Advanced Explorations WKN A0D8ZT
Tja, vorbei die Zeiten, in denen Frick und seine Raketen-, Diamanten- und sonstwas Freunde am Pranger standen. Es geht wieder los...
Kursdaten 30.10.2007 Canadian Exchange
20:58:39 2,70 +42,86%
Taxe Stück
Bid: 20:59:23 2,60 53.900
Ask: 20:59:23 2,70 2.300
Times + Sales Intradaychart
Alle Times + Sales ChartTool
Weitere Kursdaten
Währung: CAD
Eröffnung: 2,48
Vortag: 1,89
Trend: ==+--=++
Trades: 214
Hoch: 2,70
Tief: 2,30
52W Hoch: 2,06
52W Tief: 0,31
Volumen: 1.8M
Gesamtumsatz: 888.7k
Mit hilfe von RSR und Nogger geht es halt mal schneller.
Viel Glück
Eisenerzvorkommen geschätzt wird , warum
hat es dann 24 JAHRE gedauert , das ein
NI43-101 konformer Bericht erstellt wird??
Liest sich alles gut , hohe Vorkommen , gute Infrastruktur,
Chinesen die mit an Bord kommen .
Und heute Nachmittag gibt es ein Update ,eines
bekannten BB .Bin mir sicher , wir werden im Plus schließen , aber die
Frage muß erlaubt sein . 24 Jahre und in der Zeit
ist nicht viel passiert , hmmm.
Was hier abgeht "schnallen" erst wenige! Da es eilt, mehr dazu morgen ( also heute) im Brief!!
Danke im Voraus!
ich war auf der Messe zu einem längeren Gespräch mit Marcus Mueller, der für AE die PR macht. Leider war die Informationsausbeute für meine Begriffe ziemlich mager. Auf fast alle Fragen zu den wirtschaftlichen Daten hieß es: wissen wir noch nicht - PFS abwarten.
Vielleicht ist das schon bekannt, ich stelle einige Daten trotzdem nochmals rein:
geschätzte Investmentkosten:
150 Mio $ Hafen
300 Mio $ Kraftwerk
300-450 Mio $ Pelletisierungsanlage
ergibt ganz grob geschätzt 1 Mia $ in den nächsten Jahren anstehende Investitionen. Geplant ist, nach der BFS diese durch Kredite zu finanzieren und nicht durch PPs mit weitere Verwässerung.
Zuerst soll eine Jahresproduktion von 8 Mio t Konzentrat erfolgen, anschließend soll eine Pelletisierungsanlage mit einer Kapazität von ebenfalls 8 Mio t gebaut werden.
Nach der durchgeführten Modellrechnung soll die Wirtschaftlichkeitsschwelle bei einem Eisenerzpreis von 24$ liegen. Nach Meinung von H. Mueller kann der Preis von Eisenerz nicht mehr unter 40$ fallen, da alleine der weltgrößte Eisenerzproduzent CVRD in den letzten Jahren in seine eigene Förderung rund 3,8 Mrd. $ investiert hat. Wenn man die üblichen Wirtschaftskennzahlen annimmt, dann würde bei diesen Investitionen CVRD unter 40$ nur noch mit Verlust arbeiten können. Das sollte ein gute Unterstützung sein.
Preise für Konzentrat (63-66% Fe) liegen z. Zt. bei 54$ bis 70$ ab Hafen. Er erwartet für 2008 eine Preiserhöhung um 25-50%.
Pellets (67-69% Fe) liegen bei 70$/t
HBI (Hot Briquet Iron - 92-98% Fe) liegt bei 360-380 $7t
Nuggets (mind. 98% Fe) werden nochmals mit einem Aufschlag von 10% mit rund 428 $/t gehandelt.
Strategisch ist nicht geplant sich von einem Großen der Branche übernehmen zu lassen. Man möchte Produzent werden. Nicht ausgeschlossen oder sogar erwünscht ist evtl. ein 50:50 JV oder vorzugsweise eine strategische Partnerschaft in Form einer Minderheitenbeteiligung einer großen Mine (BHP, CVRD, etc.) oder eines Eisenerzverarbeiters.
Angeblich soll die Kanadische Regierung den Bau eines Hafens entweder in James Bay oder auf der Halbinsel nahe beim Hüttenstandort von AE planen. Es wird aber wohl nur ein Hafen gebaut.
Der Transport des Eisenerzes zur 6 km entfernten Hütte bzw. zum Hafen kann wegen des Höhenunterschiedes von 200 m bequem per Förderband ohne Energieaufwand erfolgen.
Eine weitere Exploration zur Resourcenausweitung ist vorerst nicht geplant, obwohl sich die Eisenerzvorkommen noch wesentlich weiter ausdehnen dürften, als bisher exploriert wurde. Aber bei einer jetzigen Minenlebensdauer von > 100 Jahren bei 8 Mio t Förderung pro Jahr ist eine Resourcenausweitung nicht das vordringlichste Problem.
Der chinesische Vertrag mit 1,5 Mio t Konzentrat p.a. ist allgemein bekannt, es war ihm über weitere anstehende Deals leider nichts zu entlocken.
Das soweit in aller Kürze.
Diese Infos sind ein Gedächtnisprotokoll. Irrtümer, Fehler und Gedächtnisschwäche sind nicht auszuschließen...
stay Cool
Advanced Explorations schließt Vorab-Liefervertrag
Rohstoffraketen Eisenerz-Explorer Advanced Explorations hat am vergangenen Dienstag einen Abnahmevertrag mit einer chinesischen Minenfinanzierungsgesellschaft geschlossen. Der Vertrag sieht vor, dass die Chinesen über eine Dauer von zehn Jahren verbindlich 1,5 Millionen Tonnen Eisenerz pro Jahr abnehmen, sobald das Projekt in Produktion ist. Nach Angaben des Börsenbriefs Rohstoffraketen hat es so etwas noch nie gegeben. Auch Advanced-CEO John Gingerich war von diesem Abschluss begeistert.
Zusätzlich zum Abnahmevertrag gab Advanced Explorations ein so genanntes “Flow-Through Private Placement” über 6,8 Millionen Aktien zu 2,83 kanadischen Dollar (CAD) pro Aktie bekannt. Bei dieser Art der Finanzierung können Teilnehmer den Kaufpreis steuerlich geltend machen, weswegen diese bereit sind, deutliche Aufschläge zum aktuellen Börsenkurs zu zahlen. Mit jeder Aktie ist zudem eine halbe Kaufoption mit einem Ausübungspreis bei 3,88 CAD verknüpft.
Die Redaktion des Börsenbriefs Rohstoffraketen glaubt, dass die Aktie auch die Marke von 3,88 CAD überwinden sollte und betont, dass Advanced Explorations mit einer Milliarde Tonnen historischer Resourcen bei einem Kurs von 4,00 CAD lediglich mit 100 Millionen CAD bewertet wäre. Größere Korrekturen im Bereich von zehn bis zwanzig Prozent seien nach dem letzten Hype “glasklare Kaufkurse”, so Rohstoffraketen.
Nov 05, 2007 09:26 ET
Advanced Explorations Inc. to Increase Previously Announced Flow Through Financing to $9,622,000
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 5, 2007) - Advanced Explorations Inc. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:AXI) is pleased to announce that due to strong interest in the flow through financing announced October 30th, 2007 that the Company will increase the amount it intends to raise by approximately 41%. Subject to TSX approval the Company intends to raise up to $9,622,000 through a non-brokered private placement sale of 3,400,000 Flow Through units in the Company at the price of $2.83 per unit. Each unit comprises one common share of the Company and one half non-flow through share purchase warrant, wherein each whole share purchase warrant shall be exercisable at the price of $3.88 per common share. All issued Shares and issuable Shares pursuant to the exercise of share purchase warrants will be subject to a 4 month hold period from the date of issuance of the units. All warrants are exercisable for a term of 2 years from the date of distribution of the units. In connection with the private placement the company will pay total commissions of 10% cash and 5% compensation warrants priced at $2.83 with a 2 year term.
John Gingerich, President & CEO
ABOUT Advanced Explorations Inc.
AEI, based in Toronto, Canada, has been developing a strategy to leverage its expertise and experience in identifying business opportunities within the Resource sector. The company has recently expanded its capabilities in iron ore exploration and development with the acquisition of strategic management personnel. AEI has the management, technical and exploration expertise and experience to rapidly advance the Roche Bay magnetite project, as well as develop new opportunities in the area and globally. The Roche Bay magnetite project located proximal to a natural port makes it potentially one of the world's premier iron ore opportunities. Shares of the company trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol AXI. For more information please visit
This news release also includes forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. The information reflects numerous assumptions as to industry performance, general business and economic conditions, regulatory and legal requirements, taxes and other matters, many of which are beyond the control of the company. Similarly, this information assumes certain future business decisions that are subject to change. There can be no assurance that the results predicted here will be realized. Actual results may vary from those represented, and those variations may be material.
This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any of securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.
For more information, please contact
Advanced Explorations Inc.
John Gingerich
President & CEO
(416) 203-0057
Monday November 19, 9:47 am ET
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 19, 2007) - Advanced Explorations Inc. (the "Company" or "AEI") (TSX VENTURE:AXI - News) is pleased to announce that the Company has completed 37 diamond drill holes comprising 9277 metres on the Roche Bay project located on the east coast of the Melville Peninsula, Nunavut. The drill program has tested "zone 1" over a strike of 4000 metres. Zone 1 is one of two parallel banded iron formations that form the "C Zone" which has been mapped over a strike of 5700 metres. Previous studies (drilling, metallurgy, economic) were focused on the A, B, and D zones located on the most northern lease. The potential of these zones had been clearly established by the previous work. This drill program which focused on the C Zone provides a perspective to the significant size potential of the iron deposits.
Drilling on the project has ceased for this year, and is expected to commence again early in the new year. The objective is to ramp up from two drills to four drills and potentially a fifth in next year's campaign. Over the next few months we will be focusing on providing a resource statement on zone 1. This work has been contracted to Golder Associates. Another metallurgical sample from zone 1 has been shipped to SGS Lakefield.
John Gingerich, AEI President and CEO, commented:
"We continue to make good progress on the technical programs. This year's drilling has clearly established the size potential of the Roche Bay iron deposits. We have yet to test 50% of the C Zone and in the area where most of the historical work was focused, the Company has yet to drill a hole. Within the 4 leases the Company has over 20 kilometres of iron formation to test and in some instances, such as the C Zone, there are multiple zones to test."
The backlog of assay information from the laboratory is being addressed and the Company expects additional information to be released shortly.
The Company also announces that it has received commitments to the previously announced flow through financings of October 30, 2007 and November 5, 2007 and is in the process of closing these financings. Each unit consists of a common share and a 1/2 share purchase warrant, wherein a whole purchase warrant may be exercised at the price of $3.88 per common share and subject to a 4 month hold period from the date of closing.
AEI will be attending the Mines and Money Show in London, UK. The show runs from November 21 and 22 2007 and the Company will be presenting a talk on the Roche Bay project on the 22nd.
John Gingerich, President & CEO
Nov 22, 2007 11:20 ET
Advanced Explorations Inc. Closes $6,792,000 in Flow Through Financing
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 22, 2007) - Advanced Explorations Inc. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:AXI) is pleased to announce the completion of the non-brokered private placement previously announced on October 30th. A total of 2,400,000 Flow-through units (the "Units") were sold at a price of $2.83 per Unit, for gross proceeds of $6,792,000. Each unit comprises one common share of the Company and one half non-flow through share purchase warrant, wherein each whole share purchase warrant shall be exercisable at the price of $3.88 per common share. All issued Shares and issuable Shares pursuant to the exercise of share purchase warrants will be subject to a 4 month hold period from the date of issuance of the units. All warrants are exercisable for a term of 2 years from the date of distribution of the units. In connection with the private placement, the company has paid total commissions of $679,200 in cash and 120,000 compensation warrants priced at $2.83 with a 2 year term.
John Gingerich, AEI President and CEO, commented:
"With this financing the company has a strong balance sheet from which to aggressively accelerate our technical program. Over the next few months we will continue to pursue new business opportunities and working relationships such as with the First China Capital Group which helped establish our China off-take agreement. The key objective of our current business development strategy is to enhance the project economics while reducing project risk."
Ensign Capital assisted the Company in concluding this financing.
John Gingerich, President & CEO
ABOUT Advanced Explorations Inc.
AEI, based in Toronto, Canada, has been developing a strategy to leverage its expertise and experience in identifying business opportunities within the Resource sector. The company has recently expanded its capabilities in iron ore exploration and development with the acquisition of strategic management personnel. AEI has the management, technical and exploration expertise and experience to rapidly advance the Roche Bay magnetite project, as well as develop new opportunities in the area and globally. The Roche Bay magnetite project located proximal to a natural port makes it potentially one of the world's premier iron ore opportunities. Shares of the company trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol AXI. For more information please visit
This news release also includes forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. The information reflects numerous assumptions as to industry performance, general business and economic conditions, regulatory and legal requirements, taxes and other matters, many of which are beyond the control of the company. Similarly, this information assumes certain future business decisions that are subject to change. There can be no assurance that the results predicted here will be realized. Actual results may vary from those represented, and those variations may be material.
This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any of securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.
For more information, please contact
Advanced Explorations Inc.
John Gingerich
President & CEO
(416) 203-0057
Advanced Explorations Inc. Closes Additional $2,830,000 in Flow Through Financing
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 27, 2007) - Advanced Explorations Inc. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:AXI) is pleased to announce the completion of the non-brokered private placement previously announced on November 5th. A total of 1,000,000 Flow-through units (the "Units") were sold at a price of $2.83 per Unit, for gross proceeds of $2,830,000. Each unit comprises one common share of the Company and one half non-flow through share purchase warrant, wherein each whole share purchase warrant shall be exercisable at the price of $3.88 per common share. All issued Shares and issuable Shares pursuant to the exercise of share purchase warrants will be subject to a 4 month hold period from the date of issuance of the units. All warrants are exercisable for a term of 2 years from the date of distribution of the units. In connection with the private placement, the company has paid Ensign Capital Inc., Wellington West Capital Inc. and Secutor Capital Management Corporation total commissions of $278,443.70 in cash and 49,195 compensation warrants priced at $2.83 with a 2 year term.
John Gingerich, President and CEO commented;
"The completion on Monday of the second flow through financing adds to the Company's strong balance sheet. We continue to enjoy a high level of investor confidence in the management team's ability to move the Roche Bay magnetite iron ore project forward. Our current business development strategy is to enhance the project economics while reducing project risk. We hope to see benefits of these business development efforts in the near future."
John Gingerich, President & CEO
ABOUT Advanced Explorations Inc.
AEI, based in Toronto, Canada, has been developing a strategy to leverage its expertise and experience in identifying business opportunities within the Resource sector. The company has recently expanded its capabilities in iron ore exploration and development with the acquisition of strategic management personnel. AEI has the management, technical and exploration expertise and experience to rapidly advance the Roche Bay magnetite project, as well as develop new opportunities in the area and globally. The Roche Bay magnetite project located proximal to a natural port makes it potentially one of the world's premier iron ore opportunities. Shares of the company trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol AXI. For more information please visit
This news release also includes forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. The information reflects numerous assumptions as to industry performance, general business and economic conditions, regulatory and legal requirements, taxes and other matters, many of which are beyond the control of the company. Similarly, this information assumes certain future business decisions that are subject to change. There can be no assurance that the results predicted here will be realized. Actual results may vary from those represented, and those variations may be material.
This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any of securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.
Advanced Explorations names two to management roles
2007-12-04 11:59 ET - News Release
Mr. John Gingerich reports
Advanced Explorations Inc. has added Joseph Chiummiento and Lou Nagy to the management team. Mr. Chiummiento will serve as corporate secretary and continue to provide supplemental legal services to the company. Mr. Nagy, CA, will replace Mark Gossin as the company's chief financial officer. Mr. Gossin will remain on the board where he will continue to focus on the financial aspects of the company's operation and work will Mr. Nagy as a member of the audit committee.
Mr. Chiummiento is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and was called to the Bar in Ontario. He has previously served as general counsel to Epsilon Energy Ltd., a junior resource company, and brings with him the background and experience in matters of business law which the company believes will serve to enhance its governance practices. The company has used Mr. Chiummiento over the last several months to augment its legal efforts on a number of fronts and looks forward to having Mr. Chiummiento join the company's management team.
Mr. Nagy, CA, currently serves as chief financial officer for BacTech Mining Corp. and Golden Odyssey Mining Inc. Mr. Nagy's experience in the junior mining sector is seen as a significant asset as the company prepares for and plans to ramp-up activities early in 2008.
John Gingerich, AEI president and chief executive officer, commented: "The Company is committed to continuous improvement. With the addition of Joseph and Lou to our management team we hope to strengthen our board governance and financial practices."
We seek Safe Harbor.