+ 12,3 % bei Geron (902213) Was ist los? o. T.

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Neuester Beitrag: 07.06.24 14:03
Eröffnet am:04.06.04 17:51von: BiomediAnzahl Beiträge:398
Neuester Beitrag:07.06.24 14:03von: VassagoLeser gesamt:120.272
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374 Postings, 7946 Tage meisloNa klar

20.12.04 15:27
Die Zeit ist reif!

gruss meislo  

374 Postings, 7946 Tage meisloPatent für geron

21.12.04 15:00
Aktie vorbörslich bei 7,85 Dollar

Geron Corporation Receives U.S. Patent for Differentiating Human Embryonic Stem Cells Into Neural Cells
Tuesday December 21, 7:30 am ET

MENLO PARK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 21, 2004--Geron Corporation (Nasdaq:GERN - News) announced today that it has been granted U.S. Patent No. 6,833,269, covering the production of human neural cells from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs).
The new patent covers a method of producing neural cells by culturing hESCs in the presence of a mitogen and a neurotrophin. Geron scientists developed the method using a combination of these two types of biological factors to induce hESCs to differentiate into neural cells. In particular, the technology covered by the patent can be used to produce dopaminergic neurons, the dopamine-producing cells that are lost in Parkinson's disease.

" Geron and its collaborators have developed techniques to produce eight different types of differentiated cells from hESCs, each with unique therapeutic applications. Moreover the company has developed technologies to scalably produce hESCs in quantities suitable for the production of cell therapeutics," said Thomas B. Okarma, Ph.D., M.D., Geron's president and chief executive officer. " The technology covered by the new patent is of particular therapeutic relevance since there is broad interest in the potential to treat Parkinson's disease using cell therapies. For example, clinical trials have been reported in which neural cells from fetal brains were transplanted into patients. However, those cell populations were highly heterogeneous and are challenging to source. In contrast, Geron's hESCs technology offers the potential to reproducibly generate large quantities of well-characterized dopamine-producing neural cell populations."

" The patent is a significant addition to Geron's worldwide intellectual property rights in the stem cell field," noted David J. Earp, J.D., Ph.D., Geron's chief patent counsel and senior vice president of business development. " Notably, the Australian patent corresponding to the new U.S. case has already been accepted, and the claims of the corresponding U.K. patent application have been allowed. Our stem cell patent portfolio now includes over 240 filings worldwide that are either owned by, or licensed to, Geron. The primary purpose of our patent estate is to protect our substantial investments in Geron's lead product opportunities. But, just as the stem cell technologies that we have developed should be broadly useful in the hESC field, the scope of Geron's patent estate extends beyond the product opportunities on which we are focused. As the number of hESC academic researchers continues to expand, and companies enter the field, we look forward to making our patented technologies available to collaborators, development partners and licensees


138 Postings, 7374 Tage Muckelund damit beeindruckender Sprung über 200- und

21.12.04 16:34
38-Tage Linie. Prima, weiter so.
Gruß Muck  

11820 Postings, 7570 Tage fuzzi08GERON: Out-Break

07.01.05 15:57
Um in der Branche zu bleiben, habe ich mich ausnahmsweise des bekannten Kinoti-
tels bedient. Worum geht es?
Wie im beigefügten Chartbild zu sehen ist, hat die GERON-Aktie im Januar-Februar
2004 eine schulbuchmäßige S-K-S-Formation ausgebildet. Der Kopf war gleichzeitig
das Top für den nun einsetzenden Abwärtstrend (blaue Trendlinie), der letztmals
im Dezember bei etwa 7,80 USD aufsetzte, bevor er gleich anschließend durchbro-
chen wurde. Der Ausbruch hat seither tadellos gehalten. Auch bei einem Test der
Breaklinie um die Jahreswende (was als Bestätigung für den Ausbruch gelten sollte).
Eine bei etwa 8,40 USD verlaufende Widerstandslinie (grün) wurde zwar Ende De-
zember getestet, hielt aber vorläufig noch.
Den endgültigen Befreiungsschlag vollführte der Kurs heute, im Gefolge einer eben-
so befreienden Nachricht: Der Patentstreit gegen die "Advanced Cell Technology
Corporation -ACT-, bei dem es um die Verwertung von Cloning-Rechten ging, wurde
endgültig gewonnen. Außerdem stehen die Chancen in einem weiteren Patentstreit
gegen ACT gut, so daß sich nunmehr eine interessante Pipeline darstellt.
Mit dem heutigen Kurssprung durchbricht GERON nunmehr auch die oben genannte (grüne) Widerstandslinie.
Sollte sich der Ausbruch bestätigen, gibt es mehrere Möglichkeiten:
der Chart entwickelt jenseits der grünen Widerstandslinie einen neue Aufwärts-
trendlinie - oder der Kurs entwickelt sich weiterhin innerhalb des in der Grafik
schwarz eingezeichneten Aufwärts-Trendkanals.
In jedem Fall dürften wir -ausbleibende negative Nachrichten vorausgesetzt- in
naher Zukunft das alte Kursniveau von Anfang 2004 wiedersehen. Das bedeutet: 11-12 USD.
Mein erstes Kursziel: 9,-EURO. Mittelfristig: 15,-EURO  
Angehängte Grafik:

5410 Postings, 8824 Tage Biomedi@meislo: Gratuliere uns beiden! o. T.

07.01.05 18:15

5410 Postings, 8824 Tage BiomediGeron sollte man wohl nachkaufen mitttelfristig. o. T.

10.01.05 15:36

374 Postings, 7946 Tage meisloHallo Biomedi

10.01.05 23:01
Bist Du auch bereit in was anderes zu invetieren?

z. B. eienm Explorer der das zeug zum verzehnfachen auf sicht von 9 monaten besitzt oder bist du einfach nur biofan?

mach dich mal schlau über cardero wkn 919945

ich habe infos zu dem wert!

könnte sich lohnen.

Ich bin dort dick investiert.

die performence von geron ist doch lächerlich wenn man bedenkt wie ccel, stem und astm performt haben!

gruss meislo


79561 Postings, 9109 Tage KickyGeron konsolidiert wieder

10.01.05 23:33
Geron minus 3% heute STEM minus 10%  ASTM +5% ,aber die wird auch in Kürze fallen,reichlich überkauft

und die cordero ist ne canadische Goldaktie mit nem Haufen Schulden


374 Postings, 7946 Tage meisloWie kannst du behaupten

11.01.05 05:12
dass cardero schuldebn hätte???

Wo hast du die fehlinformation her?

gruss meislo


79561 Postings, 9109 Tage KickyCardero hat Schulden

11.01.05 12:06
http://www.tsx.com/en/mediaCentre/mediaKit/index.html  CDU-VN eintragen auf quote klicken und dann unten rechts auf Company snapshot
Profit/Loss ($000):  -1,713  -1,197  -299   2001 bis 2003
Earnings per Share:  -0.08  -0.09  -0.03  
Trailing 12 Month Results  
No Quarterly Information Available  
und hier kannste sehen wie sie sich mit ständiger Ausgabe neuer Aktien über Wasser halten: http://www.cdnx.com/LCDB/Financing.asp?PO_ID=19368&HC_FLAG1=checked  

3947 Postings, 8639 Tage EskimatoVorbörsen gut.

11.01.05 15:26
Gruss E.

Geron Announces License Agreement with Cambrex for Distribution of Telomerase-Immortalized Human Cell Lines  

MENLO PARK, Calif., Jan 11, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Geron Corporation
(Nasdaq: GERN) today announced a worldwide license agreement between Geron and
Cambrex Bio Science Walkersville, Inc. under which the Cambrex (NYSE:CBM)
subsidiary will develop and distribute cell lines that have been immortalized
using Geron's proprietary telomerase technology.


374 Postings, 7946 Tage meisloCardero hat schulden

11.01.05 16:16
Cardero hat durch die ausgabe dieser aktien ommerhin 20 mio Dollat eingeholt!!

und die werden benötigt um neue lizenzen zu erwerben !

Immerhin hat cardero nun an die 20 lizenzen und die bajalizenz ist die zum gelddrucken!

Ende des Monats wird die baja durch den partner Anglo Americans bebohrt und etwa 2-3 Monate später kommen die ergebnisse. Sind dies nur annähernd so gut wie bei Ullmannn beschrieben dürfte die rakete zünden. Die Ullmannanalyse liegt mir komplett vor und ist eigentlich erstellt worden um investoren im rahmen einer roadshow zu informieren.

Hier ein ausszug aus dieser ananlyse

angemerkt sei dass ullmann seit jahren mit dr. jens erhardt zusammenarbeitet und somit als seriös zu bezeichnen ist!


Cardero Resource kaufenswert
Ullmann, Schmidt & Co.

Das Researchteam von "Ullmann, Schmidt & Co." stuft die Aktie von Cardero Resource (ISIN CA14140U1057/ WKN 919945) als kaufenswerte spekulative Depotbeimischung im Rohstoffsegment ein.

Gegründet in 1999, habe sich Cardero schnell zu einem umfangreichen Lizenznehmer mit weitläufigem Netzwerk von strategischen und finanziellen Beziehungen zu Minenunternehmen und Entscheidungsträgern in der Politik entwickelt. Ziel von Cardero sei die Shareholder Value-Maximierung durch die Anwendung der hohen operativen und geologischen Management-Expertise. Cardero verfüge derzeit über 18 verschiedene Lizenzen in Mexiko (IOCG, Kupfer, Gold), Peru (IOCG, Eisenerz, Kupfer) und Argentinien (Silber, Kupfer, Gold). Kurz vor den ersten Probebohrungen würden Lizenzgebiete auf der Baja California (Mexiko/IOCG) stehen, wo Joint-Venture-Partner Anglo American plc. umfangreiche geophysikalische Untersuchungen mit bereits vielversprechenden Resultaten durchführe.

Allein in dieser Region vermute Anglo American plc. aufgrund der bisherigen Messungen bis zu sechs Erzkörper, wobei es sich größtenteils um außergewöhnlich große Vorkommen handeln könne. Mit dem 100%igen Optionsrecht an dem Eisenerzvorkommen Pampa de Pongo in Peru, das in einem aktuellen Bohrprogramm weiter exploriert werde, eröffne sich für Cardero die Möglichkeit, bei positiven Ergebnissen die Produktionsaufnahme mit einem Joint Venture-Partner zu erwägen. Die exzellenten Kontakte zu Behörden und der Minenindustrie in Argentinien würden nach Einschätzung der Experten dazu führen, dass das bestehende Lizenz-Portfolio in Argentinien auch kurzfristig durch weitere hochkarätige Projekte bereichert werde.

Aufgrund dieser auf konservativen Annahmen beruhenden Net Asset Value-Kalkulation errechnen die Experten von "Ullmann, Schmidt & Co." als derzeitiges Kurspotential 7,39 CAD je voll verwässerter Cardero-Aktie. Das Potential von Cardero werde an einem ermittelten Wert je Aktie von rund 106 CAD deutlich, sollten die anstehenden Bohrungen für lediglich ein Projekt auf der Baja California (San Fernando) die hohen Erwartungen erfüllen.

Bisher seien noch keine Vorkommen als Ressourcen bestimmt, es seien
lediglich Erzkörper identifiziert worden. Dagegen würden die bisherigen geologischen Untersuchungen bei positiven Bohrergebnissen besonders auf der Baja California auf außergewöhnlich große Vorkommen und damit erhebliche Kurschancen schließen lassen.

Für die Experten von "Ullmann, Schmidt & Co." sind die Aktien von Cardero Resource in angemessenem Depotumfang als spekulative Beimischung im Rohstoffsegment kaufenswert.

Das Potential von Cardero werde an einem ermittelten Wert je Aktie von rund 106 CAD deutlich  Nach heutigen Marktpreisen liegt dass NAV bei etwa 170 Dollar!!!

weitere Analysen







First Focus


Präsentation Roadshow


interresante seite


und zum schluss noch dieses

If you like copper, you have to like Cardero (CDU-V $2.98 Canadian 39 million shares; website). They begin drilling on a massive multi-billion ton target at San Fernando in Northern Baja in late January. Expect results in 2-3 months


gruss meislo


374 Postings, 7946 Tage meisloCardero pleased with San Fernando IP survey result

12.01.05 19:35
Cardero pleased with San Fernando IP survey results

2005-01-12 13:09 ET - News Release

Mr. Henk Van Alphen reports


Cardero Resource Corp. has been informed that regional exploration by Anglo American Mexico SA de CV has highlighted the San Fernando district as highly prospective as evidenced by presence of a large, robust, multiphase alteration system associated with iron-oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) mineralization.

Reports from the early 1900s state that Mina San Fernando was intermittently worked from 1769 to 1907. The majority of development occurred in the period 1900 to 1907 when the Main and Ingelesa shafts were deepened to approximately 180 and 140 metres respectively with 800 metres of drifting on six levels.

Production appears to have exploited structurally controlled, high-grade, copper mineralization and abruptly ceased in 1907 in 15 feet of massive chalcopyrite mineralization as a result of the Mexican Revolution. Sampling of high-grade pillars at 120-foot depth in 1910 returned values of 25 per cent, 35.5 per cent and 18.8 per cent copper, and in 1922 a systematic channel sample from disseminated mineralization returned 71 feet at 2.26 per cent copper.

Subsequent detailed magnetic and gravity surveys by Anglo have successfully outlined a very large, coherent, geophysical anomaly associated with and extending to the east, west and south of the significant Mina San Fernando occurrence. The core of the anomaly has the following modelled dimensions: 2.4 kilometres east-west by 600 metres north-south and extending for several hundred metres depth.

A 17.5-line-kilometre induced polarization (IP) survey was designed by Anglo to test for the presence of disseminated sulphide mineralization at depths ranging from subsurface to approximately 400 to 600 metres deep. Results to date are highly encouraging, defining two IP anomalies intimately associated with and immediately adjacent to the known mineralization and the large magnetic gravity anomaly.

The west anomaly, located on the western flanks of the magnetic anomaly, has modelled chargeabilities ranging from 30 to 40 milliseconds, extends over an area of approximately 500 metres east-west by 500 metres north-south, and remains open to the west and at depth.

The eastern anomaly, located on eastern flank of the magnetic anomaly, is spatially associated with the former Mina San Fernando, has modelled chargeabilities ranging from 40 to 70 milliseconds, extends circa 600 metres east-west by 700 metres north-south, and remains partially open to the west and open to the east and at depth.

A more detailed IP survey, presently in progress, will endeavour to close the San Fernando anomalies in addition to screening several other high priority targets prior to drill testing in the first quarter of 2005.

Cardero's president, Henk Van Alphen, notes, " The results are highly encouraging including a very large textbook IOCG geophysical response hosted within a complex alteration system and intimately associated with the presence of significant IOCG mineralization at Mina San Fernando."

EurGeo Dr. Mark D. Cruise, Cardero's vice-president, exploration, a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the information contained in this news release. Dr. Cruise was formerly a senior geologist with Anglo and the project manager responsible for overall supervision of the Baja Norte IOCG project, including the design and implementation of the work program and the quality control and quality assurance programs.

5410 Postings, 8824 Tage BiomediKommt wieder in Bewegung! o. T.

18.01.05 16:48

374 Postings, 7946 Tage meisloHOT Very HOT

24.01.05 17:37
Sam Parks
PO Box 1850
Kingston WA 98346
January 21, 2005
Dear Friends,

Ordinarily I am not a big fan of early stage exploration plays but I would be amiss if
I didn’t tell you about this one. It is Cardero Resource Corp. (CDU:C$3.30:TSX )

Cardero is a 30% partner with the base metal giant Anglo American on an Iron ore
Copper Gold deposit (IOCG) on Mexico’s Baja Peninsula.

Last October I was granted a private presentation by Anglo Geologists and Geophysicists
where they discussed geophysical results and the potential for the San Fernando project.
Some of their geophysics was over my head, but the potential size of the project and their
enthusiasm for it wasn’t. Actually I have heard that Anglo considers the program to be
their best early stage exploration project in the world.

Interestingly Mark Cruise formerly senior geologist with Anglo and project manger for
the project left Anglo to become Cardero’s vice president of exploration. That should tell
us something.

When I read or hear the terms “world class” or “elephant” used to describe the potential
of an exploration project I usually run for cover. But, in the case of San Fernando the
both terms fit.

Drilling is scheduled to start on San Fernando in the first week of February.
And drill results Drill results should be forthcoming in April.

Next week I plan to buy a few shares of Cardero and enter a stop loss at C$2.25.

I believe that I will be stopped out if the drill program is not a success. But if Anglo and
Cardero find what they are looking for, this could be a very big story.

374 Postings, 7946 Tage meisloProstate Cancer Vaccine Shows Promise

05.03.05 11:33
Prostate Cancer Vaccine Shows Promise

FRIDAY, March 4 (HealthDayNews) -- A new vaccine that dramatically slows the recurrence of prostate cancer by marshaling the patient's own immune system to fight tumor cells looks promising in an early trial, researchers report.

This new vaccine uses the patient's own dendritic cells, white blood cells that activate the immune system, to connect antigens to the body's killer cells, called T-cells. The antigen the researchers targeted is called telomerase, which is secreted by all cancer tumors.

Antigens are protein parts made by viruses or bacteria. These antigens trigger the immune system to attack these invaders. A trick in developing cancer vaccines is training the immune system to recognize tumors as invading antigens.

" This is one of the first steps for the development of a universal cancer vaccine," said lead researcher Dr. Johannes Vieweg, an associate professor of urology and immunology at Duke University. " It may not only be effective in a single tumor system, like prostate cancer, but against many cancers, because telomerase is overexpressed in a variety of cancers."

In their study, Vieweg's team did tests to be sure the patient's immune T-cells were functioning and also monitored the number and types of T-cells during treatment.

Of the 20 patients in the trial, 19 had an increase in anti-telomerase T-cells (CD8 cells). Among nine patients, dendritic cells were genetically modified to increase the type of T-cells called CD4. All nine of these patients had an increased immune response, according to the report in the March 15 issue of the Journal of Immunology.

Moreover, the researchers found that vaccination was linked to a reduction in tumor cells and also to a slowing of increasing PSA levels.

The team found that vaccination allowed the body to distinguish between normal and cancer cells, Vieweg said. " With pinpoint accuracy, we can actually eliminate tumor cells in the patient's body," he said.

Vieweg said this study proved that their vaccine can stop cancer tumor activity without toxic side effects. " Unlike chemotherapy, we have a very specific drug that doesn't cause any side effects, but can stop tumor growth to some extent," he said.

The vaccine is designed to be used with patients who have failed usual treatments. Vieweg is quick to say that a cancer vaccine is not a cure, but rather a way to retard the growth of tumors, making cancer something patients can live with.

" This is a very attainable and worthwhile goal, having something that delays disease for a long time without having any side effects," Vieweg said.

Based on this finding from the Phase 1 trial, the research team is going on to a phase II trial to assess safety and efficacy, Vieweg said.

" Hopefully, this will go all the way and become an important therapy in the future. We are inching toward an effective cancer vaccine. We are not there yet, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel," he said. " Even if we can't cure cancer yet -- and no drug can do that at this point -- the second-best thing you can provide is hope."

One expert thinks this study is interesting, but whether or not the vaccine can really slow the progression of cancer in a large population is still up in the air.

" This is a potentially interesting antigen, because cancer cells depend on it for survival," said Dr. Howard L. Kaufman, vice chairman of surgical oncology at Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons. " However, it is probably a very weak target."

In addition, Kaufman believes that whether or not the vaccine is really effective has not been proved yet. " It's a little disappointing that the clinical response was not better," Kaufman said. However, the study was too small to really judge the true clinical results of this vaccine, he noted.

Another expert and cancer vaccine researcher echoed Kaufman's remarks. " This is an interesting paper which demonstrates that immune responses can be developed with vaccination strategies in patients with prostate cancer," said Dr. Eric Small, a professor of medicine at the University of California San Francisco.

" However, the study was not designed to evaluate clinical effectiveness," Small said. " The significance of this work is that it adds to the growing body of evidence that prostate cancer is a reasonable target for immunologic manipulations, and provides the basis for further study."

Small should know: In February, his team of researchers reported that another vaccine, called APC8015 (Provenge) extended survival in men with metastatic prostate cancer by 18 percent -- the first time an immune-based therapy has been proven to affect survival in these types of patients.

More information

The American Cancer Society (news - web sites) can tell you more about prostate cancer.



Geron Cancer Vaccine Shows Good Results
Friday March 4, 11:24 am ET
Geron Sees Promising Prostate Cancer Vaccine Results in Clinical Trial

MENLO PARK, Calif. (AP) -- Biopharmaceutical company Geron Corp. reported Friday that virtually all patients in an early to mid-stage clinical trial responded to its prostate cancer vaccine, with higher dose patients showing a significantly longer time to reach high levels of a protein associated with prostate cancer.

Geron shares rose 44 cents, or 6.3 percent, to $7.45 in morning trading on the Nasdaq.

According to results published in the Journal of Immunology, 19 out of 20 prostate cancer patients given Geron's telomerase therapeutic vaccine candidate generated T-cell, or white blood cell, responses.

Twelve of the patients received three weekly vaccinations, with eight patients going on to receive six weekly injections.

In the low-dose group, 11 patients responded with significant levels of telomerase-specific CD8+ T-cells and nine developed significant levels of telomerase-specific CD4+ T-cells. Researchers found that patients who were given six weekly vaccinations had more robust CD8+ T-cell responses that peaked two to four weeks after the sixth injection.

Five of the patients in the high-dose group, who had a prostate specific antigen doubling time of a median 2.9 months before treatment, had their doubling time increase to 100 months after treatment. No significant change was seen in seven evaluable low-dose patients.

Elevated levels of prostate specific antigen, a protein manufactured exclusively by the prostate gland, are associated with prostate cancer.

" These results are very exciting," said Duke University Medical Center Researcher and Senior Study Author Johannes Vieweg in a statement. " The high levels of telomerase T-cell immunity generated in these advanced cancer patients is striking. The temporal association between immunity and surrogate clinical response suggests a potential clinical impact of the vaccine."  

5410 Postings, 8824 Tage BiomediDa ist was im Busch +6% bei Tagesvol. jetzt schon! o. T.

06.07.05 16:42

5410 Postings, 8824 Tage BiomediCooperat. mit Merck! + 10% vorbörsl. in US.Meislo? o. T.

18.07.05 13:49

374 Postings, 7946 Tage meisloja biomedi, in der spitze bei 10,90 und merck

18.07.05 14:22
beteiligt sich an den nächsten finanzierungsrunden.

merck wird dann wohl zum aktionär von geron.


374 Postings, 7946 Tage meisloGeron, Merck in Vaccine Partnership

18.07.05 14:24


Geron, Merck in Vaccine Partnership
Monday July 18, 8:15 am ET  
Geron Shares Soar in Premarket Activity on Cancer Vaccine Development Agreement With Merck

MENLO PARK, Calif. (AP) -- Geron Corp. shares surged 21 percent in Monday premarket activity, after the biopharmaceutical company said it will team with Merck & Co. to develop a cancer vaccine against telomerase.

Telomerase is an enzyme, active in most cancer cells, that maintains telomere length at the ends of chromosomes. This activity allows the cancer to grow and metastasize over long periods of time.

Under terms of the agreement, Geron will receive an upfront payment, milestone payments upon reaching certain development and regulatory targets, and royalties. Merck also has agreed to acquire equity in Geron at a future date as part of Geron's next round of financing. Additional financial terms were not disclosed.

Geron shares shot up $1.83, or 21.3 percent, to $10.43 in early electronic trading. Merck shares closed Friday at $31.91 on the New York Stock Exchange.

"We at Merck are excited about what Geron has demonstrated with telomerase in cancer. Our objective is to combine our technologies with the hope of bringing a product to market that may have application across a large number of cancers," said Stephen Friend, executive vice president of Advanced Technology and Oncology at Merck Research Laboratories. "This is a project of high interest and commitment at Merck, and is indicative of Merck's strategic direction in developing new anti-cancer therapies."

In addition, Merck acquired an exclusive option to negotiate a separate agreement for Geron's dendritic cell-based telomerase vaccine currently in Phase I/II clinical trials at Duke University Medical Center. Geron will receive an option payment from Merck in consideration for the option. The structure and terms of an agreement for the dendritic cell vaccine will be negotiated if Merck decides to exercise its rights under the option.

Geron currently has two anti-cancer products in the clinic that target telomerase: GRN163L, a telomerase inhibitor drug that has just received FDA clearance to begin testing in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and GRNVAC1, a telomerase therapeutic vaccine currently in multiple Phase I/II trials at Duke in patients with prostate cancer


5410 Postings, 8824 Tage Biomedi@meislo altes Haus! habe gerade erst mal 50% ver-

18.07.05 14:27
kauft. Werde sofrt nachkaufn wenn der Kurs heute in den USA eine Delemacht, da sicher viele erst mal Gewnne mitnehmen. ahrscheinlich aergere ich mich mal wieder wenn die Delle (unter 10. 00 Dollar nicht mehr eintritt. Was machst DU? Auf jeden Fallmacht uns Geron - auf unsere alten Tage? - noch mal einigermassen wohlhabend. Der Eintritt von erck ist sicher ein entscheidender Schritt, dass die Firmenresultate von Geron ernst zu nehmen sind!

Gruss Biomedi  

374 Postings, 7946 Tage meisloHoffentlich bleibt es bei einer kooperation

18.07.05 14:31
Böerse de sieht geron schon von merck als wahrscheinlich übernommen an.

gruss meislo

Das Biotechnologieunternehmen Geron Corp. traf mit Merck & Co. eine Übereinkunft mit dem Ziel der gemeinsamen Entwicklung eines Krebsimpfstoffes und der gleichzeitigen Erforschung des in Krebszellen aktiven Enzyms Telomerase.

Wie Geron am Montag weiter mitteilte, wird das Unternehmen eine Vorabzahlung in nicht bestimmter Höhe erhalten. Danach würden Meilensteinzahlungen für geplante Leistungen wie das Erreichen von Entwicklungsschritten, behördliche Genehmigungen und Lizenzeinnahmen gewährt. Darüberhinaus schließt die Kooperation die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Übernahme Geron`s durch Merck zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt ein.


5410 Postings, 8824 Tage BiomediHabe mich ja ganz schoen vertippt heute- sorry! o. T.

18.07.05 14:32

5410 Postings, 8824 Tage Biomedi@Meislo, gleich unter 10.00 Dollar in US vorboersl o. T.

18.07.05 14:52

374 Postings, 7946 Tage meislo1 million gehandelter aktien in der vorbörse

18.07.05 15:02
mal sehen wo sie heute abend schliesst  

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