A-Power Energy: China-Aktie im Aufwind
Mit paar News über größrere Aufträge wäre das gut möglich.
dass man nichts mehr vom Texas Projekt hört...und eigentlich sollte ja 2010 schon alles unter Dach und Fach sein...
Ohne das Kerngeschäft wäre A-Pwoer vermutlich schon am Ende: Trotzdem frage ich mich wie es sein, kann dass die nichts verkaufen im Windgeschäft?? Von Solar will ich ja gar nicht reden....
Ist die Wettbewerbsposition in China so schwach im Windgeschäft??
Hier noch eine Meinung zu A-Power, vom 20.Januar 2011, www.fool.com
Power generation
A-Power and SmartHeat go after different parts of the Chinese power generation market. A-Power builds power plants, and it's recently decided to enter the wind-turbine business. Its recent weak earnings report has given investors the opportunity to buy in at a lower price. SmartHeat sells heat exchangers in China, making power plants more energy-efficient. Analysts expect both companies to grow at an annual rate of 20% or more over the next five years, and at these prices, the risk-reward trade-off looks attractive.
A-Power Affiliate Receives Notice of Arbitration from GE Transportation
Press Release Source: A-Power Energy Generation Systems, Ltd. On Wednesday March 9, 2011, 8:00 am EST
SHENYANG, China, March 9, 2011 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall/ -- A-Power Energy Generation Systems, Ltd. (Nasdaq:APWR - News) ("A-Power" or the "Company"), a leading provider of distributed power generation systems in China and a manufacturer of wind turbines, today announced that on March 7, 2011, a subsidiary of GE Transportation served notice on A-Power that GE Transportation has issued a demand for arbitration against A-Power for alleged unresolved breaches of certain terms of the gearbox purchase and sale contract between them. A-Power is presently considering its response to this notice from GE Transportation. If this matter proceeds to arbitration, A-Power cannot reliably determine the outcome or the pote
könnte, muss aber nicht, da noch alles offen ist.
auch mal interessieren. Wenn man bedenkt auf welchem Niveau man sich damals noch bewegt hat:
Und A-Power........................................????????????????????????????????????????
der Schuppen überhaupt mal eine einzige Windanlage verkaufen. Hat er das bisher mal geschafft? Afaik nein.
endlich ma wieder nen auftrag!!! wird auch gleich abgearbeitet xD beginn am 18. märz bis ende 2011
hoffe das war erst der anfang...
A-Power Postpones Earnings Conference Call from March 29 to Later in 2011
Press Release Source: A-Power Energy Generation Systems, Ltd. On Monday March 28, 2011, 8:38 am EDT
SHENYANG, China, March 28, 2011 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall/ -- A-Power Energy Generation Systems, Ltd. (Nasdaq:APWR - News) ("A-Power" or "the Company"), a leading provider of distributed power generation systems in China and a manufacturer of wind turbines, today announced that it has postponed its year 2010 earnings conference call previously scheduled for March 29, 2011 at 7:30 a.m. EDT to a later day in 2011 to be determined. The postponement was not due to any accounting irregularities and will allow the Company and its independent auditors to complete their work on the financial statements and audit. The Company regrets any inconvenience that the postponement may have created.