Gazprom 903276
Zeit Kurs + Zusatz Umsatz Umsatz kumuliert
09:39:57§ 4,97 100.000 411.247
Es wird weiter munter rauf und runter gehen...
Das Risiko lautet ja nicht nur Russenaktie an sich, sondern zusätzlich: was werden die Amerikaner machen? -- "Weißes Haus rät, russische Aktien zu meiden"...
Heh,wir denken über Urlaub auf der Krim nach,scheiß auf die amerik.Kriegstreiber.
Was glaubst denn Du, warum die Amis 5 Milliarden in die Destabilisierung der Ukraine gesteckt haben, jetzt den Kriegstreiber geben und vor dem Aktienkauf warnen???
;-)))....All das ist Teil eines politischen Scheiss-Spiels, das ausschließlich amerikanischen Interessen gilt (Fracking-Gas) und wofür Europa den Kopf hinhalten soll.
Reuters meldet unter Berufung auf einen Sprecher der ukrainischen Marine, es seien keine Schüsse gefallen. Die prorussischen Krim-Soldaten seien nicht bewaffnet gewesen, Dutzende zum Teil Maskierte hätten die Flaggen gehisst. AP berichtete von mehreren hundert prorussischen Männern.
Der Oberkommandeur der in Sewastopol stationierten russischen Schwarzmeerflotte, Alexander Witko, verhandele über eine friedliche Übergabe, meldeten russische Agenturen. Mehrere ukrainische Soldaten sollen sich verbarrikadiert haben, meldet dpa. Medien in Kiew berichteten, unter den Angreifern seien auch Frauen."""
Tja, Herr Jazenjuk, schon wieder kein Krieg....!
US and UK residents hold 74% of private shares of Russian gas giant Gazprom
By Michael Hennigan, Finfacts founder and editor
Mar 19, 2014 - 8:25 AM
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A triumphant Vladimir Putin, Russian president, announced the annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region, to his power elite in the Kremlin's St. George's Hall, Tues March 18, 2014. He said about Russia's enemies in the West: "we were cheated again and again, with decisions being taken behind our back."
The Russian state owns half of the shares in gas giant OAO Gazprom while US and UK resident shareholders hold 74% of the privately held shares, according to JP Morgan data.
Some overseas Russian interests may own some of the shares but there is significant evidence that Western capital underpins the regime in the Kremlin.
The fact that the key energy companies that are an essential part of President Vladimir Putin's arbitrary control of the former communist state, suggests that serious Western economic sanctions in response to the seizure of Crimea from Ukraine, would also impact business interests in what used to be known as the free world.
Bloomberg News says BP’s stake in Rosneft, run by Putin associate Igor Sechin, is the biggest single foreign investment in Russia’s oil industry and provides 30% of the London-based company’s production, according to Deutsche Bank AG.
“A downward spiral in Western state relations with Russia certainly puts BP and Exxon in a very uncomfortable position,” said Andrew Neff, an analyst at IHS, in an e-mailed response to Bloomberg's questions. “I would see a period of awkwardness and discomfort, but nothing so dramatic as a withdrawal.”
Reuters estimates that foreigners own 70% of the shares that are traded on the Moscow stock market, while big US funds such as PIMCO and BlackRock have pumped $325bn into stocks and bonds issued by Russian companies and the country’s government, over the past four years. Of that, $235bn has been directed toward corporate borrowings by the likes of Gazprom and state-owned banks like Sberbank.
Ich habe Gazprom gekauft,ich denke sind 10-20% drin.Die Russen jubeln jetzt,der RTX steigt und Gazprom hat immer hin, in der Index gewichtung 20%
Banken werden profitieren. Aber die beste Wahl sollte man schon treffen.Zb. Raiffeisen Internationl.
Die Amis spekulieren wie wild.
Short US25459W2843
Long US25459Y6453
Some overseas Russian interests may own some of the shares but there is significant evidence that Western capital underpins the regime in the Kremlin.
The fact that the key energy companies that are an essential part of President Vladimir Putin's arbitrary control of the former communist state, suggests that serious Western economic sanctions in response to the seizure of Crimea from Ukraine, would also impact business interests in what used to be known as the free world.
Bloomberg News says BP’s stake in Rosneft, run by Putin associate Igor Sechin, is the biggest single foreign investment in Russia’s oil industry and provides 30% of the London-based company’s production, according to Deutsche Bank AG.
“A downward spiral in Western state relations with Russia certainly puts BP and Exxon in a very uncomfortable position,” said Andrew Neff, an analyst at IHS, in an e-mailed response to Bloomberg's questions. “I would see a period of awkwardness and discomfort, but nothing so dramatic as a withdrawal.”
Reuters estimates that foreigners own 70% of the shares that are traded on the Moscow stock market, while big US funds such as PIMCO and BlackRock have pumped $325bn into stocks and bonds issued by Russian companies and the country’s government, over the past four years. Of that, $235bn has been directed toward corporate borrowings by the likes of Gazprom and state-owned banks like Sberbank.
denke da geht noch gut was nach unten wenn man die neusten news aus der USA liest
Glaubst Du im Ernst, dass die still Nicken, wenn Obama einen Handelsstop o.ä. "anordnet"? Nicht ernsthaft, oder?!
Da hatte Jazenjuk extra den Gebrauch der Waffen "erlaubt" und die ukrainischen Soldaten wollen nicht schiessen....So ein Pech für den Hetzer, wieder keinen Krieg erreicht. (Ironie off, nein Sarkasmus off).