up venture focused on SDN (software-defined networking) solutions, today announced that CTCC, the Cloud Computing Branch of China Telecom, has selected its SDN technology to help deliver secure, scalable, and self-serve public cloud services in China's fast-growing cloud computing market.
ALU will report Q4 and full year earnings on February 6.
- After an inconsistent year, and a solid Q3,
- IP routing will be closely watched.
- Investors will also want to see what effect new deals will have on the business.
- Lastly, will ALU announce any other deals, specifically with new products?
06.02.2015 08:08
PARIS (awp international) - Der harte Sparkurs zahlt sich für den französischen Telekomausrüster Alcatel-Lucent zusehends aus. Zwischen Oktober und Ende Dezember schrieb das Unternehmen trotz weiter sinkender Erlöse den ersten Quartalsgewinn des vergangenen Jahres. Über die gesamten zwölf Monate gesehen sei der Verlust auf 118 Millionen Euro zurückgegangen, teilte der Konkurrent von Ericsson und Nokia am Freitag in Paris mit. 2013 hatte das Minus noch bei 1,3 Milliarden Euro gelegen.
Der um Sondereffekte bereinigte operative Gewinn sei auf 623 (2013: 278) Millionen Euro gestiegen. Wegen des harten Wettbewerbs in der Branche sank der Umsatz um drei Prozent auf 13,2 Milliarden Euro. Von Bloomberg befragte Experten hatten mit dem Umsatzrückgang gerechnet. Der seit April 2013 amtierende Konzernchef Michel Combes baut den Konzern kräftig um und will die Profitabilität mit einem Stellenabbau deutlich steigern. Dabei sollen Unternehmensteile für mindestens eine Milliarde Euro verkauft und die Kosten bis Ende 2015 um eine Milliarde Euro gesenkt werden./zb/stb/fbr
(vor paar Jahren leider auch in Cad Rohstoff Explorern....shi...)
Cisco posted earnings of 53 cents a share which edged the FactSet consensus estimate of 51 cents a share. Revenue rose 7% year-over-year to $11.93 billion for the second quarter, which beat analysts' estimates of $11.8 billion.
Highlights from the analysis by TheStreet Ratings Team goes as follows:
ALCATEL-LUCENT reported significant earnings per share improvement in the most recent quarter compared to the same quarter a year ago. The company has demonstrated a pattern of positive earnings per share growth over the past two years. We feel that this trend should continue. This trend suggests that the performance of the business is improving. During the past fiscal year, ALCATEL-LUCENT continued to lose money by earning -$0.02 versus -$0.75 in the prior year. This year, the market expects an improvement in earnings ($0.01 versus -$0.02).
The net income growth from the same quarter one year ago has significantly exceeded that of the S&P 500 and the Communications Equipment industry. The net income increased by 133.0% when compared to the same quarter one year prior, rising from $149.55 million to $348.44 million.
39.04% is the gross profit margin for ALCATEL-LUCENT which we consider to be strong. It has increased from the same quarter the previous year. Despite the strong results of the gross profit margin, ALU's net profit margin of 8.80% significantly trails the industry average.
Net operating cash flow has decreased to $543.36 million or 18.95% when compared to the same quarter last year. Despite a decrease in cash flow of 18.95%, ALCATEL-LUCENT is in line with the industry average cash flow growth rate of -23.25%.
The debt-to-equity ratio is very high at 2.84 and currently higher than the industry average, implying increased risk associated with the management of debt levels within the company. Even though the debt-to-equity ratio is weak, ALU's quick ratio is somewhat strong at 1.06, demonstrating the ability to handle short-term liquidity needs.
Morgan Stanley erhöht Kursziel für Alcatel-Lucent von €3,30 auf €4,10. Overweight.
biete neue Fascilität an um die Geschwindigkeit über IP zu vervierfachen, neue max Geschwindigkeit 400 GB !!
Man arbeitet mit Chuan Wei zusammen um Cambodscha mit 100Gigat Netzen zu erschliessen.
Be Ready!
(kann nicht durch Link beweisen, da ich Abo nicht bezahle).
•§ALU's equipment will be used to deploy 4G in 40 cities, including Shanghai. China Telecom (NYSE:CHA) had 187.6M mobile subscribers as of February, and has set a 2015 capex budget of $10.15B, up sharply from 2014's $4.77B; most of the spending will be directed towards 4G.
•§Separately, ALU has unveiled an optical networking hardware/software solution (dubbed wavelength routing) that will allow connections to be adjusted without electrical switching (thus lowering equipment and power needs), eliminate the need for on-site visits to adjust connections, and quickly detect and route around network faults.
•§Verizon plans to deploy ALU's solution on its North American ultra-long haul network. Rival Infinera has also been investing in products that enable a greater amount of network flexibility at the optical level, and in doing so usurping features traditionally handled by routers.
•§Two years ago: Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia, Ericsson win China Mobile 4G contracts
(Breaking News)
Alcatel-Lucent Looks To Dominate This $16 Billion Market
Mar. 11, 2015 1:45 PM ET Alcatel-Lucent (ALU)
Disclosure: The author is long ALU.
- Summary
ALU was celebrated at Mobile World Congress for its innovation in VoLTE. - The company has now unveiled a technology that puts it way ahead of the competition in this space, even more so than it already was.
With VoLTE expected to become a $16 billion market, ALU has a good opportunity to capitalize, and perhaps grow VoLTE into something larger than anyone expected.
und einen sehr grossen Umsatz an der Euronext von über 35 mio Titeln
auch in den USA bereits jetzt einen weit überproportionalen Umsatz
Avg Vol (3m): 6,458,590
vielleicht wirft die Roadshow bereits ihre positiven Schatten voraus
Nokia hat parallel auch angezogen !
Kommt die Fusion ?
Deal proponents have argued a Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent merger would both yield major cost synergies and significantly expand Nokia's wireline equipment lineup, thus leaving it better-positioned to compete for major deals against the likes of Ericsson, Huawei, and Cisco.
Alpenland: Danke für die gute Recherche + die Can. Aktien hatte ich wohl auch. :-) Morgan Stanley hatte wohl recht mit dem aktuellen Kurs. .. m. Meinung - keine Empfehlung.
4.35 Up 0.31(7.67%) 4:01PM EDT
und überprop. Volumen
Day's Range: 4.04 - 4.50
52wk Range: 2.28 - 4.50
Avg Vol (3m): 6,760,29
Nokia hat aus Verkäfen und geplanten Verkäufen ca 5 Mrd verfügbar.
Auch Verkauf von HERE steht in Diskussion.
da ist wohl jeglicher Shortie gegrillt worden.
4.93 Up 0.58(13.33%) 4:00PM EDT
After Hours : 4.95 Up 0.02 (0.41%) 4:04PM EDT -
Day's Range: 4.62 - 4.96
Volume: 80,258,284
Avg Vol (3m): 7,166,350
Nach dem Treffen im Élysée-Palast äusserte sich Wirtschaftsminister Emmanuel Macron allerdings positiv: "Es ist ein guter Deal für Alcatel-Lucent, weil es ein Deal für die Zukunft ist", wurde er vom Finanzdienst Bloomberg zitiert. Das Unternehmen könne der wachsenden Konkurrenz chinesischer Anbieter nicht allein entgegenstehen. "Vor zwei Jahren war Alcatel-Lucent beinahe pleite (...)."